True Marvel World

Chapter 379 New Changes

This battle with alien monsters, the human form as the defending side is not optimistic.

Originally, the military estimated that there were at most tens of thousands of symbiote monsters in San Francisco, but the real situation hit them in the face.

More and more symbionts appeared from the streets and alleys, turning this bustling city into hell, and at the same time gathering strength, they began to attack the military guarding the periphery, as if they wanted to leave the city.

Although the superheroes and the rear logistics station led by Hill were successfully guarded by many superheroes, the army did not have such a strong force.

In the face of symbionts, monsters with a strong body and strong self-healing ability, human guns and weapons are almost useless. Only by relying on shells and small missiles can they cause some damage to the symbionts and stop the enemy's footsteps.

But no amount of shells and missiles would be in vain against the countless symbiotes. This black monster quickly broke through the military's defense line, and after killing the soldiers, it quickly left San Francisco and headed towards the surrounding cities. Flee away with your feet.

Naturally, the army is not an idiot, and they quickly understood that the symbiote would use distraction tactics to confuse them.

Soon, troops from other places also began to rush to the western United States, and even aid troops from other countries also came.

Because these structures all know that if the symbiont cannot be eliminated, it will not only be the United States that will be unlucky in the end, but they will be the same.

But no matter how many people there were, they still couldn't stop the symbiote. Soon, the military's defense line was completely destroyed, and the hope of keeping the symbiote in San Francisco was lost.

Although the battle was very miserable, the blood shed by the soldiers was not useless.

Soon, someone discovered the symbiote's weakness.

Afraid of fire!

Of course, being afraid of fire is the same no matter what kind of life it is, and it's not like it hasn't done fire attacks on symbiote monsters before, but after finding that the results were not obvious, it didn't pay much attention to it.

The reason why the symbiotes are afraid of fire is because some soldiers discovered that when they were bombed, the symbiotes who died the most were not killed by the fragments of the explosion, nor were they killed by the powerful impact of the explosion .

What really caused the greatest damage to those symbionts was actually the momentary intense high temperature when the explosion occurred, which was probably between 1600 degrees and 3000 degrees, which caused the greatest damage to the symbionts.

Of course, the higher the temperature, the higher the damage, but except for powerful nuclear bombs, hydrogen bombs and other weapons, other things are not easy to achieve, so they are not considered.

Because of this discovery, soon, a bomb that can generate a high temperature of more than 1600 degrees when it exploded began to be transported to the front line by logistics, and assembled in the hands of soldiers who resisted the symbiote monster.

This support brought back a lot of momentum to the originally declining army, and more and more symbiote monsters were eliminated, which made everyone on Earth breathe a sigh of relief.

However, because the number of symbionts is too large, and the attack style is very strange and very concealed, although the pressure on the army is much lower, it is not without it.

The huge pressure is still on them, thinking that the symbionts have all dispersed and become a guerrilla team, which is not easy to clean up.

In addition to the army, the superheroes who came to resist the symbiote monsters have also attracted much attention.

Iron Man, Thor, Jewel Girl, Fantastic Four, Abomination, etc., these heroes are still fighting on the front line against the symbiote monsters and have never left.

But it soon became apparent that the Hulk hadn't been seen for a full day after the symbiote monster managed to breach the defenses and leave San Francisco that night.

Did some accident happen?

Soon some people became worried and started asking online, but got no results.

People are also worried about Spider-Man, thinking that the black spider suit on his body, this superhero who has been controversial from the beginning has also been questioned, why has he never appeared on the battlefield, has he become a symbiosis One of the monsters?

Faced with this question, Hill couldn't tell because he had a hard time, so he could only try his best not to let Spider-Man see this, so as to avoid any accidents.

Although Dr. Banner, who was once a symbiote, let them know a lot about the symbiosis, he didn't fully get the way to let humans get rid of the symbiosis.

After all, not everyone is like Dr. Banner, a monster who transforms into a Hulk by being angry, and who continues to be angry and becomes stronger.

It's just that paper can't hold fire, and finally, Spider-Man Peter Parker discovered the real situation.

"Why did you lie to me?"

An angry question emerged from Peter's mouth. He never associated his changes with the symbiote monster, and he didn't even know his own changes. Knowing that other people thought he was possessed by the symbiote, he was naturally furious.

"It's all for your own good!" Hill replied sincerely: "You are indeed possessed by a symbiote, because we are afraid that you will not be able to accept it, so we plan to cure you and then tell you!"

"But I'm not possessed by a symbiote monster at all! I am me, Spider-Man, Peter Parker!"

Peter had already fallen into madness, and the black spider suit began to emerge from his body. He was so angry that he even wanted to rush directly in front of Hill and kill the woman.

Hill secretly placed his hand on the pistol at his waist, just in case, while continuing to speak:

"Ron told me not to tell you, you have the ability to find him!"

"Him?" Peter snorted disdainfully. He remembered what had happened since he and Ron met, and after realizing that he had been suffering, he transferred his anger to Ron.

"Wait, I'll go back to him and make it clear that I'm not possessed by a symbiote!"

After speaking loudly, Peter jumped up and left the station.

Seeing that Peter had left, Hill heaved a sigh of relief, and at the same time began to look forward to the follow-up development.

She deliberately brought the topic to Ron just now, in order to let that guy stand up and solve the troublesome Peter Parker, instead of just hiding behind and saying something like 'not yet' talk!

After all, the battle on the front line is so tense now, she can't allow any accidents that are unfavorable to the human side, so it is definitely a good thing to drive Peter away.

"How's the situation, have you found anything?"

Without a break, Hill hurried back to the camp at the rear and asked many people who were monitoring the screens.

Modern warfare has never been about fighting more fiercely. After knowing that the symbiosis is likely to have a leader, Hill quickly launched a mission to find the leader of the symbiosis.

After all, it is the leader. If the leader can be eliminated, then the war against alien monsters will be much easier.

The monitor frowned, not confident: "I can't be sure, there is only a 30% possibility of..."

"30%?" Hill was silent for a while, turned on the special channel of the communication headset, and sent a message to the superheroes in the channel:

"Find the location of the suspected leader of the symbiosis, Iron Man and Thor, you two set off immediately, ready to kill the enemy directly and save the earth!"

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