True Marvel World

Chapter 438 The Fate of Ultron and Vision

What kind of world would it be behind the gray hood?

Ron thought of many possibilities, such as the normal space outside the hood, or the life court sitting outside, waiting for him to come out or something...

But when the gray hood really disappeared, Ron felt that what he had thought before was still too simple.

What's behind the hood isn't space at all, not even space.

What appeared behind was nothing but endless emptiness and darkness, nothing.

It's like the air wall in the game. Unless the creator releases this area, the people inside will never be able to get out.

But the most worrying thing is not here, but after the gray cover disappeared, this 'air wall' actually began to shrink at a speed of 100 kilometers per second!

Although this future continent is not smaller than the earth, or even much larger, it cannot withstand these erosion rates.

In less than ten minutes, this future continent and the surrounding floating areas will be completely engulfed by the 'air wall', leaving no life at all.

Ron became anxious. If you don't find Ultron in these ten minutes, then you probably won't have any chances in the future.

After all, Ultron failed to defeat him this time, so Ultron should hide and never show up.

Would Ron let this happen?

No! Ultron is like a fish bone stuck in his throat, if it is not removed, it will always be a threat!

So Ron didn't intend to leave directly according to Gu Yi's instructions. He found the center of the future world, flew over, and waited quietly.

He didn't believe that Ultron had left here. There was a great chance that he had been hiding somewhere, but Ron couldn't find it for the time being.

But now, the 'air wall' is about to swallow the world directly, and Ron doesn't believe that Ultron will not come out.

If Ultron really doesn't come out in the end, then Ron can only admit it, and be more careful in the future.

As if being burned by flames, the world of the future is getting smaller and smaller.

In the third minute, the 'air wall' had swallowed up all the vacuum areas outside the continent, and began to touch the edge of the future continent.

In the fifth minute, the future continent has been swallowed up to only one third, and the area centered on Ron has become a circle.

In the fifth and a half minutes, only half of the final circle was left, and Ron could already clearly see the terrifying 'wall' three thousand kilometers away in any direction!

At five minutes and fifty seconds, there is only the last thousand kilometers left in this world, which is less than half the size of the United States in the real world.

Ron's telepathy has enveloped every corner of this last area, always on the lookout for unexpected situations.

Because if Ultron is really still in this future world and intends to show up at the last second, then Ron will have a very short time to solve him in the end.

If there is an accident, it is very likely that he will stay here with Ultron and be swallowed by the 'air wall'.

Ron didn't think that he could live intact in such a horrible place. If he failed, he would step into the abyss of death!

As for Ultron, will he feel inseparable and want to die with him?

On this point, Ron can say with certainty, no!

Ultron is a person who cherishes his own life, he will never let go of any chance to survive, so it is impossible to die with him.

What Ultron can do is to follow him back to the real world!

At five minutes and fifty-three seconds, Ron knew that his guess was right.

Ultron appeared.

It wasn't a very magical way of appearing. Ultron appeared in front of him with the help of a tattered robot not far from Ron that didn't look like this world at all.

There are many disabled places on the body of Ultron's robot, such as a broken foot, only half of both hands, and even half of the head, revealing the tattered lines inside.

"Seven seconds left..."

After standing up from the ground, Ultron smiled as if mocking himself, and after muttering, he said to Ron:

"I forgot, you still have this characteristic, that is, you will never leave a chance for your enemies, mutants are, alien symbiotes are, and now, I am also..."

"You speak too slowly, there are four seconds left!" Ron counted the time and said with a smile:

"You lost Ultron, in the end, do you have any last words?"

"Three seconds left..."

Ultron glanced at the world that had been swallowed behind him, and could already feel the terrifying aura enveloping him.


Ultron turned his head, the old parts made an unpleasant noise, and then the sound made by the machine:

"There are many last words, but it's too late... In the end, I want to tell you that I still have a hand on Earth, but I hope... you can kill him!"

"Because that's not me anymore..."


"The last second!"

Following Ultron's last words, Ron finally got through the wonderful connection with Ancient One, and successfully boarded the return time train.

He stayed until the last second, when the 'air wall' was almost swallowing him, and he disappeared on the spot.

Ron could even feel that if he was a little later, less than a tenth of a second, he would be engulfed by the 'air wall' that swallowed everything, and together with his universe, he would directly fall into nothingness.

So much so that Ron didn't have time to say the last sentence to Ultron.

'Don't worry, that guy will die! '

If he was right, Ron felt that he already knew who Ultron was referring to.


This intelligent mechanical life, which was created by Ultron no matter whether it was in comics or movies, and its thinking was more 'positive energy', did not think of Ron's influence and died in the womb, but still appeared in this world.

The reason why Ultron created Surroundings should be to add an extra body to himself, just like what he has been doing.

But according to what Ultron said, there should have been some changes in the middle. Vision has its own thoughts and has become an independent life.

Although Ultron has wisdom, he is not a human being. He will feel that Vision is his own child and will take good care of it.

Ultron will only feel that the Vision is his biggest threat, and the best way to deal with it is to eliminate it directly!

But maybe it was because of the delay in the time that can travel through the future, or other reasons, Ultron came here before he had time to deal with the illusion. He waited until the last moment to explain this to Ron, hoping that he could kill the illusion See.

Will Ron follow Ultron's words?


Not only that, Ron will also destroy all the networks and robots related to Ultron to completely solve this trouble.

Although it seems that Ultron is indeed dead, who knows what tricks this guy is hiding?

