True Marvel World

Chapter 270 How to Build a Sun!

Ron believed very much in himself, or in other words, in the universe he incarnated.

Because he has a relationship with the universe, he is not afraid of whether the desperate virus given by Killian is true or false, because regardless of whether it is true or false, as soon as the desperate virus enters his body, it will be instantly absorbed by the universe and become a small nutrients, just like the spider venom he absorbed at first.

I remember when he didn't have the ability at the beginning, his primary goal was to make Peter Parker Spider-Man's spider venom. At that time, he didn't have any ability, and he still had a genetic disease that would kill him in a few years, so Whether the spider venom is poisonous, whether it can give him the ability, he plans to fight and be bitten by a spider.

But just the day before, he suddenly incarnated into a universe. Although he did not succeed in the end, he still possessed the ability, and also obtained the singularity that can slowly incarnate into the universe.

Since then, he has known that his body is actually just a carrier, and even if it is destroyed, he can once again transform into a singularity state and become stronger gradually.

In addition, after he learned that Singularity is strengthened by absorbing different combinations of substances, he can do whatever he wants. Without thinking too much, he directly injected spider venom, strengthening his body, and possessing a small amount of Spider-Man's abilities.

In that injection, Singularity also gained some reinforcements, which increased his own abilities.

Later, because of the successive absorption of the human body strengthening agents developed by Norman Osborn, the singularity itself is also growing over time. Slowly, the singularity is distorted and directly becomes a small universe attached to Meiman. The body of the world has become another form.

At this time, his attitude towards his body became more casual. Any medicine that strengthens the human body, venom, he was injected into his body, and he was not afraid of his body being exploded to death.

Because his universe will test some things that enter from the outside at any time, absorb them first, eliminate danger, and he can also separate and reorganize his body at any time, and he is not afraid of any poison at all.

Therefore, when Killian injected him with the Extremis Virus, he didn't care whether the injected Extremis Virus was real or not, and whether it would cause him harm, because it was unnecessary.

Unless, this venom can poison even his universe!

But is this possible?

Ron doesn't believe in the existence of such a thing. The universe is mysterious and unknown. Even though he is a universe himself, he still doesn't know much about himself.

He didn't understand why he became a universe, didn't know if his universe had boundaries, and didn't know why the singularity was deformed into a small universe and attached to the Meiman world.

There are many more unknown things like this.

The final result is exactly the same. After injecting the Desperate Virus, there was no accident at all. His universe first absorbed most of the material combination of the Desperate Virus, and then brought a small amount of safe Desperate Virus to his body. It strengthened his body once.

And most of the desperate viruses absorbed by the universe have indeed brought a lot of surprises to his universe.

First, let’s talk about the origin and role of the Extremis virus.

The Extremis Virus was researched by a certain ex-girlfriend of Tony Stark, a female doctor named Maya Hansen, to surprise and repair the human brain and DNA. The original idea was good, but I didn't expect something After the study, the results were completely different.

Later, after the female scientist was directly dumped by Tony Stark, he was found by Tony Stark, who was putting pigeons, and studied this technology together, and finally named it the Extremis Virus.

Although the research on the Extremis Virus has been successful, there is a chance that it will fail after injection. However, even if the injection is successful, the injector has the ability, but if it is used improperly and the body heats too high, accidents will occur.

Let’s talk about the ability of the desperate virus. A successful desperate virus can strengthen people’s physical strength many times, the body’s ability to heat up, and the injector can gain a regeneration ability that is similar to that of Uncle Wolf.

In the end, the most important role of the Extremis virus is to complete the human DNA and make the human body more perfect, just like the US team.

Therefore, after one's own universe has also absorbed this kind of good thing that can complete the DNA, there is another layer of opportunity for intelligent life to be born independently in the universe.

Although his universe has nebulae, stars, stars, etc., there are no planets with signs of life, not even stars like Mars and Saturn.

So he is looking forward to it, expecting that intelligent life can be born in his own universe, instead of relying on himself to fill this vacancy.

You must know that although he has the ability to manifest life, he does not intend to create life in his own universe, but wants it to give birth to life autonomously.

Of course, this is not superfluous, because the life he manifests is the relationship of complete life, so he has always been skeptical about how life came to be, thinking that if there is no extraordinary power to intervene, then his own universe Can life be born out of it?

Sadly, no!

After the singularity was distorted into the universe, and then he accelerated his cosmic time, it has actually been hundreds of millions of years, and the size of the universe is already 3 light-years in size. According to the astronomical unit 1au equals to 150 million kilometers distance, almost It is 190,000 au, which is about the size of the solar system.

But in this solar system-sized universe, no stars with signs of life were born, not a single one.

And now after absorbing the Desperate Virus, he suddenly had an idea, should he take the initiative to distribute the Desperate Virus on a star to see if he could give this star a chance to give birth to life.

Just do it when he thinks of it, and Ron's consciousness instantly enters his own small universe to see if he can find a planet to create a planet that can give birth to life in advance.

‘However, in order for life to be born, it seems that a sun is needed to provide the temperature. Otherwise, it is really a question whether the normal command of life can be born at such a low temperature…’

Feeling myself in this space where there is no temperature, even by human standards, the average temperature is almost minus one hundred degrees, and I fell into contemplation.

Yes, without temperature, how can command life be born?

However, when he looked down at his universe from the perspective of God, he had a new plan.

‘Since my universe is just the size of the solar system, why don’t I just turn this universe into a real solar system? ’

Yes, after thinking that his universe was just about the size of the solar system, he immediately had a plan to turn his distorted small universe into a real solar system!

