True Marvel World

Chapter 357: Low-level Life Appears

"Hydra in other places will soon find out what's going on here. If you don't want to kill more people, just leave here..."

In the manor full of blood, Pietro and Wanda, who bowed their heads and were blank, suddenly heard this male voice sounding beside them.

Haven't everyone been killed by us? Why are there still people?

The brothers and sisters who had just suffered from life changes reacted instantly. The body of the brother who had high-speed movement became an afterimage, and the younger sister, who possessed the ability of mind control and psychic power, immediately controlled the blood-stained bricks on the ground and smashed them at them. former person.

Although it seems that this is just a teenager about their age, even though they have never seen this person in the manor!

Tormented, they just want to escape from this demon's cage, so no matter who stands in their way, they will crush it and open a path to the light!

Are you so cranky?

Ron shook his head slightly, he just kindly reminded the brother and sister, but he didn't expect to suffer a disaster, it was really troublesome.

After obtaining the Reality Gem, his manifestation ability has been strengthened nearly tenfold, and he has been able to manifest many things that he could not manifest before.

For example, if a space channel is embodied as a near-infinite channel, after entering, no one can escape from the space channel that he embodied unless he actively removes it or is violently destroyed.

Another example is to embody an almost completely real space that he needs, and then speed up the time of this space, so that the scene in the space can be perfectly presented in front of his eyes.

Speeding up the time of the manifesting space is a special ability he got after getting the reality gem, which has a great strength improvement for him who has not yet mastered the ability of manifesting time!

Without leaving his hand, Ron showed the two special spaces he wanted. He put his brother with acceleration ability in the almost limitless space channel, and put his sister in the replica Sokovia. Prepare reason for these two spaces to subdue this pair of brothers and sisters with special abilities.

He believed that, with the passage of time, these two seemingly endless 'cages' would definitely give them a taste of despair.

After doing all this, he turned his attention to the spiritual scepter that was quietly placed on the table beside him, and walked towards it.

This psychic scepter, originally belonging to the mad titan Thanos, was first given to Loki, the god of mischief, to help his cosmic pirate army conquer Earth.

As a result, Loki worked hard, not to mention the space gem, even the scepter inlaid with the mind gem was left on the earth and obtained by the Hydra who secretly controlled S.H.I.E.L.D. Before studying the space gem, began to study the special effect of the mind gem.

Because he was afraid that the Soul Gem would be secretly tracked by Thanos, Ron did not take it away during the New York War, and only waited until he was strong enough to finally prepare to take this gem.

In fact, he has always had a question. In the original timeline, after Loki lost his psychic scepter, why did Thanos never ask Loki to settle accounts, or even ask?

Is it really like those rumors say, the ancient one who fears the earth and the Odin of Asgard?

He didn't know, everything, he had to really get in touch with the legendary villain before he could come to a conclusion.

So he didn't hide it in the slightest, and took out the mind gem directly from the scepter, regardless of whether doing so would attract Thanos' attention.

After having specific contact with Odin, he believed that his ability was enough to protect himself, so he had enough confidence.

As the gem that controls the mind of the six infinity gems, the effect of the mind gem is not very big, especially for Ron who already has a small universe spirit.

After experiencing the forward collision, this Infinity Stone showed absolute docility in his palm, like a child snuggling in his mother's arms, quiet and peaceful.

Under this premise, he began to unscrupulously accept everything about the Mind Gem, including its memories, its abnormalities, and the 'thoughts' it possesses!

When it was all over, he got the question he had been wondering before.

Did Thanos ever make a mark on this gem?

The answer is no.

There is no mark on the mind gem, nor any induction device, but there is something abnormal on the scepter.

However, after losing the Mind Gem, the scepter was completely useless, and it turned into untraceable pieces in his hands, scattered all over the place.

Other than that, there are no exceptions.

" Thanos really threw the Mind Gem out like this... Could it be that he is so confident that he can get all the six gems?"

Ron also admired the last member of the Eternal Titan from his heart. This kind of self-confidence was countless times stronger than him.

However, self-confidence is also built on the grasp of victory.

With his addition, he doesn't believe that Thanos can be as successful as before!

"Next step, fuse the mind gem!"

Ron dodged and came to his own universe, presenting the yellow Mind Gem in front, preparing to combine this gem into his universe just like the Space Gem and the Reality Gem.

Xu Shi already had experience, and the fusion of space gems went very smoothly. Although it was not as good as the real gems, it was much better than the difficult space gems.

The yellow mind gem gradually turned into a wisp of cooking smoke and penetrated into the surrounding void until it disappeared completely.

"The first fusion of space gems expanded by about three times, and the second fusion of reality gems was nearly ten times. I don't know how much this time?"

Consciousness was connected to the entire universe, and Ron began to carefully observe the changes in his universe.

As he expected, after the Mind Gem was fully fused, the edges of his universe that were otherwise untouchable began to expand and became clearer a little bit.

After waiting for a while, the fringe area has expanded a lot until it comes to a complete stop.

But after a little calculation, his universe has only doubled after the fusion of the mind gem this time, not to mention the real gem, not even the space gem.

"It seems that the mind gem does not have as much effect on me as other gems, but it is a good thing to be able to expand. The bigger the universe, the stronger my ability!"

"And no matter what, it's generally more difficult the further you go to the back, and it's not bad to be able to double it!"

Ron thought contentedly, but then he thought of the other three remaining gems.

