Transformed Marvel Genius

Chapter 121: Stark wakes up

On the same day, a piercing siren sounded at the Grand Hospital of Bern, Switzerland.

In the intensive care unit, the man suddenly sat up, like a zombie, and pulled out the nasogastric tube, which was covered with mucous membranes and bloodshots.

Tony Stark woke up.

Happy Hogan ran to the bed and helped Stark to lie down while reporting the news to Pepper Pep and Colonel Roddy.

The next day, Colonel Roddy arrived from Washington, DC.

After getting off the airport, I flew straight to the ward.

When the elevator came down, Pep stopped him and dragged him to the corner of the hospital.

"What, you asked me to take it easy, why? The Pentagon has made a satellite phone call. We must know how many Jericho the Taliban has."

"Do you know how powerful the missile that exploded over Long Island was, equivalent to a one-ton high-explosive bomb, this time in Jamaica Bay, next time, Delaware Bay, or Chesapeake Bay?"

According to the radius of the Tomahawk missile, the Delaware Bay and the Chesapeake Bay can cover every corner of Washington DC, which is almost anywhere.

Maybe President Brown just got out of his car and a cruise missile fell from the sky.

"Calm down, how to calm down!!" Colonel Roddy was in a hurry.

The missiles were all blasted to the door of the house, so it's useful to be calm.

The incident last night caused panic in the Pentagon. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff directly summoned 39 generals, including all the generals who are not out, including the sea, land and air, to hold an emergency meeting to check the safety of the sea.

Colonel Roddy thought it was hell. Stark was so mad that he built missiles for terrorists, and it was more than a ton.

He wanted to kick open the door of the ward, smash the fruits on the bed cabinet, grab Stark by the collar, drag Stark out of the bed, slap him on the wall, and viciously.

"Roddy, you can take my slap, and Maya's, and..."

Pep felt like he couldn't go on.

She also has Anna's recordings on her phone.

She felt that Anna's voice was nice and milky, and she could think of the face with short legs in the castle.

Thinking of having a small face, jumping on the laboratory table, squatting in front of the microscope, and looking at the short legs of the paramecia.

It was the last words that made me sad to hear.

"Wow... Jericho!!!"

Pep was silent, she never thought that in the end it was the little girl's father's missile that killed the child.

In the end, she let go of the hand that was holding Colonel Roddy: "Stark just woke up with bomb fragments left in his chest and abdomen. Once he gets emotional..."

"A Long Island cruise ship found a large iron hull. We initially suspected that it was the fairing of the helicopter aircraft, the Apache AH-46, which is the one driven by Killian. The fairing is seriously deformed, and it is still uncertain."

Colonel Roddy said that the investigation of the whole thing is still classified, and he is one of the investigators, so he has a clear understanding.

"Is Anna still alive?" Pep asked.

Colonel Roddy didn't speak, the missile hit the front, and the result...

Opening the door, Happy spread his hands to Rody, facing the wall, as if he was going to hit you, but I didn't see it anyway.

Stark got up, stretched out his hands towards Roddy, and said indifferently, "Hi, Roddy, long time no see, count, 250 days?!"

This cracked open mouth and laughed, Roddy really wanted to slap his big face with just a few slaps.

"I saw you 50 days ago, when you lived in a tin hood." Roddy stretched out his hands towards Stark, hugged Stark and patted him on the shoulder, slamming him hard: "You made terrorists A few Jerichos."

"Not many, two, is life forced! But I added seasoning to the missile. Without laser guidance, missiles that can't hit people are blind." Stark laughed, he felt very proud, There is a kind of feeling that you have to drink my foot-washing water in the end.

Yes, it's so stupid.

Colonel Roddy felt that he should be happy, but the guys at the Pentagon were so happy.

Stark's two missiles, one blew himself up and the other blew up his daughter, but they couldn't blow up Washington DC anyway.

Roddy can now imagine the jubilation of those guys.


On the other side, on a small island in the sea, a little girl climbed up on the beach and stepped on the gravel with her bare feet, one foot higher and one lower.

The two little fat guys had their hands behind their backs, dragging their long swords.

The waves hit the gravel, and the scales, fish tails, and fish bodies were exposed in the ups and downs.

The whole swordfish was exposed.

The long swordfish is twice as long as the little girl from the tip of the maxilla to the tail of the fish.

"Tonight's dinner is finally settled," said the little short legs.

Throwing it on the beach, the swordfish is still moving, it seems that the paralysis has passed.

He picked up a coconut and smashed it with a bang: "I told you to be disobedient, right? I'll smash you to death! Smash!"

The metal spider lying on the beach shuddered.

Anna Hansen, the first hard-fought plan came to an end, and she ended up on a small island.

That guy Killian, don't solve it too easily!

After the helicopter flew over the sea, Anna started.

He called up the suit weapon system, took a small stun hammer, and used a 20 Hz infrasound generator to stun the three of them for ten seconds.

Then he called up the list of weapons in his battle suit and ejected an electric pulse bomb. The little fat hand pressed the driver's body. After ten seconds of convulsions, he foamed at the mouth. Anna unbuckled the seat belt, opened the cockpit door, and held the dome top. out.

Behind him, Dr. Killian pulled out a pistol and wanted to shoot, but he was dazed and his movements slowed down.

Anna made a fist at Killian, and a miniature exoskeleton armor popped out on her wrist. A thin layer of exoskeleton swelled like an inflated bubble. What was the effect? The gun belt's head was covered on the steel and then the metal spider lying on the helicopter's weapon mount jumped out, digging, poking, chopping, and chopping according to a few people, taking advantage of how many people recovered Time to push Alan, Eric and Killian out of the cabin one by one.

Boom, boom, boom, three bursts of explosions, like fireworks, one, two, three, solved.

Xavier Castle can't be exploded. When you reach the sea, you can explode it. If it can explode to the ground, you will win.

Clap my hands, it's not bad, except for a few burnt spots, there is no trace of blood left inside the helicopter cabin.

Anna was quite satisfied with the result of the battle, so she communicated with Maya that she was safe with the satellite phone on the helicopter.

It was Jeffrey who answered the phone. He drove over from Staten Island and immediately told the two people in the bedroom after hearing the news.

Maya was crying. She thought she lost her child and blamed herself.

Garcia was comforting by the side, comforting and crying, too.

There was crying in the bedroom.

Anna was about to park the helicopter at Long Beach, Long Island. After all, the helicopter was running out of fuel, and Jeffrey handed over the call to Maya and was about to drive to answer it.

Then I heard Anna calling out to Jericho.

The missile hit the front, and within a moment, the Apache turned to ashes.

It was windy and rainy that day.

So Anna landed on an unknown island.

"First of all, I have to know where this place is." Little Short Leg looked at the sun and stroked his hair.

p.s. Go to Sanjiang next week, give a recommendation ticket.

In fact, the first four chapters can be completely omitted, but since they have been published, let’s make up the number of words.

Forget it, I'm too lazy to modify it.

Just like that! ! !

Ask for collection and recommendation

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