True Marvel World

Chapter 297 The road to the rise of the villain!

After leaving Baxter Building, Doom drove back to his company.

After discovering that he not only has the ability to control electricity, but even his body starts to look like metal, Doom wants to know why and stop this change.

Although he didn't deny that he had such a god-given ability, he was a handsome man, and that was what he said, whether it was himself or others who saw him.

So he didn't want to become the same as Ben, with a completely different body, no human form.

In that case, how could he have a sexually blessed lower body?

It is definitely impossible to go to Reed to examine him. He has a personal doctor and has deep attainments in medicine and genetics. There is no need to go to Reed.

Back at the company building, Doom found his personal doctor and asked him to examine himself.

"How is the situation?" Doom asked impatiently when he put his hand that had undergone metal changes on the monitor.

The private doctor looked at the monitoring screen, pondered for a while, and said: "Your tissues, organs, and the entire divine power structure are changing, but all body systems are still functioning normally. In this case, I only listened to it before. Said it happened to mutants!"

"But I don't have a mutant gene, do I?" Doom smiled, not knowing whether it was a wry smile or a satisfied smile.

"What will it be like after that?"

"I don't know." Although Doom looked relaxed, the personal doctor was very serious: "If you continue, your entire body will become a synthesis of organisms and metals, becoming more than titanium, carbide steel, and diamonds. hard……"

"Is there a way to stop this change?" Reed finally got serious, after all, he didn't want to become a metal man himself.

"Like mutants, not for the time being!" The personal doctor looked at Doom's half-metal arm: "If you keep going like this, maybe in less than two weeks, you'll be completely like this."

"Two weeks?" Doom finally became worried when he heard the word.

If he can't see people after two weeks, what will his company do?

Those shareholders who invested in him in the early days and now want to cheat him will not give him so much time to pay him the price.

"That's right." The private doctor's face was worried: "I have to tell the Center for Disease Control about this situation, there is a high possibility that this is a new virus, and if it is contagious, then we will be in great trouble! "

"What did you say?" Hearing this, Doom stood up immediately and gradually approached his personal doctor:

"Look at me, I'm Victor Doom, the head of the Doom Group, so this matter must be kept secret, understand?"

"But what if this disease is really contagious..." The personal doctor took a step back subconsciously, thinking of his beautiful wife and daughter, he still mustered up the courage to say:

"Dum, you know, I still have a wife and daughter. If I get infected by you, what will they do?"

"So, what do you mean, you don't want to keep it a secret for me?" Doom's tone has become devoid of any emotion, and a tyrannical emotion has risen in his heart, and he has begun to plan for the worst.

He absolutely can't let others know about his own affairs, not only because he doesn't want to be the same alien as the Stone Man, but also because he doesn't really reject his own abilities.

He just refuses to look weird!

The fate of the mutants is still vivid in my mind. If only Reed and the others have the ability, but if the ability is really contagious as the personal doctor said, then they are nothing more than another group of mutants.

He still has his own company, he also wants to know his own country, Latvinia, and look at those who have ridiculed him, he has succeeded outside!

Instead of letting them see when the time comes, they are actually being held in prison by the US government.

Looking at the personal doctor who looked at him with horror in front of him, Doom was very worried, worried that this guy would stab his own affairs and make those things he didn't want to see come true.


With a swish, the strong arm that has always been strong grabbed the personal doctor who was not tall, and then lifted it directly in the air, twisting it lightly, and twisting the man's neck to the side.

In less than two seconds, a living person was killed in the hands of Doom, and there was no more life.

Seeing that the eyes of the man in front of him began to turn white, instead of feeling any fear or nausea, Doom suddenly became excited, and found that murder was no big deal at all.

'What a bad news...'

However, looking at his right hand that became more metalized, Doom realized that it was impossible for him to stop this change.

"Since I can't resist, why don't I accept it? After all, it must be a very good thing to have a body that is stronger than titanium alloy!"

Doom came to the mirror, looked at his handsome face, and laughed softly.

If he can continue to be strong, so that he can take revenge on those people, so what if he changes into another shape?

Compared with what he was going to do, the handsome face was not mentioned at all.


Doom's mind thought of the person who showed off his power in his company a few days ago, and he made a decision in his heart!

A decision that changed his life.



Three days later, New York's financial daily and television broadcasted a message that Ned Sisser, the largest shareholder of the Doom Group, announced that he would succeed Victor Doom and control most of the technology companies in the original Doom Group underground, and Preparations are already submitting a report to change the name of Doom Group to Cisse Group...

At night, Doom was alone in the Doom Group building, where he was about to change his name to Sither. He stayed in the toilet and stared at the report.

The Doom Group, which he had worked so hard to run, was about to change its name and change its name...

And this result has his own part of the reason.

After making that decision, he no longer paid attention to Ned, who had been forcing him to hand over his investment and shares, but to see what would happen to this guy.

In the end, it really did not surprise him. Many companies under his name were directly renamed, and most of the shareholders in the group supported the other party. Then, without him, the Dum Group was directly turned into the other party's. .

"Everything has been planned for a long time..."

Doom looked at the mirror and smiled slightly when he saw that the original scar on his face had turned into metal.

