Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 128: Revenge, cool!

The town of Komila, Kuna Province, Afghanistan.

The town is located in the desolate Gobi Desert, with low sand and stone houses standing on the barren land.

The walls of the house are made of a mixture of gravel and earth, looking at the pits and pits, dirty.

The men in the town wear flat fur hats, the women wear scarves, and their clothes are made of rough cotton.

On the road, children drive sheep and men lead donkeys.

In this hilly place with little greenery, sheep are easy to feed and donkeys can be used as carts and horses, all of which are important assets of the villagers.

At this time, a strong wind blew from outside the town, and two military vehicles drove out of the wind and sand.

A pile of soldiers poured out of the military vehicle.

The tranquility of the town was instantly broken. The man panicked and dragged the woman into the house. The woman hid in the cellar with the child in her arms while screaming. The livestock lost their shackles and ran into the path.

In a panic, a sheep rammed towards the big bald head.

He just got out of the military vehicle, his military boots were stepping on the sand, he just pulled off the scarf that covered the wind and sand, and when he saw the sheep colliding, he took out his gun.

The sheep fell to the ground.

Soldiers with AK47s slammed open the wooden doors and went door to door to arrest villagers. Along the streets of the town, men stood on the left, women stood on the right, and children were divided into males and females.

A certain man with a flat fur hat, covered his wife and children with a cloak and wanted to take his relatives out of the city.

Two soldiers rushed up, stabbed the man and woman with the barrel of the gun, and forced them back.

The man was stabbed by the barrel of the gun and knelt down, the woman begged beside her, and the child ran out of the woman's hand, trying to pull the gun in the soldier's hand.

The big bald head looked impatient, he pulled out his pistol, aimed the muzzle at the child, and was about to pull the trigger.

At this moment, there was a rumbling sound around.

The big bald head was puzzled. Seeing the expressions of the villagers, he shivered and was equally confused.

The voice seemed to come from the western sky,

The big bald head looked up at the sky and saw a trail of clouds appearing on the horizon, fiery red.

The trail cloud stretched from the horizon to the town, and finally, with the sound of the explosion, it banged, smashed down, and landed on the sandy road in Comilla, bombarding the sky with mud and gravel.

Without waiting for the soil and gravel to fall, the soldiers did not need to give orders. In a stressful reaction, they raised their guns and shot at the shadows that appeared in the yellow smoke.

Da Da Da... The bullet hit the object and made a metal-to-metal collision sound. The sound was so harsh.

Amid the sound of the sound of the hammer and the metal crashing, the shadow slowly stood up, vaguely appearing to be a human being.

How is it possible, the soldier shook his head, under the command of the big bald head, a soldier walked out of the mound, carrying a gun, fully alert, and walked towards the smoke.

Bang... A beam of light was emitted from the smoke, which was actually a shock wave.

The soldier fell to the sky, not even screaming.

"Tony Stark?!"

The yellow sand gradually dissipated, and the big bald head finally saw the figure in front of him. It was a suit of red and yellow armor.

In the armor, he was definitely a person.

Tony Stark, although the armor update is not the same as in the past, the big bald head is still recognizable at a glance.

It was he who sold the blueprint Tony left in the cave to Obadiah Stein, and he kept in touch with Killian and others, and it was he who sent the Jericho missile at the request of the leaders of the Ten Commandments Gang.

As a result, many changes occurred.

No one would have imagined that Obadiah Stan would be so useless, that he was bombarded into the sky by a little brat without anyone seeing him.

He didn't know that Tie Bawang was disliked by the little kid after his death.

Originally, the Jericho missile was used to blow up the White House, but when Ahmadi died, the control of the missile was transferred to Killian.

Then Killian used it to blow up Anna.

Anna, the bald head knows her name and her relationship with Stark. Even if the Manchurian doesn't take care of the affairs, the Ten Commandments Gang he left behind is still functioning normally, and its influence spreads all over the world.

The eyes and ears are still well-informed.

Stark came to seek revenge.

The big bald head rolled and crawled to the side.

"Wang Yue!" Stark yelled.

He just came to seek revenge, for himself.

In the comics, Wang Yue hijacked Stark in Vietnam, but in reality, Wang Yue hijacked the rich boy in Afghanistan.

The Ten Commandments Gang is a force composed of various beliefs and nationalities. It is not surprising that this person has a Southeast Asian name.

After turning over, he kicked his feet and kicked out. A soldier who was sneaking around and attacked and crashed ten meters away, fell on the mound, and his chest sunk into a hole the size of a washbasin.

The two soldiers attacked from left to right, Stark separated his palms, and each of them spurted shock waves.

The high-frequency shock wave compresses and vibrates the air, and the instantaneous local pressure can exceed 500 atmospheres.

Under the sudden high pressure, the heads of the two soldiers were like plasticine, deformed by a slap.

Shu Chang, Stark felt, raised his head, his eyes flashed with cold light, the shock wave was facing the pile of people, and the white light flashed.

The rest of the soldiers froze in their hearts and stabbed the muzzle on the civilian's head.

The villagers raised their heads, not knowing whether it was sweat or tears on their faces.

Stark snorted coldly, turned his head, and took a few steps amid the sound of the mechanical gears running.

The Ten Commandments helped the soldier breathe a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect Stark, who turned around, to see a metal cover pop out from his elbow, and ten armor-piercing bullets were ready to be fired under the metal cover.


It was too late to hear the voice.

In the sound of stinging, the armor-piercing projectile with the laser-guided recognition function was ejected from the back of the hand, and after flying forward a cubit distance, it turned its direction and drew an elliptical arc towards the soldier behind him. Boom away.

Of the ten soldiers in the crowd, none of them fell.

Turning his head, Stark looked past the kneeling villagers and cast his gaze on the last remaining The soldier had just loaded the RPG with rocket launchers, high-explosive, when he saw his colleague Brothers are finished, I wanted to run away, but I saw Stark's eyes.


In the sound of the explosion, the red and yellow armored man in front of him was knocked out by the rocket launcher.

Hell, the soldier felt that he didn't want to bomb at all, so his hand shook...

I don't know if the red and yellow armored man died.

The red-yellow armored man didn't die, but it looked extremely miserable. The paint on it fell off, and there were scratches on the seams.

The soldier suddenly felt a sense of self-confidence, and he took up the RPG again.


Stark returned him a rocket launcher.

Compared with weapons and equipment, who is afraid of who?

Stark improved the shock absorption system, and the improvement measure was to add an extra layer of nano-bulletproof cloth to replace the non-Newtonian fluid.

That is to say, there are three layers of shock absorption, the first layer is nano bulletproof vest, the second layer is spring shock absorption, and the third layer is nano bulletproof cloth.

The nano bulletproof cloth was spread on the inner layer of the armor, and Stark felt very comfortable.

Don't look at Stark's appearance, which looks like a clay figurine. That's because the paint is not good, and the armor hasn't been painted yet.

As for the scratches, it's funny, it's the varnish under the paint, it's the pad.

"there's still one."

Stark searched around, and after a while, he found Wang Yue hiding behind the sand wall through radio wave induction technology.

This big bald head...

Stark threw out his iron fist and dragged Wang Yue out of the back with sand and gravel. He was about to smash his head.

He felt relieved.

"Mr. Stark, I want to tell you something."

p.s. Thanks to 15 fans

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