Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 418: Joint law enforcement

Once the black technology was turned on, let alone Nightcrawler, even Daisy felt that her sense of chord vibration was forcibly interrupted, and an unknown band was interfering with her ability.

"You too, go out as soon as possible." Hank the Beast knew her ability and said softly.

"Be careful." She followed her kindness and walked out of the laboratory, looking at Hank the Beast through bulletproof glass with a bunch of politicians for further testing.

Straight A student! Similar to Reed Richards, Hank the Beast is also a type of science master, but the mutant affairs involve too much energy on him. Without Reed's conditions for concentrating on experiments, he is completely inferior in scientific achievement. cut.

But Hank the Beast was serious enough that he couldn't ignore it. He quickly took out a sophisticated device from Nightcrawler's neck.

"Your Excellency, someone is controlling the mutants and trying to create chaos." The Beast expressed his opinions honestly.

Needless to say, several people with a keen political sense know the significance of this matter.

subversion? war? Or is it a pure personal grievance? They are very aware of the weight of this matter, and if it is not handled properly, it will become a drastic change.

Several high-ranking officials did not speak, they watched their noses and their hearts, waiting for Ou Heizi to deal with this matter.

Strictly speaking, it is not wrong to say that the president has little power, but the actual situation depends on which country it compares with. In fact, the power of the president is not small at all. Otherwise, those politicians will toss once every four years and they will be fed up?

Ou Heizi was frightened now, the first thing he thought of was personal grievances!

Are the capitalists in the insurance industry dissatisfied? But I have already taken seven or eight steps on behalf of the government, so can I still be dissatisfied?

Maybe the real estate agent has opinions? They think the cake in their hands is not big enough?

O Heizi thoughts one after another, and he was a little undecided for a while.

Seeing Osher's forehead wrinkled and fists clenched, Daisy knew that this guy wanted to be crooked and had to be pulled back for him.

Taking a look at the small device in Hank's hand, it was exactly the same as the device behind the necks of the soldiers who kidnapped Lorna. Daisy winked at the Director of the Secret Service of the Department of Homeland Security. This is a member of their parent-teacher union. The other party quickly whispered a few words in Oheizi's ear.

Ohezi must know that this was not an accident, but an important part of a huge conspiracy.

Heizi quickly woke up. It is too early to think about it. He needs to know who is doing this behind the scenes. Several intelligence organizations were screened by him in his heart. Finally, he seriously asked Daisy who had the best personal relationship: "S.H.I.E.L.D. must find clues as soon as possible. You can tell me what assistance is needed from the government."

"Don't worry, I will give Mr. President an answer."

After speaking, she took Hank the Beast to find "clues."

Without knowing it, Hank went back to study the principle and place of production of the precision device in a daze.

Daisy wandered around several major intelligence organizations in order to behave for outsiders, looking for clues on the surface, but actually gathering people.

Several major intelligence organizations are not monolithic. One organization mobilized three or five people in the name of saving women and children. Her special anti-trafficking and rectification team was formally established with the cooperation of multiple departments.

He said that he found a major clue, and then joined the special forces of S.H.I.E.L.D., and the agents took the Hefeng One to the Stryker Research Base in Alkali Lake in Alberta, Canada.

In her opinion, she didn't need to plant any spoils at all, and she broke out a little bit of information. The United States and Canada could kill Stryker.

Alberta is located in the Rocky Mountains. The temperature here is very low. The former Alkali Lake is also a famous industrial area. Unfortunately, it has long been deserted. The government has driven out all residents in the name of the nuclear leak.

The nuclear leak is of course an excuse. The U.S. government will not do human experiments in the country. What they like most is to put all kinds of messy experiments in Canada. If something goes wrong, they will not be blamed, at least on the surface.

Alkali Lake is extremely cold, but no matter how cold the weather is, it cannot be as popular as people's hearts.

Mr. Wade Wilson has been a little bit happy and sad recently. After a hearty battle, he cheated a huge sum of money from the fat sheep. First, he divided the money among several injured mercenaries, and then let the old man weasel take a big head. , After all, the bar was destroyed and needs to be rebuilt, even so Mr. Wade Wilson still got one hundred thousand dollars.

In the United States, where there is a huge gap between the rich and the poor, this is definitely a huge sum of money. People have a good spirit, good temperament, and handsome looks. Mr. Wade has a girlfriend, and the two meet each other in golden wind and jade. Up.

One day when the two of them were playing role-playing happily, Mr. Wade fell head-on, and was diagnosed by a doctor with terminal cancer. He was hopeless. Go home and wait for death!

With the mind of a dead horse as a living horse doctor, he listened to the invitation of a medical laboratory that seemed unreliable to be a mouse with great research value.

After covering his head and wondering how many places he moved, he entered a huge scientific research institution.

There are many scientific researchers, thousands of soldiers with live ammunition, and of course, there are also experiments like him that have been fooled or caught.

On the first day he was deceived, he knew that it was broken. This is not a treatment facility at all. Whose treatment facility beat the patient under the control?

Entering serum activates the mutant DNA hidden in the body of a normal person, and then through brutal beating, flooding, electric shock and other means, promote the secretion of adrenaline, and make the mutant DNA evolve.

This process is simple and rude, but somewhat scientifically based.

Mutants have always existed in human society. Theoretically speaking, in fact, everyone has a little mutant gene, but the number is different.

Some people have more mutant Genes burst into mutants.

Some people have very few mutant genes in their bodies, and he was just an ordinary person until his death.

Stryker just wanted to rely on artificial methods to make mutants the day after tomorrow. As for the purpose of doing this, perhaps only he knew.

"I am the person in charge of this experimental area, Ajax, I hope you can have a pleasant experience." The daily fun of Ajax, who keeps his head, is to torture Mr. Wade. He wants to know this How long can the guy last.

Wade has been observing the terrain secretly. If cancer is not cancer, he said that he will run away because he will be tortured to death if he does not run.

But what is frustrating is that it is too big and the defense is too tight. According to some prisoners, they are currently in a normal area, which is a place where ordinary people stay. The experimental products here are basically ordinary citizens. And soldiers.

The other is the mutant area. I heard that it is similar to hell. Sometimes the wailing can be heard through layers of metal doors.


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