Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 388: SHIELD needs to change

Looking at the bitter egg on his face, Hill didn't know what position he should use to speak.

"Does she think I don't want to give the victims a good treatment? This is a matter of history. Now the victims are given generous treatment. What about the agents who sacrificed before? Should they be added or ignored?"

Daisy Barabara said that the braised egg was dizzy, and only then did he react and couldn't help but complain to Hill.

His eyes were wide open and he looked bored.

"Sir, I support Daisy's approach." Hill's character is so straightforward. She only thinks about things and not people. She thinks about this matter according to her heart, and it has nothing to do with closeness and closeness. She expressed her support.

For the behavior of his confidant stabbing himself again, there is no surprise that the salted egg, Hill is this character, preferring to bend, and is very principled.

"S.H.I.E.L.D.'s tradition was appropriate at the time, but it is not that it cannot be violated. We did not do it before, and it cannot be explained that we will not do it in the future. The thinking of modern people is completely different from the thinking of the generation 70 years ago. Some changes." Hill said sincerely.

Marinated sighed: "Go ahead, be careful, don't miss anything."

Watching Hill leave the office, Ladan bowed his head and pondered the impact of this incident.

Daisy wants S.H.I.E.L.D. to abandon the current full-concealment mode and change to a semi-concealment mode.

This is what she has always thought, but now she has just found a breakthrough.

The benefits are obvious. The trust of governments in S.H.I.E.L.D. has increased, and their fear has been reduced. Agents will receive support from many aspects in their future operations, and they will no longer fight alone. Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. funds will be allocated, personnel recruitment, training, and weapons in the future. The installation will be smooth several times.

The disadvantage is that it loses its concealment and can't do things under the fbi sign in the future.

Halo Dan missed his old buddy Pierce very much at this time. If he were still there, the two would be able to suppress Daisy's opinion together. Now he can't scream with his own palm and can no longer suppress the thoughts of the younger generations like Daisy and Hill.

Daisy went to her office and greeted the council first. The politicians understood her meaning as soon as they heard it. They all talked about the spirit of democracy and freedom. They all said that the care of the victims should be done well and how much money is needed. Number! We dig!

Communication at the Pentagon is not difficult. It is nothing more than a few pieces of paper and a few badges. They and Daisy have always cooperated very well. The friendship between the two parties is a bit nonsense, but the interests are the same.

Hanging up, Daisy sat in a chair and pondered the development of the subsequent incident.

She wants to receive Pierce’s legacy quickly, what? Pierce is still alive, is it inappropriate to take over now? In the eyes of Daisy and many politicians he broke the news, he is dead.

Pierce's power is roughly divided into three parts. One is the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D., with level ten authority. Daisy has replaced him.

The other is the leadership of the Hydra within S.H.I.E.L.D., which used to stand on three legs, but now the two of them have greatly reduced their prestige. It takes little time for her to integrate all the Hydras.

The last one is a place in the World Security Council. That's right, Pierce himself is a member of this council, which is entirely based on his own connections.

Daisy spotted this position, she became a member of the council, plus the position of deputy director, she had both leadership and supervision over the remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

The state of five missing one on the council will not last too long. Four people cannot vote. If one does not increase one, one has to decrease one. All politicians will count this account.

Turning the pen, Daisy sat in the office for a while, got up and went to the medical department, where she was going to see Pierce and Crossbones who were receiving treatment and regaining her will.

"Surrender! Superstar-sama will come to save me!" Pierce shouted hoarse, he was completely immersed in his own imagination.

The eyes of a few Hydra flickered, and everyone was worried that he would unscrupulously say some breaking news that the masses would love to hear.

"Shall we?" Grant Ward was here too. He saw Daisy come in, put his fingers on his neck, and pointed at Pierce with his chin.

Extinct? Good thing! But Daisy felt that Pierce could not be killed yet, at least not by SHIELD.

She shook her head slightly, someone would do this kind of dirty work.

She looked at Pierce's controlled brain with mental strength. She had never seen this kind of mental scepter after brainwashing, and she could not see to what extent it had recovered.

S.H.I.E.L.D., including the White Queen, has no good cure, and everything depends on personal will.

Daisy carefully observed the old man's eyes, crazy, angry, and a lot of excitement? I don't know if the old man has regained his sanity, maybe he has recovered, and is now thinking about how to escape?

"Let people watch him, don't let him run, the old thing is very cunning." She instructed Ward to send someone to watch the crossbones by herself.

The handsome and handsome Grant Ward snapped the face of Pierce, the big hydra, and looked around.

The old man was still whispering some superstar in his mouth and told Ward to let go of himself.

"It's a pity, you guys are optimistic about him." Ward patted the old man's face. He didn't see whether the old man was really stupid or fake. Daisy didn't want to work in SHIELD. Ward didn't care. He also went to his own business.

Pierce is sane. He knows everyone and can call out the names of all Hydras in the medical room, that is, the monitoring system has been tampered with by them, otherwise outsiders will definitely find that their relationship is unusual.

"Jin, do you remember when your mother was ill. It was the hospital I contacted you?"

"Mark, my old is your son? I remember the last time I went to your house, the little guy was not as tall as my calf."

Pierce kept talking to several people, trying to let them know his condition. He was not crazy, his thoughts were very clear, and he didn't need any sedatives.

Several guards shook their heads. The old boss was indeed not crazy, but he was more serious than crazy. His thoughts were forcibly distorted. Before everything was based on interests, everyone could try to figure out his thoughts. It was nothing to flatter him.

Everything has changed now, Pierce has become less like himself, running the train with his mouth full, and telling any secrets. Fortunately, the wise and martial director Dai gave him a title of mental illness and controlled it in Hydra's hands. If he accidentally tells the secret of Hydra, no one should have a better life.

Out of this core idea, even the Hydra who had been favored by him chose to sit on the sidelines and waited until the sedative took effect and several people left the room.

Time goes by very slowly, one second, ten seconds, one minute, ten minutes.

After fifteen minutes, Pierce, who should have passed out, opened his eyes.


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