True Marvel World

Chapter 310 The trouble caused by Ron's absence

"That glittering move is so cool, saber, how did you do it? By the way, and that sword, your sword is also very handsome, does it have a name? What's it called..."

"And also, saber, your..."


After Dr. Otto and the big fireball he developed, Saber and Jessica left the laboratory immediately, while Peter, as Dr. Otto's assistant, explained the situation to the police who came later.

On the way back, Jessica was chatting all the way, surrounded by Saber, asking questions all the way, non-stop.

But Saber didn't get bored, but answered them one by one, explaining the rest of the questions except for those things that she didn't particularly understand.


After listening to Saber's story, Jessica's face was full of surprise, a look of disbelief.

Because according to Saber, she is actually the legendary king in the British mythology, Arthur Pandaragon!

Jessica hadn't thought of this at all before this.

King Arthur, that is a legendary figure, the invincible king in British mythology, how could it be a girl?

This is absolutely impossible, right?

Jessica thought about her first meeting with Saber.

It was over a year ago when Ron sent her to New Mexico to investigate aliens.

She discovered aliens, and later determined that those aliens were gods in Norse mythology, such as Thor.

Saber appeared at that time.

A monster made of metal descends from the sky to hunt down Thor, the god of thunder.

At that time, Thor, the god of thunder, seemed to have no divine power, not even his little hammer, so he couldn't beat that metal monster.

After that, Saber fell from the sky, and used the golden trick just now to solve the metal monster that fell from the sky.

Then, she disappeared.

Meet again, in the surprise building of his boss Ron.

The difference is that there is another person who is basically the same as Saber, but with a different temperament.

Listen to Saber, that's her sister, Arthur!

According to Ron, Saber and Arthur are a pair of British sisters, proficient in magic or something. Because of an accident in the family, they were hunted down by some magical organization. It happened that he and Tony Stark went to the United Kingdom at that time. , met these two poor little ones, saved them, and brought them back.

At the same time, his own surprise newspaper also reported a news.

‘The blond girl with the sword of the king in her hand appeared in New Mexico, USA, and defeated the god’s mansion in Norse mythology! ’

The blonde girl in this news is with Saber!

'Although I didn't participate in the news of the newspaper at that time, it seems that this news was directly ordered by Ron for the newspaper to publish it? ’

Jessica pouted, it turns out that Ron knew about this a long time ago, so he went to London on purpose?

Thinking, Jessica asked: "Since you are King Arthur, then your sister Arthur..."

"No, your sister's name is Arthur, and your name is Arturia. According to her name, she should be King Arthur, right? Saber, what's going on?"

"She... she is also King Arthur..." Saber showed a rare wry smile.

"Uh..." Jessica's mouth opened wider, not knowing what language to use to express her feelings.

Two King Arthurs? Are they all women?

"Are you serious?" Jessica asked.

"Well..." Saber nodded: "I actually come from a different world..."

Knowing that Jessica didn't believe it, Saber told Jessica the reasons Arthur told her and her own understanding.

"For some unknown reason, I came to your world. The place where I first came is where I, you, and Ron first met..."

"Later, in order to find out the truth of the matter, I went to Britain again, which is what you call Britain first..."

"There, I met Arthur. According to her, I actually came from another world, another world that is the same as here, but completely different..."

"She said that our world is not unique. In this magical world, there are many, many parallel universes."

"According to the development, in ten parallel universes, there may be a King Arthur, and I am one of them!"

"Arthur is too, but she is the King Arthur of your world..."



Jessica was completely stunned, and even thinking was a little tired.

Because she didn't understand what Saber said at all.

What a parallel universe, what a different world, but the same King Arthur, what a mess?

Any such nonsense?

As a former school bully, but completely degraded after the car accident, Jessica waved her hand firmly.

"Don't talk about saber, I don't understand what you said, let's go home and sleep, I feel a little dizzy..."

"Actually, I also feel very dizzy, but these things are related to my background, and I have to understand them..."

Saber also agreed with Jessica very much, did not continue to say these things, and returned to the Marvel Building with Jessica.

In the following time, Jessica stayed in her room as she said, never came out.

She is looking up the information, looking up the information about the parallel universe and King Arthur is a girl.

But got nothing.

'The troubles of being a scumbag...'

Unable to find the result, Jessica simply fell on the bed and fell asleep.

On the other side, Saber sat quietly in front of the window, looking at the scenery outside the window, looking forward to the person's return.

Just like that, the day passed in the blink of an eye.


The next day, Saber woke up at 6 o'clock as usual, then put on a small white suit, dark blue dress, black socks, black low-heeled shoes, washed and brushed his teeth, and started to make breakfast.

Hand grabbing biscuits, three servings!

It's not because of one more person, but because Saber remembered that Jessica was still living in the Amazement Building, so she made one more for her.

Just like yesterday, after making breakfast, Saber went to Jessica's room and knocked on the door, telling her to get up.

Then, another hug.

Saber pushed Jessica away and gave her a toothbrush and toothpaste that she had already held in her hand, "Go wash up."

"I'm a superhero, and superheroes don't need to brush their teeth!"

When Jessica saw the toothbrush, she just waved her hand, showing no need with a dignified look.

Seeing that Jessica was still so stubborn, Saber smiled knowingly and said, "Ron said, brushing your teeth frequently can make people stronger!"

"Boss said that?" Jessica asked in disbelief.

"Of course." Saber nodded seriously, indicating that he did not lie.

But in her heart, she was smiling.

"I'm lying too..."

Jessica shrugged and reluctantly took the toothbrush and toothpaste.

She actually didn't want to, but who asked Saber to carry Ron's all out?

She could ignore Saber, Peter Parker, but Ron.

Who made Ron her boss or her boss...

