Transformers In Marvel

Chapter 29 Weapons

Downey stepped up to John and grabbed him by the neck.

"The sharpest weapon you vampires have is your teeth, you have to play with guns."

Downey acted very decisively. When the vampires were about to kill, he stopped the vampires first and controlled John. He was fast, very fast, so fast that he surprised everyone!

John's eyes widened in disbelief. How could this mutant of the control system have such good physical fitness? ! He opened his mouth and gurgled, but nothing came out. The other vampires also pointed their guns at Downey nervously, ready to strike at any time.

Several small Transformers were assembled and formed, looking at it like a tiger, and Optimus Prime outside was also ready to move, using heavy weapons to kill the killer at any time, and completely buried these dirty creatures here.

"The last question, why does Dickon want me to fight vampires?" Donnie stared at the purebloods, gradually exerting force. He didn't have the slightest sympathy for this group of creatures that preyed on ordinary people. If possible, he would kill one of them and remove a major enemy for the human group.

John's eyes were even more bloodshot. He didn't know at all, and it was impossible for someone like Dickon to tell him the plan.

With a click, Donnie snapped the pureblood's neck, and killed the other vampires too! He rushed over, a knife took shape, and instantly chopped off a vampire's head. For vampires of these levels, cutting off the head will also die after a while.

The vampires yelled and fought back, their master was dead, according to the style of the vampire world, they don't want to live alone, even if they go back, they will be executed!

Countless bullets hit Downey's body densely, but they were all stopped by the metal creation. Those gangsters were not to be outdone, took the opportunity to resist, and knocked down several vampires to the ground.

"Don't be bitten by them!" Downey yelled. A vampire was hit to the point, but he didn't die immediately. Instead, he took off his mask and bit a gang member nearby.

People were shocked, obviously hit the other side with many guns, why didn't they die? They have never seen this kind of enemy before. Could it be that the other party is a mutant?

With a loud bang, Optimus Prime rushed in and beat the last vampire into mud with the Vulcan cannon, making it impossible to live anymore.

During the chaos, Downey killed the ordinary man who was bitten. As long as you hit the vitals in time before transforming into a vampire, you will still die.

"Who is this person?"

This group of people are a little bit confused, this is too weird, they are obviously injured and bleeding, why do they still have such a strong fighting power, coupled with their skills beyond ordinary people...

"They're vampires, you're lucky they didn't get bitten." Downey dragged John's body to a small area of ​​direct sunlight, and saw that John's body instantly burned and turned into fly ash.

Everyone else was stunned. This unreasonable scene overturned their common sense. For the first time, the door to a new world opened before their eyes.

Donnie didn't pay much attention to them, but urged the old bartender to modify his motorcycle immediately. He needed more reliable combat power, not the old bartender who would hide and play dead in every battle.

Before leaving, the strong man was supported by someone and shouted at Downey, saying that he would repay him one day.

Donnie laughed, pretending not to hear, and didn't respond. Of course, gangsters are not good people, but they are human beings no matter how bad they are. He, Downey, doesn't mind doing it to kill a group of livestock and save a group of innocent people involved.

He has never been a good person, let alone allow himself to be a good person, he just walks on according to his own heart, until he falls forever in the endless bloody battle in the future.

He, Donnie the Mechanic, can walk in the light without any scruples, and even run amok in the dark without any scruples.


Vampire Kingdom. Standing in the world for thousands of years, comparable to the history of human beings, there are vampires only when there are human beings.

for thousands of years,

Vampires have waged a long war with the major forces of human beings. Although most of them have been bloodbathed, they can always get up and fight again after they grow stronger. This frequent reincarnation has lasted for too long. Some guys in the vampire kingdom are bored.

Dickon looked like a handsome young man, with a pale face, straight features, and a thin body, except for those long and narrow eyes, which shone with a strange light. He threw the earphones on the table, expressionless, showing no emotion.

John had his listening gear on him, and he heard it all. Downey was more cunning than he had imagined, displaying a wit not quite the same as his peers.

But it's just a little cleverness, and it's more important than the overall situation. The general trend of the two sides going to war is inevitable.

"Dickon Frost." A waiter came in, "The council has told you to come in. Members have something to ask you."

Dickon smiled contemptuously, stood up and walked away carelessly, his hair was disheveled, his shirt was open, and he looked sloppy, as if he didn't care about the Vampire Council at all.

