True Marvel World

Chapter 342 The Death of Nick Fury

Nick Fury was sent to the best nearby hospital by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, where he began surgery.

This poor guy suffered extremely serious injuries, with multiple fractures on his body, and his entire abdomen had become a mess due to the shooting, and there was even a bullet that was very close to the heart, caught in a complicated blood vessel.

If this were not the case, even if the black director was physically strong, he would not have survived until now, but he should have died within tens of seconds after being shot.

"Nurse, pull the sheet away."

"Blood pressure has dropped. Hurry up and give him an electric shock."

"Charge to one hundred joules."


In the operating room, first aid was carried out nervously.

Outside the emergency room, Rogers stared inside through the transparent glass, praying in his heart that Fury could be rescued.

Although the black baldhead had always had conflicts with him and had a bad temper, Rogers still felt that he and Fury were friends.

Next to Rogers was a tall, thin, blond beauty with her hair tied up. She was Fury's second-in-command, Maria Hill.

After receiving the order, Hill arrived in Washington within three hours, but unfortunately he failed to meet Fury. When he got the news again, Fury was already seriously injured.

In addition to the two of them, there are many heavily armed S.H.I.E.L.D. fighters in the corridor outside, communicating with the hospital, or sitting and waiting.

At this time, a black Corvette parked outside the hospital, and then a red-haired sexy beauty got out of the car and ran into the operating room.

It was Natasha Romanov, the black widow who just got the news and rushed back from New York.

Seeing the busy appearance of the doctors and nurses in the operating room, she was slightly relieved, and after a moment of silence, she asked:

"Can he make it through?"

Rogers looked at the red-haired woman beside him: "I don't know."

"Who is the murderer and what does he look like?" Natasha continued to ask.

"I didn't see it clearly, but he is fast and strong." Rogers paused for a while: "Also, his left hand is metal!"

These words made Natasha's eyes shrink slightly, as if she had noticed something: "The result of the bullet analysis?"

"There are three in total. They have no trajectory and cannot be tracked at all." Hill answered, because she, the deputy director of S.H.I.E.L.D., is an absolute expert.

Natasha's eyes shrank again: "It's a bullet from the former Soviet Union!"

"That's right." Hill glanced at Natasha, not wondering why she was so sensitive.

Because the best agent in S.H.I.E.L.D. is actually a former Soviet man!

After this sentence, no one is talking, because the operation inside has entered the final stage.

"Stand back, 3, 2, 1, get ready for electric shock!"


The sound of electric shock equipment.

"Do you have a pulse?"


"Okay, charge to 200 joules."


"3, 2, 1, start electric shock!"

boom! Another sound.

Still no response.

"A shot of adrenaline!"


"Do you have a pulse now?"




Time and time again, knowing that the pulse indicators on the display screen all became a parallel straight line, and nothing bounced back.

The doctors and nurses also felt it, and gradually stopped their movements.

Then, the attending physician went to check Fury's body. After a while, he asked silently:

"what time is it now."

"One past three in the morning."

Hearing this answer, the doctor shook his head lightly, began to take off his mask, and announced the final result:

"Confirm the death of the wounded, the time of death is 1:03 in the morning!"

Hearing this, Rogers and Hill outside couldn't stay any longer, turned and left.

But Natasha looked at Fury lying on the operating table inside, silently sad.

Natasha never expected that when she went to ask for help, Fury had already lost his life.

And the help she sought was still attending a promiscuous dance in a club in New York, and didn't care about her request at all!

Fury's body was eventually placed in a separate morgue, simply covered with a white cloth.

As time passed, the sky gradually brightened, and it was early morning.

Natasha took one last look at Fury's body before leaving.

She wants to find Fury's killer, for which she has some clues.

In the morgue, seeing Natasha leave, Rogers frowned slightly and followed.

He was thinking that this female agent, who was often given various orders by Fury, should know some secrets about this matter.

"Natasha!" Rogers went out to stop the other party, and really wanted to talk about going to a hidden place together, but unexpectedly Natasha turned around and asked:

"How did Ferry get back to your apartment?"

Rogers swallowed what he was going to say, and waved helplessly: "I don't know."

"Captain, they told you to know S.H.I.E.L.D." At this time, Rumlow shouted from behind.

Rogers was a little impatient: "Tell them, I'll go back later."

"They say it's best now!" Rumlow said firmly.

"Understood." Rogers was very angry, but he had no choice but to agree.

After getting an accurate answer, Rumlow nodded and turned to leave.

"You really can't lie!" At this time, Natasha also saw that Rogers' answer to him before was a lie, and after leaving a sentence, she also left directly.

Rogers was in a dilemma. He turned around to follow Rumlow in front of him, but suddenly thought of the USB flash drive that Fury gave him, and felt that this trip might not be easy.

It just so happened that Rogers saw someone putting food into the vending machines in the hallway, and with an idea, he put the USB flash drive behind a row of chewing gum, planning to take the USB flash drive out after returning from S.H.I.E.L.D.


A helicopter took off from near the hospital and returned to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tribend headquarters on the Potomac River.

After the helicopter stopped, Rogers got down from it, went to the elevator, and went to the topmost World Security Council.

Realizing that there might be accidents on this trip, Rogers fully armed himself, even carrying the vibrating gold shield behind his back.

On the way, he met his neighbor Sharon again, the agent who has been hiding near him.

However, Rogers, who realized that the other party was deceiving him, did not greet Sharon at all, and went directly to the office and walked in.

In the office, Alexander Pierce, who was drinking coffee, saw Rogers coming in, immediately put down his coffee, got up and greeted him:

"Hi Rogers, I'm Alexander Pierce."

"It's an honor to think of you, sir." Rogers shook hands with the other party. Before he came, he briefly learned about the other party's information and knew that the person in front of him was the current president of the Security Council.

"It should be me who is honored." Pierce looked very friendly: "My father used to be in the 101st Airborne Unit, your idol!"

"Really?" Rogers was a little more cautious. The 101st Airborne Unit is a special unit of the US military, and it performs very special missions. He has led that unit and wiped out many powerful enemies.

Taking a closer look, the person in front of the S.H.I.E.L.D., the highest authority in the World Security Council, is indeed very similar to a soldier who performed missions with him back then!

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