True Marvel World

Chapter 419: The Questioned Ron

The US team turned to Hill and asked, "Hill, will Fury agree to this plan?"

Hill replied: "He said, just listen to the old man Steve Rogers!"


The US team finally convinced everyone to agree to what Tony said to kill Ultron by directly shutting down the network and destroying everything related to the network.

Just like what the US team said at the end, they actually have no other choice. Facing Ultron hiding in the online world, they can only do this!

"Stark." Seeing that everyone silently agreed to the last solution, Captain America finally looked at Tony and said seriously:

"You are the creator of Ultron, and the person who is most familiar with him. Now that you have decided to do this, I can give a detailed plan!"

"Do you even want me to come here?"

Tony looked a little hopeless, he hugged his head, and after a while, he raised his face with the same confident smile as before.

It's just that anyone can see how much depression is contained in this smile.

"The plan is not complicated!" Tony said: "We just need to contact the United Nations within these twelve hours and ask them to agree to the request to destroy the network..."

"The most important thing is that Ultron must not let Ultron know about all of this... and Ultron has actually been creating a body for himself. For this reason, he has also collected a lot of vibrating gold. If the previous step can be successful, then We still need to find the last hiding place of Ultron and kill the last one, so that we can truly kill Ultron!"

"That's it..." Tony finally lost the command to the US team: "I'm not good at these things, so I'll contact the United Nations and make something that destroys network equipment... As for what other people should do, it's up to you Come command!"

"Okay!" Captain America doesn't know what humility is. Since Tony doesn't want it, he won't be polite either.

The US team looked at everyone at the scene seriously, and after thinking about everyone's abilities and positions, they first said to Hill:

"Since Fury has given me all the sovereignty, then I will not be polite! Hill, you tell Fury immediately, let him assist Stark to contact the government, and the government must agree to this plan!"

"Understood!" Hill smiled, turned around and left without ink stains at all!

The US team then looked at Black Widow Natasha and Hawkeye Patton: "Your mission is the same as that of S.H.I.E.L.D., except that they will be on the bright side, while you will be in the dark!"

"There will always be naysayers in this world, and we know how to do it!"

Black Widow and Hawkeye glanced at each other, followed Hill and left Stark Tower.

As agents, they understand the importance of time, and every minute and every second is of great value!

Especially in this era without the Internet, time is even more precious!

"Thor, and Johnny the Human Torch!" Captain America looked at the Human Torch, and the flesh in the corner of his eyes trembled unconsciously:

"Although I don't know why you look so much like me, please note that this mission for you and Thor is very important!"

"You can all fly, so I hope you will go to the secret military base controlled by Ultron as quickly as possible, and destroy the nuclear weapons inside, in case Ultron discovers our plan and cannot use those great powers Weapons wreaked havoc!"

"By the way! Although I don't know much about modern weapons, I also know some simple methods, that is, just destroy all the engines of those nuclear weapons! Right, Stark?"

"Although there are actually better ways to destroy nuclear weapons, this is the simplest and most violent!" Tony shrugged, looking a lot more relaxed.

"Understood!" Johnny the Thunderbolt was very excited, oh my god, his idol Captain America finally talked to him, although the atmosphere was a bit weird, but who made him happy?

"Sounds like a lot of hard work!" Thor's Mjolnir appeared in his hand, and he basically looked the same as Captain America beside him, except that the youthful Human Torch showed a provocative smile, grabbed the hammer directly, and smashed the hammer. The glass of the Stark Tower extends away.

Obviously, Thor wants to compete with Human Torch, who is faster!

Human Torch, of course not to be outdone, the blue magical battle suit appeared on his body, and then directly turned into a flame man, and the other three of the Fantastic Four showed a blazing confident smile, and broke the other piece of glass next to Thor's Glass, started chasing Thor.

Looking at the glass shards all over the floor, Tony Stark, the owner of Stark Tower, has black lines all over his face, and suddenly feels that Ultron is not so hateful anymore!

Captain America was also a little embarrassed by the actions of these two people. After hesitating for a while, he set his sights on the little spider Peter Parker and the venom Eddie Brock.

"You were all reporters from Surprising News, and your ability to dig opportunities and find information is top-notch. Once you are watching in the dark, keep abreast of people and Ultron's situation. Once you find out what Ultron is doing, or find out The place where he made the body, come and tell me immediately!"

"Yes, Captain!" The two replied in unison, and then the little spider came to the place where Thor and the Human Torch were smashed before, and the spider's silk flew out of his hand and stuck to another building in front of him, floating away from Stark building.

"Uh..." However, Venom could only look at the two windows where the cold wind was still blowing in, not daring to leave from here.

Not impossible, after transforming into venom, Eddie can directly grab the building and walk down, which is very simple.

However, he dared, but someone refused to let him!

Eddie looked at Tony Stark's eyes that seemed to be killing people, his body trembled, and he chose to back away, and came to the door to use the elevator to go down.

After all, compared to him climbing directly down the building, the elevator wouldn't be much slower, would it?

Everyone was laughed at by this situation, and their mood improved a lot.

Captain America is of course the most serious, but it also looks a little better than before.

His eyes fell on the Fantastic Three, he frowned and thought for a while, and said: "I heard that you have always been a very powerful science team, and also the most popular superhero team in New York! I think you can try it out." Let's see if we can defeat Ultron on the Internet with Stark, if not, if not, you can also go out to stabilize ordinary people and prevent disgusting incidents from happening!"

"Yes." Mister Fantastic took the lead in agreeing, then looked at Tony and smiled.

Tony also understood the meaning of Mister Fantastic's smile, because indeed, this guy's scientific talent is no worse than him!

