True Marvel World

Chapter 287 Changes in life

"We've been dating for two years, Susan..."

"After you joined the company, the company has developed rapidly and the prospects are getting wider and wider. Many of these are due to your credit..."

"I know you may not admit it, but I know that because of you, I can have what I am now..."

"I am a decisive person. I have never been afraid to make decisions in my life. Now, it is time for me to make the most important decision..."

In the control room of the space station, Doom pulled Susan here and looked at each other with tenderness on his handsome face.

Doom put both hands behind his back and held a small box. Inside the box was a diamond ring that he had carefully prepared. It was not big, but it was Susan's favorite style.

After snatching Susan away from Reed, Doom has always treated Susan very well, never forcing each other too much, and is usually very careful, fully showing the demeanor of a gentleman.

After working with Reed and preparing to go to space, he prepared to propose to Susan on his space station, letting her know that he was definitely the best choice for the other party.

At the end of the speech, Doom saw that Susan was also moved by his own words, so he took out the hand behind his back and slowly opened the small box in his hand, looking more and more affectionate.

"Susan, I want to say four words to you, four words that will change our lives..."

"The cloud has accelerated, and it will arrive here soon..." Suddenly, a slightly flustered female voice came over.

Doom, who was holding the diamond ring, turned around, his face full of anger, but he suppressed his anger after realizing that the other party was Ron's subordinate.

"what happened?"

"The cloud is accelerating strangely. Reed said that it will hit us soon. The cosmic flow is very likely to be fatal, so he asked you to terminate the mission..." Jane was still serious, and she did not seem guilty for breaking the other party's proposal. .

"I'll take a look..." After Jane finished speaking, Susan ran out immediately, wanting to see what was going on.

Doom was even more angry because what Jane asked her about had nothing to do with him.

You know, this time Ron is the biggest investor in the project, but because the other party has not appeared for a month, and because he is an expert in this field, he is familiar with it, so the final command is still in his hands.

But because he only occupies the small head, he always feels a little uncomfortable when commanding.

Now, not only was his proposal interrupted by Jane, but others were directly treating him as a coolie. What's the matter?

So Doom couldn't take it anymore and said in a cold voice, "Ask your boss first and then talk to me. He is the one who has the most say in this project, okay?"

"Uh..." After listening to Doom's words, Jane was stunned for a moment, and found that it seemed to be the case~

"I'll go find him!" Knowing that she was misled by Reed for such a big joke, Jane gave Doom an apologetic smile, and then ran out immediately.

Then, Jian Jian saw Ron who had just come out of the room in the corridor.

"Ron, the cloud has accelerated, and Reed said it's dangerous..." Upon seeing Ron, Jian Jian couldn't wait to express his intentions.

After helping Jane, who was running in a hurry, Ron said without any hesitation: "I'll go to Reed's side to see. You go back and tell Doom to terminate the mission and I will bear all the losses."

"Okay...Okay..." Jane was a little surprised, Ron gave up the mission so easily, you know, he invested 20 billion US dollars...

How could Jane know that Ron's investment was completely an investment that he knew would be worthless, but he still invested, and the purpose was just Reed!

Without thinking too much, Jane ran back to tell Dumron's answer, but she could clearly see the other's face and she was unwilling to do so.

Seeing Doom motionless, Jane increased her tone: "Ron said, he will bear all the consequences..."

'You know shit! ' Doom cursed in his heart, and even more resentment in his heart that Ron intervened in the middle and disrupted his plans.

If he is the one who has the biggest say in the plan this time, how could he terminate the mission?

You know, this is a big research that can affect the entire earth. To give up these is to give up a lot of dollars.

In an instant, Doom even had the idea of ​​killing Ron directly and then taking control of the speech.

But the wise Doom quickly dismissed the idea.

Because it can't be successful.

Let's not say whether he can kill Ron directly, just say that he has successfully killed the other party, then Reed will not continue to obey his orders and continue to research.

"I'll go right away..."

In the end, despite his unwillingness, Doom still came to the main console and directly closed a series of follow-up plans. Then, at Jane's request, he opened the protective cover of the empty lock room, preparing to let Ben outside come back.

"Ban, the protective cover is open, come back soon..."

At this time, after Reed got the good news from Jane, he immediately sent the information to Ben outside the space station.

"I think I'm too late..."

Looking at the red cloud that had already entered, a look of despair appeared on Ben's face.

Yes, those weird red cloud images finally did not follow the values ​​displayed by the smart timer, and arrived at the space station several minutes earlier.

Ben is still a long way from the empty lock room behind him. Even if he walks back, he will never be able to get past the bombardment of the cosmic airflow, so he feels hopeless.

"Ben, just jump over here..."

But just when Ben was desperate, another annoying voice came from behind him.

Ben immediately understood who was shouting.

The Johnny he hated the most.

He woke up in an instant, turned his head, and jumped towards the opening of the protective mask with countless hopes.

"Debbie, I will definitely see you!"

After jumping up, I only thought of one person, my own, my wife!



In the end, Ben still couldn't compare to the fast cosmic airflow. Countless red airflows directly bombarded Ben's body, and he saw the cumbersome spacesuit on his body torn to pieces.

Then, Ben just closed his eyes and lost consciousness.