"It's so stingy, I gave Peter a set of equipment, but also didn't give me a set..."

While washing, Jessica also thought of the metal spider suit that Peter wore yesterday, feeling angry and helpless.

After a quick shower, Jessica ran to the dining table at a speed of 250 yards per 100 kilometers and devoured it.

Before we finished eating, a phone call came.

It's Peter's.

Peter said that Dr. Otto has been sent to the hospital, and the set of mechanical octopus arms on his body has been disassembled and successfully returned to normal.

However, because of what happened yesterday, he still needs to be reviewed by the government. It is estimated that the little sun that Ron invested in him will have some waves, or even disappear directly.

If Ron doesn't come back...

Yes, thinking that Ron's influence is too strong, and he is close to Tony Stark, and under the guarantee of an organization called S.H.I.E.L.D., the government has always been very polite to Ron, even surprised Newspapers have been resisting government orders to report on 'illegal events'.

But now Ron is gone, and gone for three months!

In this situation, the government's previous cautiousness towards Surprise has completely disappeared.

After knowing that Dr. Otto's use of tritium to make energy yesterday was Ron's investment, the government organization directly detained Dr. Otto in the name of endangering social security.

And Peter also said that if Ron didn't show up again, they would probably directly seize Ron's Surprise newspaper and arrest Ron himself in this name.

After listening to Peter's remarks, Jessica slapped the table directly and cursed, "You said that the Surprise Newspaper will be closed down? I don't think the government has any fear, hum!"

"Is it troublesome?" Saber didn't understand this, but seeing Jessica so angry, she was also worried.

After all, the Surprise Newspaper is Ron's thing...

"It's very troublesome!" Jessica frowned: "The disappearance of the boss for three months has affected too many things. According to Peter, if the boss doesn't show up again, the government will probably directly investigate and punish our Surprise Newspaper, and... …”

"The Marvel Building where we live now!"

"Is that so?" Saber's face also became serious. As King Arthur, she actually understood this feeling very well.

After her death, the originally powerful British Empire began to collapse at an avalanche-like speed, and it didn't take long for it to die out.

Isn't the current situation the same as her British Empire back then?

The same is because of the disappearance of the master, and it has become declining...


"And us!" Saber said to Jessica with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Jessica was a little confused.

"Although Ron is not here, we are here!" Saber said seriously: "We can help Ron and help him solve this trouble."

"You mean, go directly to confront the government?" Jessica's face first thought, and then she began to show excitement!

"It's a good idea. I agree. With you, King Arthur, I don't believe it. How dare the U.S. government treat us!"

"..." Saber's eyes were also excited, thinking that she built that huge empire in this way?

But now the situation is different.

Saber has carefully understood the world and learned a lot of things. She knows that if she builds a huge empire now, it will definitely be much more difficult than when she built the British Empire.

Although it is not as difficult to resist the government and build a huge empire, it is not so easy to do after all.

So, Saber said seriously: "Jessica, it's not like you said, we need a more perfect method..."

jingle bell~

Before Saber could finish speaking, the doorbell rang.


Saber and Jessica had this thought in their minds at the same time.

Because as long as acquaintances visit, there is no need to ring the doorbell, and you can enter the accommodation area directly through the exclusive bottom, such as Peter Parker, Jane Foster, etc...

Only those unfamiliar people who want to come to the accommodation area above the 33rd floor of the Surprise Building must stop at the 32nd floor on the top floor, which can only be reached by ordinary elevators, and remind the people above by ringing the doorbell. may come in.

For example, some decorators, cleaning staff, etc...

The Surprise News Office is well decorated. Jessica pressed a button, and there was a surveillance area in the middle of the hall on the thirty-second floor, and found out who was coming.

"It seems to be an employee of the reporter department of the newspaper, what is Eddie's..."

Seeing the surveillance footage, Jessica frowned and thought for a while before realizing that she had seen this person.

Although Jessica did not work for the Surprise Newspaper recently and became a reporter, but when the newspaper was established, she was the best reporter in the newspaper.

For example, Thor, the god of thunder in New Moxi, was discovered by her.

Jessica remembers that at that time, this Eddie seemed to be an employee of the news department, but it seemed that the work was not very good.

After most of the newspaper's employees moved to the new building, and she rarely worked as a reporter, she never saw this person again.

Unexpectedly, this person who did not do a good job is still an employee of the surprise newspaper...

"Reason for the visit!" Thinking of this person's identity, Jessica asked Eddie why he wanted to see them through the monitored walkie-talkie.

In front of another elevator on the thirty-second floor, after Eddie heard Jessica's voice, he also knew that he had not come in vain, and immediately said to the radio station beside the doorbell:

"I'm here to meet the boss, and I have something important to tell him!"

"The boss is not here for the time being, what do you want to say, just tell me!" Jessica's tone became a lot colder.

"No, I have to tell the boss about this." Eddie's tone was firm, as if he wouldn't speak as long as the boss wasn't there.

"..." Jessica fell silent, she was thinking, why this Eddie was so eager to find Ron.

However, perhaps because Jessica had been silent for a long time, Eddie couldn't hold it any longer.

Hearing no response, Eddie struggled for a while, and then said:

"..." Jessica fell silent, she was thinking, why this Eddie was so eager to find Ron.

However, perhaps because Jessica had been silent for a long time, Eddie couldn't hold it any longer.

Hearing no response, Eddie struggled for a while before speaking into the radio again: "This matter is related to the survival of the entire Surprise News Agency, I need to see the boss immediately, or someone who can decide this matter!"

"The survival of the Surprise Newspaper?" Hearing these words, Jessica finally lost her composure, looked at Saber, then got up and went downstairs.

She wants to meet this Eddie in person to see what happened to the Surprise Newspaper, it is actually related to the survival of the entire Surprise Newspaper!

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