Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 421: Break the illusion

He is very good at human genes, but he has no abilities. Stryker didn't know that Daisy had seen the mystery here long ago. He knew it well and took a few people to visit the experimental base.

It is said to be a visit, in fact, it is always going around in a circle, and the range of walking back and forth is the size of a football field.

However, in the eyes of all the agents, they have been non-stop and have visited one-third of the base facilities. The experimental facilities here are really good. The medical manuals of any country are referenced. They are all models of the model. Many are not affiliated with God. The Shield agent was not prepared to watch.

After walking for another ten minutes, people kept complaining. If it weren’t because Daisy’s official position was high enough and the profession of agent was very fluid, maybe she would go to her staff anytime, a bunch of agents who joined the joint law enforcement team because of various connections. I'm not leaving early.

If it is normal, the professional sensitivity of their agents will definitely be able to see the problem. This is too good to be exaggerated, and it is too good to be fake, but now the brain is affected by the illusion, and many people are not aware of the problem here.

Daisy has been paying attention to the team's situation, and a few people have found clues.

The first to bear the brunt was the crossbones that had been affected by the psychic scepter. This tough guy kept muttering: "Something is wrong, there must be a problem."

Miss Drew, the spider girl, winked at Daisy several times, but she shook her head gently and refused.

Wolverine posing as a Canadian guide and participating in the abduction operation also felt something wrong. He smelled some faint **** smell in his nose, which was not in line with the scene of birds and flowers.

"I smell some blood." He whispered to Daisy, which caused Stryker to take a look, but said nothing.

Daisy can only say admiration for Uncle Wolf's sense of smell. This guy has a strong sense of smell. Even if he is controlled by his brain and affects his five senses, he will find clues with only the remaining instinct.

She stopped and turned to look at the agents. There is only the short agent who can play the hobbit. Everett Rose from cia felt that something was wrong, just a little, it was still uncertain. Kind of, the others were calm, they didn't see any abnormalities.

"Drew, come here, put a jammer in my position, and then I put one at four o'clock, eight o'clock, and twelve o'clock on my left." Daisy, who was prepared, handed Drew four Metal device.

"Here? This is a hospital bed?" Although Miss Drew found something wrong, is there anything in front of her? Unlike Wanda, Lorna is blindly obedient to Daisy. She thinks hard, and finally obeys the order. She placed a jammer beside the wheelchair that looked like a hospital bed and a patient, but was actually Stryker’s vegetative son Master Illusion. .

"Colonel Johnson, you know it's dangerous to do this?"

"The x weapon project will go on forever, and your strength alone can't stop the general trend." Stryker said solemnly as if he was making an ultimatum.

Of course Daisy knows this. As long as humans exist for one day, even if mutants take power and knock humans into the corner, the work of researching mutants will not stop, because of fear, because of their own weakness or envy, jealousy, and hatred. Because of what emotions and what starting point, the study of mutants is not based on the personal wishes of Daisy or Stryker.

Professor Charles has ever thought of brainwashing the top human beings, and then let the mutants obtain living space? Daisy felt that the old bald must have thought about it, and thought about it more than once.

But brainwashing and controlling several high-level humans is actually useless. Modern society is a chain structure. After the president is washed, there will be a vice president. After the vice president is washed, there will be a secretary of state and government officials. As long as one of them finds a problem, the whole brainwashing process will be flawed. What will happen then? Will it continue to expand?

The people's wisdom has been developed, this is not a feudal society, and no one is a fool.

Finally, is it necessary to control all human beings in the world? Do you implement Marvel's Eye of the Moon Project? ?

Stryker's meaning is very clear. Today, if he got rid of him, the government will support Jiu Trek tomorrow, and Batrak will continue to study. Daisy's doing so is meaningless. He tried to make peace.

"I'm telling you! What I did is meaningful! Drew, activate the jammer, and let the agents of the various intelligence organizations see what our Colonel William Stryker's paradise is like!"

Daisy did not flinch, she motioned to Miss Drew on one side to activate the jammer.

The muffled noise spreads indoors. She asked Hank the Beast to make this device. The other party thought she wanted Professor Charles, and twisted for a long time. In the end, the old bald head came forward, and the Beast roughly knew their plan.

The device is specifically aimed at the brain, and the stronger the mental power, the greater the damage.

Daisy will also be affected, but she stands farther away. Bear the brunt of the illusion, the Master of Illusion, who cannot move autonomously at all, is the most affected. In a vegetative state, his facial muscles are slightly shaking, and the actual brain can no longer sustain the illusion around him.

The ward that had originally seemed like a paradise was split, scarlet walls, blood-stained roads, and many mutants who had been tortured to numb by the brutal inhumanity came into the eyes of the agents.

"Wow--" The pungent **** smell made a female agent of the Department of Homeland Security directly vomit out, and the remaining male agents were not very good. They knew that they had been affected by the phantom just now.

Seeing that the illusion was broken, Stryker didn't wait for a few people to inquire, turned his head and ran, and Wolverine, who had been staring at him, ran after him.

Daisy didn't act She had to play her own role. Stryker could not escape because Professor Charles and the remaining X-Men were waiting for him not far from Alkali Lake.

Daisy wants to expose the crime here and make everything public. She didn't use any superpowers, but waited quietly, waiting for the jammer to completely break the illusion created by the illusion master, let everyone come out of the illusion, and see this full of blood Experimental base.

The Master of Illusion is Stryker's biological son. He killed his mother during the genetic riot. This completely distorted Stryker's psychology. In order to eliminate all mutants, he transformed his son into a weapon.

Now the body of the illusion master has long been an adult, but he has been tortured by Stryker and has lost the ability to think. He is sitting in a wheelchair awkwardly, and will only passively accept Stryker's orders.

Even if the illusion was broken, his brain was still faithfully executing the orders, and a strange scene appeared in front of the agents. The illusion was suppressed by the jammer as soon as it appeared, and then suppressed again.

The manpower is sometimes poor, and has been suppressed several times in a row. The spirit of the phantom master is getting worse and worse. Finally, his face is sallow, his eyes and nose are bleeding, his head is tilted and he is paralyzed in a wheelchair.


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