Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 145: dumpling steel waste

Unlike what Stark thought, Anna ran out of the testing laboratory, went to the high-energy physics laboratory first, brought the Geiger counter, and measured the radiation level against the Ark nuclear reactor.

The radiation intensity is not high, and the electromagnetic radiation is similar to the desktop computer in the basement. The radiation dose emitted by ten computers in a space of 100 cubic meters.

The Anna uses an ultra-small nuclear reactor designed by Stark himself. It is perfectly self-consistent and emits very little radiation.

The most dangerous part of the Ark nuclear reactor is the start-up stage. The high-power laser ignites the fusion reaction, and it might explode.

After ignition, there is no need to worry. Anode fusion and cathode fission form a self-consistent reaction, which is very stable.

As a gift to his daughter, Stark has activated the Ark nuclear reactor.

After printing out the operating instructions, Anna's eyebrows were drooping, and her fingers were placed on the schematic diagram.

"First press the green button."

The safe pops up the module group. The module group is a block of metal inlay blocks. The inlaid blocks are flashing with cold light and look cool.

"Then, put your hands flat and reach into the gloves."

Two chubby hands got in, and Anna felt a gel-like protrusion inside the glove, which should be a sensor.

According to the instructions, it is a non-Newtonian fluid capsule that is used to sense human movements.

Stark has not yet reached the Iron Man 3 stage and cannot be remotely controlled.

He made a fist and clasped his fingers on the capsule.

With the sound of clicking, the steel gloves shrank.

The palm of the hand and the back of the hand are squeezed by the capsule, which feels very comfortable, just like a massage.

There is a control ring on the wrist. After the steel glove is fastened, the control ring makes a full circle. In the beeping sound, the control ring shrinks and locks.

With the steel gloves on, Anna shook hands. It felt good, and she could easily break the glass.

The glove lock command is completed, communicated to the central control system, the system confirms, and the metal inlaid blocks in the safe are assembled into modules one by one.

After the module assembly is completed, it is transmitted to the central control system. After the system confirms, the command is issued, and the remaining module groups are activated.

Arms, elbows, and shoulders clasped together in sequence with the thumping metal crash.

The arms and elbows were fine. When they reached the shoulders, the huge impact pushed Anna back a few steps.

to the chest and abdomen position.

It's a little tight, Anna thinks.

Tang Yuan Jing patted her waist and crotch: "It's okay, just take a deep breath and squeeze it in. You can lose weight by taking a few breaths less."

Click, button on the chest and abdomen.

"Stop, stop..."

Anna shouted to Jarvis.

At this point, the system has buckled on the thighs, knees, calves, until the feet are locked, and the helmet is missing.

Anna had lingering fears. She felt chest tightness and panting. She felt that Stark's design was too inhumane.

Stark also felt wronged. When he designed it, he deliberately considered protection and put less allowance on the shock absorption system. As a result, who knows.

"I slowly, inhale, exhale..."

There is a full-length mirror in the laboratory. Ana took a look at it, and the armor didn't even have a waist.

Anna's power armor doesn't even have curves. Anna feels that wow wow has the urge to go crazy.

Be sure to complain, the quality of the product is not up to standard.

Anna felt that there was a problem with Stark's aesthetics.

Inhale again, exhale.

"Jarvis, the last step!"


Helmet buckled.

its stuck.

The flesh of both cheeks was squeezed under the helmet.

Deduct again, or card again.

Seeing this, even Stark, who was 20 kilometers away, felt heartache.

Stark watched Anna holding her helmet and stood for a while, as if she had come up with a way to twist her cheeks forward with both hands, click, but the helmet was buckled, and the problem was that she couldn't take it off.

"Jarvis, what's the matter, isn't it designed according to the scanned image, to leave a gap?"

"The original design was based on the scanned image of Malibu, California, No. 10880. There is no problem with the scan. Jarvis believes that it was the little princess Brinblin who gained weight while drifting on the island."


Anna heard it, and Stark's voice came from the microphone, through Pep's ultrasonic sensor.

She feels that she has not gained weight at all, and the inducer has fixed her body shape.

Obviously lost weight in California time, working hard for Starclaws.

Touching corpses and picking ashes, teaching Pep to steal, persuading Colonel Roddy, and compiling a satellite search program, which is not a mentally labor-intensive job.

Mental work consumes a lot of ATP.

In addition, I often think about problems while eating, which leads to indigestion.

It is normal for people to be thin.

Now is the perfect body shape.

Anna felt that Stark was doing it on purpose, so she called out Pig, and the spider robot ran over.

Anna opened the hardware tool box, took out a Phillips screwdriver from the box, unscrewed the armor's neck connection lock while facing the full-length mirror, and then took off the helmet.

Lifting up the helmet and hitting it on the workbench is a bang.

She felt that the power armor of the Anna was useless, except for the nuclear reactor drawings.

Look, the armor isn't good-looking, it's not practical, and it sucks.

Is this the Anna? It's clearly a meat cleaver.

Anna thinks it's easy to get a bed. First, take a kitchen knife and cut off two pounds of meat, with a lump on the left cheek and a lump on the right cheek.

Adhering to the principle of waste utilization, Anna carried her helmet to the high-energy physics laboratory and put on a metal pad.

Let the metal spider press the button on the glass, the left and right transmitters emit lasers, and the lasers collide in the After resonance fusion, they are cut.

8 millimeters thin, just cut off the position of the skull, exposing the electronic circuit on the helmet.

Then call up the Anna control system and drag it to split screen 3.

Then call up the electronic circuit diagram of the brainwave amplifier and superimpose it on the No. 3 split screen.

The computer automatically calculates the degree of circuit coincidence and plans the best modification path.

After the simulation was completed, Tang Yuan Jing took off the armor and put on the exoskeleton armor, and went back to work again.

Draw electronic circuit diagrams and solder circuit boards.

As for craftsmanship, it became rusty after months of inactivity. When welding, sparks landed on my hair, which almost burned my hair out.

Remove the Anna circuit board and snap the improved version into the card slot.

After working for most of the day, my short legs were exhausted. I rubbed my neck, and I finally finished.

Climbing up on the Donald Duck robot and letting the robot pick her up, Anna said hello to the power armor.

"Hi, Anna No. 2."

Power Armor turned his head 360 degrees, and the grating capture system captured Anna's figure. He learned to say hello with short legs, raised his hand, spread his five fingers, and scratched.

"Hi, Anna No. 1!"

Anna nodded. The chip-level brainwave amplifier was connected to the helmet. The helmet controlled Anna No. 2. She could swing her arms and legs, run, jump and fly.

Of course, the most important thing is that it is a free WIFI transmitter.

As long as she takes Anna No. 2, no matter where Tangyuan Jing goes, she can connect to the world's network and control all the machines in the house.

As for the battle, the short legs feel that the Anna No. 2 is not a material for battle, a thin and portable mecha, just a super-luxury version of a little genius phone watch.

When she actually went to the battlefield, Anna felt that the wrecking ball she designed herself was reliable, violent, domineering, and majestic.

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