The waiter didn't mind. Dickon had always been like this, and he was entitled to be like this.

The vampire's council is too old, so old that newcomers like Dickon resent it.

The vampire king has been ignoring affairs for many years, and most of the power is controlled by the parliament. But this kind of parliament looks like carrion to the nouveauists. There are only thirteen seats in the parliament, which are controlled by the traditional thirteen clans. This situation has been maintained for thousands of years, and it has been so long that many families feel angry and disgusted.

He, Dickon Frost, grew up in this decadent era. There are countless big and small families behind him, and the Thompson family is one of them. They followed Dickon and wanted to change their weak status. They wanted to participate in the parliament and drive out the thirteen clans.

The speaker has been a bit overwhelmed recently. The vampire hunters have intensified their efforts to suppress vampires. Many strongholds have fallen, a large number of vampires have been killed, and many blood banks have been destroyed. This has begun to affect the blood supply of the entire vampire kingdom.

It is not enough to just buy from the hospital and the government. They don't have that much money, and blood is very expensive.

Annoyed, the Speaker yells at Deacon as he enters, asking him why he provoked the Mechanic.

"That damn mutant, there are shadows of Charles and Eric behind him, and SHIELD is also staring at him! Are you crazy, and provoke him at this time? We have already lost too many people, and you want to do it again? Going to war with mutant forces?!" The speaker slapped the table, he couldn't tolerate Dickon's unauthorized actions across the parliament, which would bring them a new crisis.

Dickon sneered, this kind of quarrel had happened many times, and he looked down on these old things.

"Humans are just food, and we are creatures that eat humans!" said Deacon.

The speaker sneered, and so did the other council members. They laughed that Dickon didn't know anything, and was still immersed in the heyday of vampires hundreds of years ago.

"Do you know how many vampires are left in the world?" The speaker said coldly, "One million! The billions of human beings in the world, based on the reproduction speed of our vampires, are barely one million! Just don’t know anything! This world is far crazier and more dangerous than you imagined!”

Dickon was stunned for a moment, he was indeed a little stunned, from the moment he transformed into a vampire, he was immersed in the dream of the supremacy of vampires.

"In this world, there are too many races lurking. They live in seclusion all year round, but if any one comes out, they can destroy us. This is not the case where humans and mutants are also participating in the war!" Know nothing.

"Why didn't you tell me? You should have told me a long time ago..." Dickon had a gloomy face. He had never had a good temper, and was as brutal as he was. He didn't know how many of his own people were slaughtered.

"Because you have never been a pure-blood, and we are different. We are born pure-blood, and we are born with the mission of fighting for vampires." A congressman suddenly said, his words represent the views of this parliament, an acquired The bastards are not eligible to participate in the high-level.

Dickon was furious, and at this moment he even had the thought of killing that congressman. Over the years, he has been suppressed and excluded by the parliament because of his transformed status, and he is not eligible to participate at all.

In the end, Dickon said with a sneer, "You will all pay the price", and then turned and left. He really wanted to kill the council. The god-making plan has basically been deciphered, and he has been waiting for the opportunity.

The footsteps faded away, and the council fell silent again. Everyone heard Dickon's threat, but did nothing.

A congressman looked at the speaker and asked, "Don't you want to stop him? He seems to have deciphered the key content. Although we don't know what it is, we can definitely take it."

"I know what it is, I have always known what it is." The speaker said lightly, "The things recorded on those people's leather cloths, there are sporadic records in my family's ancient books, but they are the fighting servants who made our ancestors in ancient times That’s all, don’t worry, it won’t be too late when he succeeds.”

He also concealed a lot of things from other councilors, after all, there were conflicts and fights among the thirteen clans. Although I don't know the specific situation of that servant, but according to what he has, it is a weapon of war. This news can be sure that it has not been recorded in those people, and even Dickon will not know the nature of this weapon. , there are only manufacturing methods on the human leather cloth.

According to records, in ancient times thousands of years ago, vampires had extremely terrible enemies.

At that time, the vampire clan was massacred one-sidedly, and was almost pushed to the brink of genocide. Even the ancestor Dracula was defeated and lost in a row, so Dracula created this biological weapon to fight against the terrible enemy and the army that followed him.

According to the records, that terrifying enemy seems to be a mutant.

The name is Apocalypse.

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