Traveling at the same time, creating the door of truth

Chapter 133 Reluctance, the cruel truth

"Why is the spiritual world destroyed?"

After hearing Zhou Mingrui's question, the light of the spiritual world gave the answer

"Because the Star God was born."

This answer was within Zhou Mingrui's expectation, but what he wanted was a more in-depth answer.

Mitya turned to look at Zhou Mingrui, who was looking over his shoulder, shook his head, and spoke in a calm tone.

"The birth of the Star God means that the extraordinary sequence of potions...will be eliminated."

"The magic potion was eliminated!" This was a result Zhou Mingrui had never expected.

You know, magic medicine started from the first profane stone tablet, almost from the second era to the present, a history of nearly thousands of years!

It has a long history and profound heritage.

As a result, you said that magic potion will be eliminated? !

"It's just incredible."

Medea waved her hand and said calmly: "The Extraordinary Sequence will be replaced by Star God's Destiny. This will be a complete change."

"Wrong change." The light of the spiritual world looked at Media.

Just like the extraordinary person chooses the enemy after deciding which potion path to use.

When Medea, Adam, the Hidden Sage, and the gods explore the path of the Star God and find another path based on potions with extraordinary properties, they are destined to be enemies of the old era.

The change has brought benefits, whether the extraordinary power is out of control or not, and the cruel fighting with potions will no longer exist. Even the adjacent sequences of the Night Goddess and the God of War can coexist and cooperate.

But the changes have also brought huge negative effects. The light of the spiritual world, the spiritual world, the undead and messengers in the spiritual world, etc. will all perish. This is the inevitable result of the changes in the times.

"You and I have different paths, and we are destined to be enemies." Medea shook the staff in her hand, which was dazzling, as if a bloody battle to the death was about to begin in an instant.

Zhou Mingrui swallowed his saliva and looked at the two confronting each other with some concern. If the boss takes action, he might be killed by the aftermath Aoe in the first wave.

"Are there no other options?"

Hearing Zhou Mingrui's question, both Spirit World Light and Mitya shook their heads.

Unfortunately, this is the reality.

Contradiction exists, cruel yet beautiful.

"No, as the light of the spiritual world, we must rely on the spiritual world to survive. If the spiritual world does not exist, we will gradually die."

"There is no possibility of coexistence between us and the Star God."


But when he thought about the handicraft workers eliminated by Tingen City's industrialization, Zhou Mingrui suddenly felt that everything was so normal.

The otherworldly world of potions will change sooner or later.

There is never a static world, the real immortality lies in change itself!

In the past thousand years of history, the magic potion was obtained by humans from the Desecrated Slate, and then set off the first round of vigorous and extraordinary revolutions. The magic potion and sequence created one strong person after another.

The number of these strong men increases over time, and the extraordinary sequence of battles is like a feudal dynasty, with you and me constantly going back and forth, taking turns...

Nowadays, it is just the accumulated historical sediment that is exploding!

Just like the new revolution set off by steam and electricity.

"Compatriots, this is a revolution in the true sense." Mitya softly described the future.

"Extraordinary power is no longer out of control. Star Gods are in every corner of the world, and their destiny echoes. This is a new era."

"This is a wrong change. The birth of the Star God will destroy the spiritual world and bring endless disadvantages." The light of the spiritual world bluntly pointed out the contradictions and loopholes.

"The destiny of the Star God is echoed, and the extraordinary concept will be recycled by the Star God of the same sequence.

From now on, destiny walkers will only have the right to use it, and they will never be able to truly master the extraordinary characteristics. "

"Not only that, the destiny walker will be twisted into another person because of the Star God's path. This is an out-of-control performance..."

What is right and wrong is dialectical at this moment.

Medea nodded, the reality was indeed the case, the light of the spiritual world did not lie, and then continued: "These are just labor pains. In a new era where extraordinary power does not go out of control and there is no mental pollution, the destiny of the Star God will be revealed. In the world, you can choose the path that you pursue in your heart."

"What is the new era? Feed on the old era, violently seize the extraordinary characteristics of every extraordinary person, forcibly take away their power, harvest extraordinary concepts, and become a pyramid."

The light of the spiritual world said while simulating the next scene.

The Star God feeds on the extraordinary concepts of the universe, so that he can find a steady stream of "food" for himself and devour the hopes of all living beings.

As long as the Star Gods exist for one day, when their destiny power crosses the star field, there will be no hope for those who come after them.

Compared with the thousand-year fall of gods and angels in the Fourth Era, the Third Era, and even the previous eras, the life span of the Star God is long enough to be as long as the stars and the moon!

"These are hopeless and desperate times."

Looking at the scene of the spiritual world light simulation, Medea did not refute.

Everything has pros and cons.

The Star God replaces the extraordinary properties of potions, but at the same time it also accumulates new disadvantages.

"This is the necessity of the times, transcending time and time again." Mitya's eyes were pure and unmoved at all.

After continuing one round of argument after another, the light of the spiritual world and Mitya looked at Zhou Mingrui at the same time.

He is the son of destiny and will decide the future master of Origin Castle. According to the description of mythology, this kind of person who is in trouble is the son of destiny who determines the future!

After Adam, the ancient sun god, chose the Star God and officially became the Memory Star God, Zhou Mingrui's thoughts will determine whether to stage "Apotheosis of the Gods" or "Journey to the West" next!

It's two religions and three merchants, a battle to become gods!

Or maybe it was Xuanzang’s journey to the west, eighty-one calamities!

The decision is completely made by Zhou Mingrui, who holds the core puzzle of the identity of the Lord of Mysteries.

The light of the spiritual world whispered: "Ruler of the spiritual world, please take back your great power."

"Sorry, I refuse."

Zhou Mingrui shook his head.

The rainbow-shaped light from the spiritual world changed its appearance slightly, and then it emitted a cold light.

Like an icy sun, dazzling and biting.

Mitya stopped Zhou Mingrui behind him and watched his changes vigilantly.

"I'm sorry, great ruler of the spirit world, maybe you will be chosen to tear me apart by a short-term memory after waking up.

But for the existence of the spiritual world, to protect the hope and future of this world!

I had to do it! "

After saying that, the light of the spiritual world calmly unfolded a picture scroll in front of Zhou Mingrui.

"Is this?!" Zhou Mingrui's heart made a cracking sound.

The Southern Continent, the Northern Continent, the Sea of ​​Storms, the Land Abandoned by the Gods, and the Western Continent...these familiar maps seemed to go against the flow of time, rapidly changing from the present to the past.

The world map has gradually become what Zhou Mingrui is familiar with, a blue planet!


As soon as this thought came up, Zhou Mingrui subconsciously turned to look at Mitya.

"Yes." Medea didn't lie.

Even if she chose to lie and deceive Zhou Mingrui.

But now that the light of the spiritual world still has some authority over the spiritual world, the truth is destined to be known to him!

"This is the truth."

"Huh...the truth, the truth is that I never traveled through time, I just came to the future, right?"

Zhou Mingrui said in a serious tone: "Is this the truth?"

"Yes." Mitya's words were like a heavy hammer, hitting Zhou Mingrui hard.

Where is home?

This is home.

However, the home has been buried in the fog of history.

"I...Hahaha! Hahaha!"

Zhou Mingrui stretched out his hand to support his face. He just felt that he was a "fool"!

Stupid and unaware of the truth.

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