'First the sun! ’

The solar system consists of many stars, such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Earth, Jupiter, etc., but in fact, these stars, including the Earth, are not the most important stars. The most important star in the solar system is of course the sun!

To make a solar system, the sun is necessary!

Without the sun, the temperature in the solar system will return to a very low level. Even on Earth, the temperature will return to minus tens of degrees and hundreds of degrees, which is not suitable for most of the known species to survive.

Without the sun, there would be no gravitational force in this area, and the object would move according to its own magnetic field or operating state.

So if you want to create a solar system, you must first create a sun.

According to current human research, the diameter of the sun is about 1,392,000 (1.392×10) kilometers, which is equivalent to 109 times the diameter of the earth; its volume is about 1.3 million times that of the earth, and its weight is about 2×10 kilograms, which is 33 times that of the earth. million times.

In terms of chemical composition, three-quarters of the sun is hydrogen, and the rest is almost all helium, including oxygen, carbon, neon, iron and other heavy elements whose mass is less than 2%. Nuclear fusion is used to send to space. Release light and heat.

The sun itself is the star at the center of the solar system, and its own magnetic field will make it fixed in the middle of the solar system and form a gravitational force with the surrounding space stars.

If you want to create a sun, you must first find the center of your own small universe, and find a way to create a sun!

It's easy to find the center point. Ron will know where the center point of his small universe is as soon as he senses it, so he doesn't need to look for it at all.

And at this central point, he also discovered some kind of gravitational force, which seems to be pulling the surrounding stars all the time, but the traces are not obvious, almost nothing...

So the only thing left is how to make a sun.

The first thing Ron thought of was to directly manifest the ability to directly manifest a sun.

His ability to manifest can even manifest life and space, and manifesting a sun composed of matter should not be a big problem...

However, when he wanted to manifest a sun and wanted to manifest, he stopped immediately.

Because his subconscious clearly told him that with his current ability stage, this is very difficult!

First of all, although his manifesting ability can manifest the sun, since the sun is 1.3 million times the size of the earth, it is a huge object. Although his manifesting ability is abnormal, it is impossible to manifest one in an instant. Something 330,000 times bigger than the Earth came out.

So Ron estimated that, at his current stage of ability, it may take years or even decades for him to fully reveal too much.

This time is too long, because this is the time on earth, not the little cosmic time that he can speed up at any time.

If he wants to manifest such a large object, his own universe will definitely help him to manifest the sun, and he cannot accelerate the speed of his own universe.

If he really uses this method, then when he returns to the Meiman world, I am afraid that the earth has long been occupied by aliens, and even Thanos who cannot find the space gem will be destroyed!

After all, the space gem has been integrated with his universe and will not appear in the Meiman world. If Thanos can't find this gem, he will not be able to gather the six gems together, so he is likely to spread his qi on the earth and destroy it. Earth is also normal.

After abandoning this idea, he began to have another method, another very perverted method.

That is to go back to the world of Meiman, go into space and fly to the edge of the sun, try to absorb the sun with your own universe, and grab one directly.

But as soon as the idea came up, Ron was directly pressed to death.

First of all, let's not say that doing this will directly kill life on earth, even the risk sharing is not worth it.

After all, the sun is very big, and it will definitely take time to absorb it. Although it will be faster than he manifests the sun, it certainly cannot be done in an instant.

At that time, if the perverted beings in the Meiman world find him doing this, they will definitely stop him at all costs.

More than worth the loss!

Therefore, this idea was quickly rejected by him.

In the end, the fastest and most convenient method he could think of was only one left.

That is, using helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, etc., to directly fuse a sun.

This method was developed by Ron with reference to the 'little sun' technology that Dr. Octopus is researching. If this guy, Dr. Octopus, can create a small sun, he has the ability to manifest, and he is also a universe. Why? Can't do this?

Just do what he thinks. First, according to the mass of the sun studied by the earth people, the ratio of 2 × 10 kilograms, Ron began to produce helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, iron, etc., and wanted to generate a big bang through nuclear fusion. In the form of fusion, a sun comes out.

Things like helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron are very easy to embody. Their material composition is very simple, and Ron's own universe also has these elements. In addition, his universe also embodies these things. With full power, he should be able to get these elements out and test them in less than a month.

Of course, although he knows what the sun is actually made of and what the approximate elements are, because of the complexity and instability of nuclear fusion, even if he gets the elements right, it's very likely that he won't be able to create a sun.

This is for sure, everything is random, let alone the creation of the sun?

But before thinking of a better method, this method is indeed the most convenient, safest and fastest method.

If it fails once, then twice, if it fails twice, then three times.

Ron still doesn't believe it, he can't create a 'little' sun!

Consciousness withdrew from his own universe. While collecting and embodying elements such as helium, oxygen, carbon, neon, and iron that made the sun in his own universe, Ron also returned to the earth world, ready to watch the latest developments.

Killian will definitely take revenge on Tony, although he intervened, and after he left Killian's aim technology company, the other party also sent a person to follow him and monitor him, but of course he did not let this person go. In his eyes, it was a direct mental bombardment. After controlling this person, he regarded it as air and didn't care at all.

Although he also wanted to see Tony make a fool of himself, and he didn't care what happened to America, he had already destroyed the timeline after all. If Killian really killed Tony and ruled America, it wouldn't be fun after that. .

Therefore, for the normal development of things, he has to participate in the latest situation and observe the development of things at any time.

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