"I have already obtained three of the six infinity gems, and the remaining three, the time gem is at the ancient master, and I am only just getting in touch with the power of time, and it is not as good as the ancient one, so I can't get this one for the time being. "

"There are also soul gems and power gems. The former is in a hidden place called Womir Star and is guarded by the soul of the Red Skull, and the power of the soul gem itself is also very strong. I should not be able to get it for the time being."

"The last power gem is easy to say. According to the timeline, it should be discovered by Star Lord at this time, and then escorted to Xandaar together with the Guardians of the Galaxy. It shouldn't be difficult to get it!"

"But I have done so many actions, Thanos should have found something abnormal. If I go to compete for the Power Gem, I will most likely meet with a few of Thanos' powerful subordinates or even Thanos himself. Some of the gains outweigh the losses. !"

Ron frowned, but immediately his brows loosened.

If you want to be strong, you must not be afraid of challenges.

He already has enough strength, and if he hides again, how can he become a big thing in the future?

"Xandar Star?"

Ron smiled relieved. After staying on Earth for so long, he really should have gone to see the vast space.

He summoned the great sword and giant ship he got from the dark elves, and was going to take this giant ship to Xandar.

Malekith and Asgard were able to dominate the nine star regions, and even beyond the nine star regions, and the great sword and giant ship was definitely one of the biggest contributors.

To that extent, Malekith must have a record of some coordinates in the universe, which he already knew when he just got the great sword and giant ship.

Therefore, instead of laboriously manifesting the space channel to go to Xandar, it is better to take the dark elf's great sword and giant ship to the destination.

After all, the big sword and the giant ship can become a powerful helper for the dark elf army. The technology it possesses is very advanced, and it is not difficult to jump through space and travel through large spaces.

"Maybe...I should name you!"

Ron liked the shape of the great sword of this giant ship very much. The black shape and sharp edges and corners made it look very domineering and indomitable.

It's just that his naming skills are really bad, which little spider Peter Parker has a deep understanding of.

After thinking about it, he still routinely gave this battleship a bad name.

Great Sword!

"Sounds good..."

Ron kept comforting himself in his heart, but still felt a little ashamed. After setting his destination, he entered his own universe with consciousness alone and began to observe the latest situation of the earth he created.

In his own universe, his ability will be much stronger than outside, and he can also control the time of the universe, accelerate something or something in an area, and let it quickly reach the time he wants to reach.

So, he has only been on Earth in the real world for less than five days, but an area within his own universe has likely been hundreds of thousands or even millions of years!

The area where Ron accelerated time was at the center of the universe. When he came here, he found great changes.

The sun, which was originally just a small fireball, has absorbed various nutrients on its own, reaching the size of a stove.

Compared with the big sun in the real world, it may not be able to reach it, but it is considerable enough.

At least, it should already be about a fifth of the size.

"In a few hundred million years, it should be as big as the sun in the real universe!"

After checking the sun, he came to the earth not far from the sun, which he made by himself.

"Change is okay!"

According to the research of human scientists, the earth has experienced two time periods since its formation and development, namely the 'Cryptozoic' and the 'Phanerozoic'!

The 'Cryptozoic' is just 4.5 billion years ago when the earth just formed a spherical shape, called the 'Precambrian' period.

During this time, the earth has been developing from an unshaped core to a planet that can truly be called a ball.

However, because his own earth was created by him, he had already crossed this period and had the shape of a ball.

At this time, the earth has entered the 'Phanerozoic Era'!

In fact, according to normal development, during the 'Cryptozoic' period that evolved into the earth, microscopic life such as 'blue-green algae' has already appeared on the earth, laying the foundation for the development of intelligent life on the earth in the future.

Since his own earth was created by him, he did not go through this stage, and he did not deliberately create this kind of life as the foundation, so before this, his earth was completely lifeless.

But after millions of years of nurturing, this earth, which was originally lifeless, because the sun was not bright enough, was still in the "Ice Age", and some low-level life had begun to appear.

Such as algae, fungi, and some types of life that he can't name yet.

On the originally barren earth, because of the emergence of life, a large area of ​​green began to appear.

"It feels so strange, like my own child..."

Feeling those little beings who were still very low-level and didn't know how to think, Ron suddenly felt something called family affection, something strange.

You must know that he has not created life before. For example, Saber is an intelligent life that he manifests with his ability. It is not known how much stronger than these low-level beings who are difficult to think.

But when facing Saber, he couldn't feel this kind of affection at all, as if it wasn't the life he created at all.

Because of this, he and Saber had a great estrangement. When the other party asked to go out and wander alone, he agreed to this request.

"I don't know if I can meet her when I go to Xandar Star this time?"

Ron sighed, stopped thinking about superfluous things, and continued to observe his own earth.

I have to say, it's a wonderful feeling.

When he was watching his own earth, it was as if he was still a mortal, observing the small fish inside through the fish tank, and he felt that he could master everything.

For example, he added a lot of other elements to a small fungus life, and then accelerated its growth, turning the fungus life into a monster with a height of more than ten meters and eight legs and six arms.

Then, he let this monster-like life speak, explore the surroundings, study himself, etc., very simple.

Just like God!

"If it's true, I'm afraid I'm going to become the god of this planet..."

Ron's funny guess and continued the experiment.

In his own universe, he has a lot of time.

It's just a moment in real time, and hundreds of thousands of years have passed in the universe.

At this time, the monster life that he had created out of a strange way had formed a large group, and began to control the surrounding area, set up camp, and already had the phenomenon of primary intelligent life.

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