True Marvel World

Chapter 284: Creating the Sun

After everything was negotiated, time passed one after another, and soon, a month passed.

During this month, Tony Stark continued to conduct research in his villa, and wanted to use artificial intelligence to control the more than 40 sets of battle armor he had developed to automatically combat ongoing crimes all over the world. .

Of course, the amount of engineering and the intelligence required to control the armor is very high. For example, in a crime, the intelligent program needs to identify the criminal and the non-criminal. Although Jarvis's intelligence is not bad, but It's a bit too naive to want to control so many things.

So Tony has been planning to upgrade Jarvis into a truly intelligent being like a Transformer to accomplish this task.

On the other hand, the 'Little Sun' project jointly developed by Peter Parker and Dr. Otto is also in full swing, and it seems to have made good progress.

According to Dr. Otto, as long as he is given about another month or so, the plan is sure to succeed.

And Dr. Reed's space project is almost ready, fully equipped, and the personnel are ready to go, just waiting for the final cosmic airflow to reach the earth's orbit for human research.

The personnel who will go to space at the end of this operation have also been determined. There are a total of 7 people. In addition to Dr. Reed and his assistant Ben, there is also Doom who provided the equipment. Shan's younger brother is Johnny, a mechanic, Jane, an astronomer, and Ron, a biologist.

At this time, except for Ron, the other six people were all ready to go to the space station.

At this time, Ron was wholeheartedly immersed in his own universe, and has been working hard to prepare the elements needed for his plan to create the sun.

In this month, Ron has completely filled his universe from the hydrogen of his mobile phone and the elements such as hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron that he has fully embodied to the present. Space.

If Everest is the limit of the earth, then this pile of elements is the limit of the entire solar system.

The element used to make the sun was manifested by Ron. In fact, it was bigger than the sun and piled up in the air, like a monster wandering in the universe.

And if you don't know how big the sun is, you can compare it with the earth and the sun, and you'll know.

The earth is very large. According to the radius of the equator, its radius is 6378.137 kilometers, the polar radius is 6356.752 kilometers, the average radius is about 6371 kilometers, the equatorial circumference is about 40076 kilometers, and the surface area is 510 million square kilometers. Big isn't it?

But the sun is actually bigger!

The diameter of the sun has reached about 1,392,000 (1.392 × 10) kilometers, which is equivalent to 109 times the diameter of the earth; its volume is about 1.3 million times that of the earth, and its weight is about 2 × 10 kilograms, which is 330,000 times that of the earth.

Therefore, compared with the sun, the earth can be said to be a little bit, and expressed by comparison, it is the difference between humans and ants.

After Ron had a great power, of course he did not fly to the space beyond the earth alone to observe the entire beautiful blue planet, and express his heartfelt sigh.

The earth is indeed a beautiful star. Its shape and position can all show that it is definitely an extremely perfect planet.

But compared to the 'cosmic monster' that he has now manifested, the earth is not worth mentioning at all.

As mentioned before, the sun is a man, and the earth is an ant. How easy is it for a 'man' to run over an 'ant', I don't need to say it?

Therefore, after having manifested various elements that are enough to create a sun, the most obvious question before Ron is how he can turn these elements into a sun!

Looking at the piles of hydrogen tanks, helium tanks, oxygen tanks, charcoal, neon tanks, refined iron and other element materials in front of him, Ron thought.

It stands to reason that the materials in front of him can basically be ignited with fire. If he directly throws a fire and ignites all these things, when they start to squeeze and explode directly, they will explode like a nuclear bomb explosion. Is there any chance of a sun coming out?

After careful consideration, this method is not appropriate.

Although these elements that are comparable to more than 100 earths explode, the flames that erupt after the explosion can reach the level of the sun, or even larger in diameter than the sun, and the explosion can last for a period of time, but not many, at most a few decades It will disappear in tens of thousands of years.

And what about the sun?

The Sun, a yellow dwarf, has a lifespan of roughly 10 billion years, twice as long as Earth's 5 billion lifespan.

Therefore, this method seems feasible, but it is only a temporary spark, it will disappear in a short time, and it is not practical at all.

Then, Ron's angle of thinking came to the composition of the sun, and he wanted to start with the composition of the sun to create a specific sun.

According to the observations of senior scientists, the structure of the sun is divided into four parts: the core, the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona from the inside out.

Among them, the photosphere is covering the outer periphery of the troposphere, which is an extremely thin layer outside the sun, with a thickness of about 500 kilometers. The outline that we usually see like a disk is this part.

Outside the photosphere, there is a rose-colored solar atmosphere called the chromosphere. Its thickness is about thousands of kilometers, and the gas here is thin, and the visible light emitted is less than one thousandth of the photosphere.

In the far distance from the periphery of the chromosphere, a layer of only 100% of the brightness of the photosphere, wrapped in a very thin, fully ionized gas layer, is called the corona.

And finally, the core of the sun is considered to be the area from the center point to 0.2 solar radius, which is the hottest place in the solar system. Its density is as high as 150,000 kg/m^3; (150 times the density of water on Earth), and its temperature is 15,000,000K!

The SI unit of 'K' temperature here, 273.15K corresponds to 0 degrees Celsius, or absolute 0 degrees. To convert between K and °C, just add 273.15 to the Celsius degree.

In other words, the temperature of the core of the sun has actually reached 14999726.85 degrees Celsius (°C).

Thinking of this, Ron made a plan. If he also made a core like the real sun, and then made three parts of the photosphere, the chromosphere and the corona outside, would he be able to make the sun?

'It seems feasible...'

After thinking about it for a long time, Ron felt that this method was feasible.

But at this time, the problem also came. Although the sun has been stripped into four parts and can be made separately, how to make it is a big problem.