Then, he walked over to the electric socket on the right side of the toilet mirror, and brought his hand, which was completely turned into metal, close to it.

The lights suddenly dimmed.

An electric current visible to the naked eye came out of the socket and was directly connected to Doom's right hand, and a sizzling sound began to sound.

If someone was on duty in the power room in the Doom Group building at this time, they would see the meter jumping, and I don't know how many dollars per second.

It was not until dozens of seconds later that the light in the toilet went out, Doom released his hand, felt the sufficient feeling in his body, and showed a satisfied smile.

This is an ability he developed by himself when he tested his physical ability these days.

He can use his ability to absorb electricity to store electricity in his metal body. When he wants to activate it, he can shoot out a powerful electric shock at any time, and directly destroy the enemy remotely.

"This world is really interesting..."

Doom put his hands down gently, walked out of the toilet, and walked towards the parking lot in the basement on foot.

At this time, in the basement of the Doom Group, Ned Sisser frowned as he looked at the lights that were suddenly dark and then suddenly turned on, feeling very strange.

Although the Doom Group is going to go bankrupt, the electricity bill is still very sufficient, shouldn't it be like this?


The sound of the door being closed came out.

Ned was startled by the voice: "Who?"

No one responded, but footsteps sounded.

Ned looked towards the voice coming from the voice and found a tall, familiar figure.


"Huh..." The person walking towards him laughed.

The voice convinced Ned that it was indeed Doom.

"Dom, did you come down the stairs? What happened to the lights?"

"It's nothing." Doom Dili smiled and walked further, only a few meters away from Ned.

"Okay..." Ned subconsciously panicked, because for some reason, he felt that the Doom in front of him became very strange...

How should I put it, just like the feeling he saw on a desperado before, it makes people feel scared for no reason!

However, Ned has also experienced people who have experienced strong winds and waves. Otherwise, how could he have tricked countless people and come to the point where he is today?

"You're very upset by what's on the news today, I know, but it's not about you, is it?"

"I know you're from Latovonia, haven't you always wanted to go back? Now is the time to start over..."

"After all, that ancient country is the best place for you..."

Ned said, and slowly approached his car, because there was a thing in his car that he could use for self-defense.


Doom also noticed Ned's small movements, but he had no worries at all.

Because that is completely redundant.

Doom smiled, and did not take Ned's words, but slowly pointed his hand to the other side.

Suddenly, a string of red lasers emanated from his hand, pointing directly at the opponent's chest, and in an instant, a hole the size of a football was opened in the opponent's body.

This kind of damage hits people, not to mention ordinary Ned, even Deadpool will be seriously injured by this kind of attack!

Seeing that the person in front of him who was just showing off his power with him, and who was so humble in the past, fell so easily, Doom felt very cool, very cool.

Because this is what it feels like to be in control!

At this moment, Doom even felt that he had become an omnipotent God!

Regardless of Ned's body, Doom came to the elevator where the power had been restored, and came to the top floor where he lived. He didn't worry about the exposure of his murder at all.

Because I am just an 'ordinary person'...

The corners of Doom's mouth twitched, and he was glad that he didn't reveal his identity.

After all, there are two people who have not exposed their identities like Reed and Ben, have they?

After coming to the room where he lived, Doom turned on a few screens, and all of a sudden he saw the Fantastic Four that had been on the news for the past few days.

This is not a coincidence, but because Doom actually had Reed rented the Baxter Building to monitor all the time, and he even had access to Reed's own laboratory system.

It's like Reed has his space station profile too.

Before that, the two sides had cooperated together, but Reed was sincerely cooperating, but he had already left a lot of time bombs on the other side, and he was ready to trick the other side when he had a chance.

And this is actually the reason why Reed has researched so many things over the years, but he is still very poor and even owes a lot of loans.

"Reed, although you are indeed very smart, you are still too stupid in these things..."

Looking at Reed's diligent study in the surveillance, Reed became more certain of his decision.

In these three days, he has actually been doing one thing.

That is how to combine those things that change his body and give him power to make his power stronger!

He was also a scientist, a scientist no worse than Reed.

While Reed was researching how to release the changes in his own body, he was actually researching whether the cosmic airflow that changed their bodies and empowered them could be added together to make his abilities stronger.

And, he has succeeded!

In the exclusive medical room he built, he got the blood of Shirenben, who also absorbed the most cosmic airflow, but because of the heaviest injury, he took a tube of blood to check. Fusion features.

Under this premise, he easily created the device that could fuse the mysterious cosmic airflow remaining in their bodies.

And the decision he made three days ago was to absorb all the abilities of the other six people who had also been baptized by the cosmic airflow, and fuse them into his body to strengthen himself.

As he had just thought, he liked the feeling of being God and in control of everything.

However, now his strength is very far from that stage.

Doom is very self-aware. There are still many people with various abilities in this world. Many people are not weaker than him. He must continue to be strong in order to achieve his goal of becoming a god.

Especially after a person calling himself S.H.I.E.L.D. came to him two days ago and said who was the 'Skywalker' who blocked the hole where the nuclear bomb exploded in one fell swoop during the Alien War in New York half a year ago, He was even more sure of his plans.

"It starts with you..."

Looking at the lonely rock on the surveillance camera, Doom began to plan again.

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