True Marvel World

Chapter 390 The Modified 'World'

The army is of course the number one force against the symbiosis, but apart from that, there is another force that cannot be ignored.

Even, on the other hand, this force is actually the number one force against alien symbiosis.

This is the team of superheroes with superpowers!

The Avengers, led by Captain America and Iron Man, and the Guardians, made up of folk superheroes and joined by the Fantastic Four.

This combined superhero team has been fighting the symbiote before the invasion began, and the number of symbiote monsters that died in their hands was definitely not less than 10,000, which is definitely the greatest contribution.

In addition, the fatal weakness of the symbiote's fear of 4000 to 6000 Hz sound is also provided by Spider-Man.

With this discovery, the army has some advantages in dealing with the alien symbiosis, and can gradually suppress the alien symbiosis!

And now after the outbreak of a large-scale war, this superhero team is still fighting on the front line, assisting the army to deal with those extremely powerful alien symbiotes, and did not choose to rest because of the outbreak of a large-scale war.

But to be honest, this war against alien invasion is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

The most important thing is that the symbiont has really learned to be smart.

When most of the symbionts appeared in San Francisco in the early days, they all turned into terrifying monsters with a height of more than two meters and made of black special substances. of.

But up to now, the symbionts have all turned into human appearances. If it wasn't because they were hungry and wanted to transform into cannibals, or transformed into battles, they would all appear in the form of humans.

This directly leads to the fact that in many cases, people cannot find the alien symbionts hidden in the crowd if they do not use 4,000 to 6,000 voices to harass a large area.

This is a very fatal point.

In many places, especially the army, they had just cleared an area and were about to leave, only to find that a symbiote monster appeared behind that place and began to eat people.

What's more serious, even the soldiers in the army are possessed by the symbiote, waiting for the opportunity, they will directly deal a fatal blow to the army, causing large-scale casualties.

Even the superhero team can only use sound to monitor the symbiote, and once a special symbiote is immune to this sound or resists it, even the superheroes have nothing to do.

For this, Hill approached Eddie Brock, who had just joined Ron's team, and hoped that the symbiotic traitor in Eddie's body could give him a good solution.

Regarding this, Venom was really speechless, ignored Hill, and let Eddie answer by himself.

"This..." Eddie was also in a dilemma, faltering, not knowing how to answer Hill at all.

"It's okay, you can't help it, so Ron will definitely do it, right?" Hill seemed to know that his request was too much, and smiled at Ron next to him, blinking and blinking, expecting to get something Nice answer.

It's just that Ron really can't bear it. In his impression, Hill is always shrewd and capable. If he can do it, he will never be more than Bibi. Why is it like this now?

And you said he would have a solution? This is just an interface for him to help deal with the symbiosis.

It's just that he agreed to Gu Yi's damn bet, otherwise he would have made a move long ago and directly killed all this troublesome symbiosis!

"I can't help it, and there are more important tasks for us to do!" Ron politely refused.

Hill nodded: "Okay, we will keep an eye on the news about the riot, and we will notify you as soon as there is news."

Still not working?

She is a little uncomfortable, it's this time, why Ron still refuses to make a move?

Hill, who has rich experience as an agent, has long seen that he actually wanted to deal with the alien symbiosis when he and Peter went to the west, but for some reason, Ron seemed to be fettered by something, and he was late. It's like it's too late to make a move, it's uncomfortable.

She wanted to ask why, but there was no reason.

'Wait a minute, maybe you will find out why. '

Hill secretly took this discovery to heart, and left the resting place of Ron's team.

What she said before is not wrong. Finding the leader of the symbiosis is indeed very important for this war, because this may be the key to completely defeating the alien symbiosis!

After Hill left, Ron returned to his lounge, and his spiritual consciousness floated out again, coming to the blue sky,

He is waiting for Gu Yi to see what she thinks about establishing a 'new country' in the symbiont and wanting to occupy the earth.

He felt very strange, first of all, the story should not develop like this.

If Eddie Brock becomes Venom, which is a new superhero or antihero story, then according to the general story development, the background should not develop so deep that the symbiotes have already begun to occupy the earth.

At this point, it is no longer a matter of one person. Let alone Eddie Brock alone, all the superheroes together seem a little weak.

Because this is a catastrophe involving the entire planet, even if it is a new story, it should be a big story like "Avengers 3", not just a small story of Eddie becoming Venom.

This is not in line with normal development.

No matter what the author is, they will not bring things to this point at once, which is not in line with the logic of the story unfolding.

So he felt that there must have been an accident in the middle.

And because he himself is not familiar with this story line and doesn't understand what's going on, he can only see what Gu Yi discovers.

After all, she is the person most familiar with time on earth, and she must have some feelings about this change.

After a while, Gu Yi came.

"What you said, I just got some clues from the long river of time." The image of Gu Yi's consciousness turned into a black-robed mage, combined with a serious face, made her look extremely solemn.

"Stop dawdling, just talk." Ron urged immediately, since he came to the Marvel world, he had never been so impatient except that he had no ability at the time and was eager to get Spiderman's spider ability. when.

Gu Yi, who knew the importance of this matter, was not dissatisfied, and even his expression became more serious, but his eyes were a little more confused:

"The Eye of Agamuda told me that our world has been modified by some kind of existence and entered a new chapter. If we can't get out, I'm afraid we will be trapped in it forever, becoming slaves of time, and never return to normal. !"

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