Because the temperature of the core of the sun is as high as 15 million degrees Celsius, and the pressure is equivalent to 250 billion atmospheres. The gas in the core area is extremely compressed to 150 times the density of water.

Here, nuclear fusion is taking place everywhere, and 700 million tons of hydrogen are converted into helium every second. In the process, about 5 million tons of net energy are released (approximately equivalent to 3.86 trillion billion quintillion). Megajoules, 3.86 followed by 26 0s). The energy produced by fusion is transported outward through convection and radiation processes.

If you want to make a core, you must create something that can fuse 700 million tons of hydrogen into helium per second.

In fact, 700 million tons of hydrogen is not too much. In the elemental materials that Ron manifested, it is only a little bit, but 700 million per second...

Just like eating, although you already have as much rice as a Himalayas, eating seven grains of rice every second will quickly run out!

In addition to him, in fact, scientists on earth have also discovered this problem.

You must know that although the mass of the sun is very large, it has a total of 2×10 kilograms. But if it is burning such a huge energy at any time, then according to the energy consumed every day, it can only burn for tens of millions of years at most. It's over, why does the sun continue to burn after billions of years?

In fact, scientists on Earth and Ron already have some conjectures about this answer.

The sun and all the stars in the sky are using fusion atomic energy, and hydrogen is actually the most common substance in the universe.

The sun still has a lot of hydrogen in the process of fusing into helium, and then the sun has its own gravity, which can concentrate the process of fusing hydrogen atoms, which forms a virtuous cycle.

In this way, the sun can continue to burn.

After thinking so much, in the end, Ron chose to choose, and he still chose to use this fusion method to create a sun.

According to speculation, the early sun was not actually a star with a diameter 109 times that of the earth, perhaps not even the current earth.

It's just that with the passage of time, because the sun is constantly fusing, and then relying on its own ability to absorb the elements around it little by little, it has finally reached the point where it is so powerful that it can no longer be powerful.

And as the mass increases, the stronger the sun's gravitational pull, the more matter it attracts around it, which increases its mass.

In this cycle, the mass of the sun is getting bigger and bigger, and at the same time, the bigger the mass is, the bigger the internal pressure is, so that the temperature is continuously rising, and the fusion is more dense and numerous.

So what is in front of Ron now is actually how to fuse these things into a small sun, and then let it absorb and fuse other elements little by little to reach the point of the final sun.

And how to fuse elements is actually very simple.

Ordinary stars are produced by the accumulation of some dense molecular clouds. We know that the magnitude of the universal gravitational force is related to the mass of the object. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force it receives.

The denser the molecular cloud, the denser and denser the place due to the greater mass.

Under the action of gravity, they continue to shrink, and in the process of shrinking, they have to overcome the intermolecular force until the gravitational force and the intermolecular force are balanced.

Later, in the process of shrinking, heat is generated due to overcoming the force between molecules, and the temperature is also quite high. The temperature is too high, and the hydrogen nuclear fusion reaction, which is difficult to occur, occurs at this time, and stars are formed in this way. !

Therefore, as long as Ron gets those elements into a gravitational place, and relies on his power to make a mass large enough, he can make it into a sun by himself.

Ron's universe has nothing, but some gravitational force due to distortion still exists.

As soon as he thought of it, Ron immediately moved a large number of elements placed in the corner to the middle, ready for fusion.

Before, he put it aside because he was afraid that the gravity of the center point would attract the elements he prepared. Now thinking about it, this is just taking off his pants and farting.

That's right, he had been dazed by the idea of ​​creating the sun before, and because he was afraid of accidents, he came up with this dark thing.

As soon as he brought the element to the place of gravity, Ron immediately felt that the gravity at the center point immediately absorbed his element, as if a middle-aged man who had been hungry for days and nights found a full meal and wanted to immediately The same feeling of gobbling down.

Without thinking much, Ron threw these elements into the central gravitational force just like feeding.

If you want to fuse the elements, you only need to let the elements enter the gravitational place in the center of the universe, and let them be compressed together by gravity a little bit, and then the hydrogen gas can explode.

The reason why the hydrogen prepared by Ron did not explode was actually because the concentration of the hydrogen was not high, only less than 3%.

And once the concentration of hydrogen exceeds 4 percent, it will explode at any time.

Although the central gravity of Ron's distorted universe is not very strong, it is still very easy to compress the concentration to more than 4%.

Just as he thought, after a short while, countless explosions occurred.

Countless mushroom clouds exploded at the center point. If the nuclear bomb explosion on the earth is a small torpedo that children play with to fry fish, then the explosion happening now is a meteorite like the earth that is hitting the earth. .

It worked!

Ron couldn't help roaring in his heart. Although the explosion in front of him was only the size of the earth and not as big as the real sun, the gravity at the center point was strengthened, and the shape of the sun had also been initially formed, with the appearance of a small fireball.

After that, as long as you continue to feed this little fireball with elements, or wait for it to confidently absorb the elements in the universe, it can gradually grow into a real sun!

Ron didn't stop, he kept getting the element he prepared before to the center, when the sun directly grew like a balloon, it quickly made him directly exceed the size of the earth and became several the size of the earth.

And at this time, Ron's trace of consciousness in Meiman's earth also received a call.

Without looking, Ron knew that the call was from Dr. Reed, and that he must be looking for space.

Although it was a pity, Ron also felt that there was no need to rush for a while, so he went out of his own universe and wanted to participate in Dr. Reed's research.

The reason why Ron researched the sun is to create real life in his own universe. The cosmic airflow discovered by Dr. Reed also contains things about the evolution of life, so collecting those things will definitely help him form of.

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