Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 400: New product test flight

Time passed quickly, and there were not too many twists and turns in SHIELD because of Pierce's death.

The bald brother kept a low profile and asked for instructions early and reported later, for fear that Daisy would throw him out to vent his anger to the Hydras.

Crossbones returned to work in the special forces team, daring to fight and fight, no different from before, but it feels a little milder than before.

Daisy's reforms are being carried out in an orderly manner, and the resistance within the game is getting smaller and smaller as she annexed Pierce's legacy, and everything is developing in a good direction.

In her spare time, she studies the universe Rubik's Cube and uses it to improve and strengthen her teleportation skills.

S.H.I.E.L.D.'s situation is growing, and the Avengers are not so wonderful.

Thor only stayed for a day before returning to Asgard. In Daisy's view, Thor's relationship with a few people can only be said to be average. Although he tried to make a peaceful posture, the gap between strength and weakness was too big, an avenger. His name cannot restrain him at all. In Thor's view, perhaps he would drink a few more drinks and these earth companions would die of old age.

No one dared to mobilize the Hulk. Dr. Banner stayed honestly in the Stark Mansion for a few days. Seeing the staff shivering, he moved to the suburbs to raise dogs.

Stark is either busy with his disaster control department, wrangling with politicians and big capitalists, or researching new armor in the basement of his own home in Los Angeles. He is as busy as a top, and Little Pepper is dissatisfied with desire.

Not to mention the Black Widow, she only said that she had gone a long way, where she had gone, and she didn't know who she was with. Stark tried to track her communication signal, but was cut off by the Black Widow.

Captain America originally only had a job at Daisy’s animation company. Recently, Coleson didn’t know what joints he had in the education system. He used Skye Films equipment to shoot Captain America’s classroom video.

It’s just those "Hi, I’m Captain America, whether you are in class or on the battlefield... Today, my good friend, your physical education teacher will lead you to the Captain America physical challenge... ..."

Or "Hi, I'm Captain America, let's talk about the good qualities a soldier and a student should have..."

In short, it is all chicken soup used to fool the young people.

Putting on the uniform of World War II and shooting the promotional film reminded Captain America of the past, he finally made up his mind to go to England to visit his beloved 70 years ago.

Regarding the situation that the Avengers all ran away, leaving their house to watch, Hawkeye said that he had nothing to say, everyone was busy. Looking at the empty Avengers headquarters, Hawkeye turned off his mobile phone and went straight home to accompany his wife. The child went.

S.H.I.E.L.D. agents once again assumed the responsibility of guarding the world, just like the previous seventy years, except for the disappointment of the Avengers, everyone felt normal.

At the bald brother's reminder, Daisy sent to the former US military base in New Jersey. She saw Hydra's black technology product, the artificial intelligence Zola, in the abandoned basement.

"Miss Daisy Johnson, you don't have access rights." The very primitive camera scanned her twice and refused her boot order without hesitation.

"The fact is that I have, Dr. Zola, let me see your source code." Daisy quickly entered the password and entered Zola's system directly.

After getting all of Pierce's relics, his notebook naturally fell into Daisy's hands, and it was not difficult to find a login password specially set for the executives of Hydra.

Zola, who had become artificial intelligence, released the kernel under the highest authority, allowing her to view all the data in it.

Daisy tuts, Hydra’s human brain is too big, they completely simulate all the behavioral information of Zola during his lifetime, the computer can’t think, it’s okay, Zola will do it, they let the computer use Zola’s The way of thinking, bypassing the problem of how to make computers think, and developing a somewhat alternative artificial intelligence.

The sixty-year-old man studied computer hard, and she also saw the Zola algorithm developed by artificial intelligence.

Too familiar, this Zola algorithm is basically her big data information search method, but in conjunction with the Hydra database, some filtering conditions have been added.

Pierce's computer technology is sparse and ordinary. With this out-of-date Zola, the two are simply stinky fish looking for rotten shrimps. Zola's algorithm seems to her to be of little merit.

Pierce locks artificial intelligence in this secret base like a baby. It is not connected to the Internet and does not contact the outside world. Zola can only rely on Pierce to throw in some information from time to time to understand the outside world. The original way of thinking is obsolete and does not touch the outside world for thirty years. The former hardware looks like **** today, and it may not be the kind that anyone wants to throw into the waste harvesting station. Zola is far worse than the danger.

In addition to the core code, Daisy ordered Danger to copy all the data recorded by Zola. The 200,000-foot-long database looks like a joke today.

"Dr. Zola, you can rest and delete yourself."

"Please confirm again, once the order is executed, once the order is executed..." The artificial intelligence named Zola has a tendency to crash. It has to execute the order, but now this order is the same as that of Zola. Part of the ideological conflicts, the computer runs frantically, and it seems to be trying to find a solution.

"Confirm, execute the order, your mission is completed, long live Hydra." Daisy has no mercy, the real Zola, the living human being has been dead for thirty years, as a copy of his thoughts, There is really not much value in the world, and self-destruction is the best ending.

"...Hydra...Long live..." Zola's will still couldn't resist the computer's commands. It yelled a slogan in a strange electronic sound~www.wuxiaspot. com~ started to delete itself.

Construction takes several years, but destruction only takes a few minutes.

Half an hour later, Daisy checked twice, Zola’s last traces were deleted cleanly, and all the data in the computer was emptied. Now there is only one top computer from the 1970s.

It seemed inappropriate to her to blow up the scene. An abandoned base suddenly exploded. This kind of destruction is actually more eye-catching. After careful searching, some people will definitely find some clues. The best way is to keep it as it is.

Daisy eliminated the traces she had previously caused, fingerprints, footprints, heat emitted when the computer was turned on, and so on.

Seeing no omissions, the teleportation left this abandoned camp.

A month later, in the laboratory of Hanmer Military Industry, several shareholders and several generals of the Air Force gathered together to watch the mechanical wing flight experiment of the vulture.

Not only Daisy, gangsters, Justin, and even the White Queen also watched the show.


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