Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 170: Surgery was successful

In the basement, Anna built an operating room based on the original mouse production base, which is strictly dust-free and sterile.

Driving Donald Duck to the room, "Anna No. 2" was already waiting, and the operating table was laid. Anna climbed out of the Donald Duck robot and put Stark on it.

Click, click, buckle the iron button, and there is cowhide under the iron button.

Recently, the construction site is too noisy, and the short legs have specially added sound insulation materials to the walls, using restraint damping and sound insulation, and the indoors are kept below 0 decibels all year round.

Put on the exoskeleton armor, disinfect the surgical hands, put on the surgical gown, turn on the shadowless light, and do the preparatory work. The short legs are about to dry when Sharon Carter walks in.

"You said you wanted to help?!"

Anna shrugged and pulled up the suspenders of her overalls: "Sorry, I'm responsible for Mr. Stark."

The short legs felt that Sharon was useless except for her **** and breasts, until she took a document from her **** pocket and threw it to Anna.

Seeing the words ASA on the cover, wow...I can't believe that Sharon is a registered anesthesiologist and a member of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

"I took the exam in college. In order to get out of the Carter family, I can eat in the future." Sharon Carter said, looking at her expression, she was very serious. It turned out that the princess also had a rebellious adolescence.

More than enough to eat, the short legs are after all the name of the Columbia Heart Surgery. I know that in the United States, doctors and lawyers are a proper elite class, and anesthesiologists are the elite among the elites.

According to the current market, anesthesiologists can earn $400,000 a year, enough to live on Madison Avenue.


Before he could speak, Sharon had put on a surgical gown and picked up the ketamine.

Anna didn't stop.

"Mr. Stark is awake!" Agent Sharon said.

Calculate the dose as you speak.

Looking at Stark's expression, he was dizzy. He might think that he was in heaven. He was facing the shadowless lamp and wanted to stretch out his hand, but found that he was locked.


Sharon calmly flicked the needle, expelled the air, and injected ketamine intravenously.

Stark's breathing gradually eased.

Anna watched Sharon put on the ECG monitor and installed the ventilator. She looked quite professional.


Three days later, with Stark still in a coma, Pep sat beside him, pursing his lips.

The company's recent situation is not optimistic, Pep is too junior, Stark is irresponsible, and the chaos that broke out in the Hudson River three days ago has spread all over the Internet.

Now, the whole world knows that Stark got into a fight.

The Stark Industrial Building, Hugh Jones blocked the door every day, the lion opened its mouth, and it was another 1 billion.

Pep asked the appraisal company and estimated the price of the ferry terminal according to the market price.

Hugh Jones also said that this is to make up for the spiritual loss of tourists. Each tourist is 300,000 US dollars, and 1,000 tourists are 300 million.

Pep went to the ferry design company, checked the drawings, and roughly looked at the seats in the waiting room. The iron bench and the stone bench could only hold 150 seats.

It is also unknown where the 1,000 tourists Hugh Jones said came from.

Hugh Jones didn't care about this, he babbled and complained, saying that the ferry terminal was affected by this, the number of tourists was greatly reduced, and the performance in the coming year would definitely decline significantly.

There is a fart performance. Through insiders, Pep knows that Hugh Jones is preparing to divest non-performing assets. If Stark is delayed by a month and a half, the ferry terminal will change his name!

Either way, Hugh Jones just wouldn't.

In short, I just bite the green hill and don't relax.

Pep is very annoying, she thinks Hugh Jones is also a dignified president, and he is also abducted and kidnapped like a rogue.

Too expensive.

When Anna heard it, she felt very considerate of President Roxson.

Rockson's performance in the past two years has not been good. Rarely, when a big dog has committed a crime, he will live on the compensation.

Misfortunes do not come singly.

At this time, the military also came out to make trouble, and the New York City Police Department proved it, and even the chief came out to speak.

They believe that if Stark continues to hold the power armor, it is a threat to the national security of the United States.

With existing weapons, neither the New York City Police Department nor the military stationed in Jamaica Bay have weapons that sanction power armor.

The meaning of the words is the same, if Stark does not hand over the power armor, they will strike.

When there is trouble, whoever falls in love with you.

As for Anna's wrecking ball, Osborn knew, but didn't say it.

Director Ludan pretended not to know, and now it is the US military and Stark who are fighting. Director Ludan is not stupid. He knows what's going on. When someone asks him, he says that he is investigating.

No one saw how the Wrecking Ball appeared, or how the Wrecking Ball and Power Armor disappeared.

As long as the short legs don't jump out stupidly and say they are theirs, no one will care.

It's a pain for Pep.

Stark didn't wake up, all the pressure was on Pep.

"Anna, what happened to Stark?!"

Anna was lying on the table and opened the chest X-ray photos to see the healing.

The operation went wrong that day. The operation was too long and the anesthesia dose was not enough. As a result, Stark woke up halfway.

In order to fear that he would bite his tongue and commit suicide, Anna put a stick in Stark's mouth.

"It should be fine!!" Anna was also unsure, Stark shook the operating table after waking up, and the result was a massive heart hemorrhage.

The critical moment is that the ECM gel comes in and plugs the gap.

This is one of the big problems.

There is also a small problem. The chest-opening robot developed by Anna was created by cramming, and it is not intelligent enough. The scalpel scratched the organ.

Seems to be the kidney location.

It shouldn't be a big problem, Anna thinks.

There are two kidneys anyway.

The day before yesterday, Coulson came back and ran unshaven to Xavier Castle.

It is said that he went to the North Pole, and there was a big mess there.

Look at the situation, not optimistic.

Coulson went from being fat three laps to three thin laps, that skinny guy—thanks to the absence of the cello.

The Director of Braised Egg and Maria Hill ran over together and asked questions.

Anna was also on the sidelines. The problem was very serious. The polar bears became extinct.

Colson took out a lot of are all dead bodies, including polar bears, penguins, and sea lions.

There was also a whale, stranded on a glacier, and the more than 20-meter-long whale was almost cooked.

Meteorologists predict that the Arctic is melting at a rate visible to the naked eye, and the rate of melting is accelerating.

A large amount of residual energy was detected at the scene.

"Since when?"

"Probably April."

In April, the short legs touched her chin, and she remembered just moving into Xavier Castle in April.

And then what, the North Star appeared, and so did the mechanical spiders, and the slaughter of the mutants began.

What a coincidence.

Short legs drooping eyebrows, holding the photo.

Suddenly a term came up - gamma rays.

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