But the good news is that because of the huge impact of the cosmic airflow, Ben finally flew into the empty lock room with the protective cover opened with countless red airflow.

But bad news also followed.

The empty lock room of the space station is the room for astronauts to enter space. Its function is to eliminate the pressure and sundries from the universe, so it is also the most important.

However, it is precisely because of this that the protection of the empty lock room is not particularly strong. In addition, the outermost protective cover is opened, so after the red airflow bombarded, the door of the empty lock room was instantly blocked. Booming, let the red airflow with countless unknown substances pour in, filling the entire space station.

This sudden change stunned everyone in the space station, but what happened next was the most terrifying.

There are countless energy rays in the unknown cosmic airflow. After passing through the human bodies of the people inside, they directly shred the flesh and blood bodies of these people in an instant, turning them into countless atomic fragments.

But these atomic fragments did not dissipate, but continued to be bombarded by the red airflow, as if their bodies were like a colander that let the water flow away.

However, these 'cold spoons' did not leave something behind. After the airflow passed through them, they constantly changed their fragile body and genetic structure, causing their bodies to change.

Reed's body was elongated, as if it had become a piece of rubber played with by children, becoming less human-like.

The body that was blasted into the space station showed countless 'scabs', and these 'scabs' increased little by little, making Ben an extremely disgusting yellow guy...

Johnny's body was bursting with countless fires, and even the airflow on the side couldn't bear the power of the flames and disappeared a lot, as if he was taking a detour.

Susan, who had just arrived here, became 'transparent' and disappeared without a trace... But under this kind of bombardment, they had already lost all consciousness the moment the red air flow came, and they felt nothing at all. Not this painful feeling.

Of course, the red airflow did not spare the rest of the space station, and Doom, Jane, and Ron were also attacked by the airflow.

However, the first two, like Reed, lost consciousness after being attacked by the red airflow and could not feel everything around them.

Only Ron didn't seem to be affected by the red airflow, but watched all the red airflow rushing into his body like the dust absorbed by the sweeper, with a satisfied smile on his face.

Before that, he actually went into space alone to absorb some red airflow, but after feeling that Jane was coming to him, he temporarily stopped absorbing and came out to meet Jane.

Because he knew that sooner or later, these red air currents would belong to him, and he was not in a hurry.

As Reed had guessed, this red cosmic airflow contained countless unknown strengthening elements that could strengthen life.

Of course, these life-enhancing airflows were not directly absorbed by his body, but were directly absorbed into his own universe by him one step ahead of time, becoming the nutrients that floated freely in it.

Of course, his already strong enough body also accepted this kind of good thing, strengthened himself, and even gave his body an independent super power.

And all of this has no side effects at all.

You know, this is rarely seen in the Marvel world.

For example, Dr. Bruce Banner, who was injected with a pirated super soldier potion, although he has a powerful body that can transform into a Hulk, is often out of control, and after transforming, he is extremely angry, like a beast generally.

For example, Norman Osborn, who originally became the Green Goblin, developed the Green Goblin potion that would make the injector become irritable, irritable, and confused, which is not a good thing.

In addition to this, there are many other things that are similar to this, so I won't write them out here.

The Fantastic Four who were changed by this red air flow were different. After their bodies were changed by the red air flow to have powerful abilities, they actually did not have any side effects at all.

This is still very rare in the entire Marvel history.

Therefore, when Ron knew that the red airflow has the characteristics of strengthening life according to the difference of life, he did not intend to let go of these good things, but directly prepared to absorb these airflows, so that his universe could be further born. life.

Although his universe is getting stronger step by step, he always feels that his universe is lacking in something, and after the universe is stronger, his abilities have not improved much, so he believes that his universe must be missing something important thing, that's why it is.

After a long time, he could vaguely feel that life is what the universe needs most.

After realizing this, he has an extremely strong subconscious, wanting to let his universe have his own life and make it alive.

Of course, the life here is not the life that he manifested with his own ability to manifest, but a life that was completely born out of his own universe.

Because only with his own new life, his universe will truly become a unique universe, not just a vassal of this Marvel DC fusion world.

The reason why he created the sun and the reason why he collected those things that can replenish life is because he wants his universe to rely on these things on its own and give birth to new life on its own.

"It seems that the effect is not bad..."

After feeling a feeling of joy in his universe, Ron was even more certain that his decision was not wrong.

So after that, Ron didn't care about anything else. After absorbing the red airflow in the space station, he dodged directly and came to the space where the red airflow existed, and absorbed it even more recklessly.

Although Ron's body is still human now, he is already extremely powerful, so you don't have to worry that he will be the same as the guy in "Avengers 3", because he was put into space and died because of lack of oxygen.

And after Ron came in front, the countless red air currents that were flying away seemed to have encountered a black hole, and all the air currents were sucked into his body and the universe, without any omission.

After doing all this, Ron finally returned to the space station that was no longer in shape, and lay quietly on the chair, waiting for the arrival of rescuers.

The space station has an automatic alarm device, which will send a distress signal to the earth after an accident, and someone should come to rescue them soon.

Although Ron can go directly back to Earth, there is a record of his arrival at the space station. If the rescue does not find him by then, then he can't explain it clearly.

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