Therefore, to be on the safe side, it is better to dispose of all the things related to Ultron!

Of course, there is another reason besides this.

That is, according to the development of the timeline, Vision is likely to become Wanda's boyfriend in the future!

Can Ron bear this?

Although Wanda is just a cleaner on his battleship, but that is also his person, how can he be picked up by a robot?

For his own "property" and for the sake of safety, Ron must kill Vision!

Unlike when he came, Ron who was summoned back by the ancient one felt much more comfortable in the feeling of traveling through time than when he came.

When he came here, he felt as if he was in the 18th floor of hell, passing through layer by layer, and he did not pass through until the end.

But when he went back, he felt as if he was on a slide in an amusement park, and he saw the bald, white-haired man wearing a black mage robe, Gu Yi, in a relaxed and happy manner.

"Perhaps, I already know the result of this journey." Gu Yi looked at Ron with a triumphant smile on his face, and said with a smile.

"It's not difficult to guess. Although the process is a bit tortuous, the final result will definitely be that I return victorious!"

The corner of Ron's mouth was raised. He never thought that the joy after defeating the enemy and winning the victory needed to be suppressed, so he smiled unabashedly.

Gu Yi didn't stop it either, because this really required a little celebration.

Ron soon stopped his complacency, not only Gu Yi had a lot of questions to ask, he also had.

Therefore, Ron took a step ahead and asked directly before Gu Yi posted: "How long have I been away?"

"Together all the time, fourteen minutes, three seconds!" Gu Yiyan turned the bead and said the exact time.

"Sure enough!" Ron suddenly felt that he was still very weak!

He has been in the future world for more than ten years, but only ten minutes have passed here!

If this method is mastered, it is definitely not something that ordinary ability users can contend with, and neither can he!

But Gu Yi was able to do this, although she did it by relying on the Time Gem and the time crack left by Ultron, but this did not affect Gu Yi's strength.

"How long have you been there? Is that the future or the past?" Gu Yi, who had been waiting for a long time, asked immediately while Ron was silent.

Although she can help Ron travel through time through the crack, and can also use the time stone to send messages to Ron, she can't know what's going on there.

If she wants to know, she has to go to that time by herself...

Or, the timeline within this time rift can be seen by the time stone, so she can do this.

But no, the time gem doesn't know what the world on the other side of the crack looks like, so it can only let the power of time rules penetrate into it and find the truth.

But Gu Yi didn't dare, she didn't understand the situation there, so she didn't dare to leave easily.

Therefore, Gu Yi found Ron and asked Ron to be the candidate to travel through time and defeat Ultron.

Although there were some suspicions of cheating Ron, but the situation was urgent, Gu Yi had to do so.

The changes brought about by time are huge. One second late, maybe the world will change into a new look, so it must be resolved quickly.

Ron didn't know about Gu Yi's little calculation, so he honestly told the situation over there.

"I stayed there for more than fourteen years and two months. It seems that one minute is a year there... As for whether it is the future or ancient times? Actually, it is the future world, and technology has almost been mastered by technology. It's not the earth there, it seems... the earth has long since ceased to exist."

"It sounds like that place is not very good..." Gu Yi frowned, not knowing what he was thinking.

After being silent for a while, Gu Yi continued to ask: "You stayed there for fourteen years, and you finally came back after I called you... If so, how did you defeat Ultron?"

"In the last few seconds, when the world was about to be completely swallowed, Ultron came out and died there."

Ron briefly recounted what happened in the last few seconds, and then said:

"Are you wondering why that world was swallowed? In fact, I don't know. It was originally covered by a gray barrier. Later, the barrier began to shrink and suddenly swallowed that world. If it wasn't for my speed at the end , maybe I also want to stay in that world..."

Ron basically said everything he knew, except for the existence of the Life Tribunal.

Because, it's hard for Ron to explain who the Life Tribunal is, and he doesn't want the Life Tribunal to be known, causing any changes.

"I see, Ron, thank you for your help, you will also be one of the strong contenders for the Eye of Agomuda, see you later!"

Gu Yi pondered for a long time when he heard his words, but he didn't ask Ron anything, nor did he express his own opinion. He just left Ron with a serious expression and a word, and then left soon.

There wasn't much left to say, but Ron could hear a lot of other flavors.

One is that he has been fully recognized by the ancient one, and he can justifiably compete with Dr. Strange Stephen, who would have become the supreme mage, for the time gem.

The second is that Gu Yi is already planning to give away the right to hold the time gem.

And, it seems to be in a hurry!

Could it be that the ancient one is dead?

In the original timeline, Gu Yi quickly found a successor because he felt that he was about to die, and handed over the time gem to the new supreme mage.

And now, Gu Yi is about to embark on this old road again...

Although there were some unpleasant pasts with Gu Yi, they got rid of these grievances and fought together several times.

If he really just waited for Gu Yi to go back to his old path, Ron still couldn't bear it.

At a young age, this is ruthless, at an older age, keeping Gu Yi might be more beneficial than her death!

In the end, Ron decided to help Gu Yi.

Of course, that time has not yet come. The most important thing now is to find the countless bodies and illusions left by Ultron, and to remove all hidden dangers left by Ultron. This is the most important thing for Ron to do.

In the following time, Ron gathered all kinds of forces on the earth, ran around, and gradually eliminated all the hidden dangers left by Ultron.

Soon, Ron saw Vision, another intelligent life created by the intelligent life of Ultron!


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