"My laboratory is downstairs, use it as you like!"



This time, Mister Fantastic, the Invisible Woman, and the Stone Man did not leave directly like all the previous ones, but followed Tony's instructions and lived directly in Stark Tower, where the laboratory began to study beauty. what the team ordered.

However, they still left the conference room. Now, in the huge reception room, only Captain America, Tony the Iron Man, Banner the Hulk, and Jessica the Jewel Girl remained.

"What do I need to do?" asked Dr. Hulk Banner.

Among the remaining people, Tony already had a mission, the US team was the leader, and only he and Gemstone were left. Among them, he was more familiar with the US team, so he took the initiative to ask about his mission.

The US team replied: "Join me, lobby those in power to agree to this plan, and let the people not riot..."

"It's that simple?" Dr. Banner was a little surprised. No matter what he said, he was a good fighter, no worse than others, so he just did this thing?

"That's right!" Captain America said, "But don't think that this task is easy. This is the most difficult part of our plan. If the people cannot be stabilized, then this plan will not be able to proceed!"

"Okay!" Dr. Banner stopped talking. Although he still felt a little wronged, he also knew the current situation and decided to obey the order.

After arranging almost everyone, Captain America finally turned his attention to Jessica, the gem girl, and asked:

"Ron should have disappeared for more than a month, right? What is he doing?"

Jessica was taken aback when she heard that, she thought that the US team put her at the end because she had some important task for herself, but she didn't expect that after holding back for so long, she just asked her where Ron was?

Jessica actually wanted to answer this question, but she didn't know it at all!

Who knows where Ron went again? That guy doesn't have the habit of posting his itinerary every time he goes out!

So Jessica asked very puzzled: "Uh, Captain, why are you asking this?"

Captain America frowned, glanced at Tony, and finally decided to express his doubts directly in front of Tony.

The US team paused for a while, then said: "Tony said that his idea of ​​studying Ultron originally came from the mechanical life called 'Yuan' beside Ron, and it happened that after Ultron appeared, Ron disappeared again, so... I I want to know if there is any connection between the two!"

"Is there... any connection between the two?" Jessica's face was full of disbelief, and she understood the meaning of Captain America's words!

Dare to dare, the US team actually thinks that the appearance of Ultron is actually related to Ron, and thinks that this matter may be done by Ron?

In an instant, Jessica's previous admiration and respect for Captain America disappeared, and she even began to hate this man.


After all, Ron is still a human being, and he also helped the earth survive the two disasters of the New York War and the invasion of alien symbiosis. How could he be the one who created Ultron?

"I know it may be hard for you to believe it, but I have to say that there are too many doubts between the two!"

The US team explained: "First of all, Stark's idea of ​​creating Ultron came from 'source', and Stark said that 'source' actually existed when Ron was a child, until the end of the New York War, the Transformers took After returning to the treasure that was originally the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, but is actually the sacred object of their mechanical clan, the 'Energy Stone', it left the earth directly and never appeared again!"

"I have been in touch with the Rubik's Cube, and I took this gem back from the Red Skull of Hydra, but it fell into the ice layer by accident, and the treasure reappeared after I was dug out of the ice, but in fact, This is not a very hidden event, why has the 'source' not discovered this for so many years! So, from the perspective of time, this is not in line with common sense!"

"Stark also said that it was Ron who stopped him from studying Ultron, but Stark decided to resume the Ultron project after seeing the disaster of the alien symbiosis, and then Ron disappeared!  … From Rowan Judging from the many disappearances of En, each of his disappearances will be accompanied by some 'disasters', although each of these disasters will be solved by people including Ron, but this is too coincidental, isn't it?"

The more Captain America said, the more excited he became, and the doubts on his face became more obvious, as if he believed that Ultron was really something that Ron deliberately made!

And following the words of the US team, Tony's complexion became worse and worse, very annoyed.

Although the words of the US team seem to be defending Tony, this matter is not his fault at all, but Ron made it up and framed him.

But think about it, is this really the case?

The US team said that it was because of the "source" around Ron that he would study Ultron, and Ultron appeared after Ron left, and immediately began to subvert the earth, and Ron happened to be away at this time, so this It's all Ron's fault!

But Tony can be very sure that he has not been brainwashed by Ron, nor has he been mind-controlled. He has always known what he is doing, and he clearly remembers the seriousness of Ron when he persuaded him not to study Ultron. .

And the most important thing is that Ron didn't disappear suddenly. Jessica didn't know it, but he who had been pestering Ron for a few days knew that Ron actually went to space on a space battleship and didn't care about the earth at all. So how could the matter of Ultron be related to Ron?

Unbearable, Tony said directly to the US team: "I'm sure this matter has nothing to do with Ron, it's all because of me, you don't need to believe it, because this is the truth, you haven't contacted Ron, you don't know To him, the matter of controlling the earth has no interest or meaning at all, understand?"

"But what I said is all evidence!" Captain America is not afraid of Tony, he continued: "Since what happened last time, I have investigated a lot of information related to Ron and learned a lot!"

"Regeneration Potion, New York War, Transformers, 'Source', the battleship like a big sword, all of these are full of doubts! These things prove that that Ron is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and 'Skywalker' is also Not a superhero at all, but a dark hand behind the scenes!"

As Captain America said, he took out a piece of information from his pocket, which recorded an event that happened almost six years ago, an event that even Tony and Jessica didn't know about.

"This is the mutant event that happened six years ago... At that time, the whole world was arresting mutants, and Ron was one of them, but I later found out through the information that the matter of arresting mutants was actually caused by Rowan. I don't know what his purpose is, but do you dare to deny the truth that Ron is behind the scenes?"

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