Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 356: The Evolution of the Universe Rubik's Cube

I heard that the Ministry of Science was making equipment, and Hawkeye, who was about to retire, also came to the door.

According to his words, he does not want to return home without arms or legs. Now is the time when he needs protection most.

The same super-elastic battle suit, because he still chooses to shoot arrows, the battle suit has no sleeves, and all the protection is added to the torso.

With reference to his strength level and weight-bearing ability, Daisy added a secondary Edman alloy to the battle vest.

Hawkeye's bow also adds a lot of rare metals, and the arrow is made entirely of Edman alloy.

For a time, the three S.H.I.E.L.D. generals were all strengthened.

A sudden communication interrupted Hawkeye who admired his new arrow. He listened carefully and immediately hung up the call.

"There was a problem in the research center. Dr. Silvig said that the universe demon sent an energy wave to the outside world an hour ago?" Hawkeye didn't understand what energy was not energy, but he had amazing instincts and he didn't hesitate to report it. Give it to Daisy, the deputy director.

No one knows what this means better than Daisy. It doesn't matter if Rocky is coming back, but the important thing is that someone finally noticed the earth.

"Notify Nick, I'll take a look first." In order to prevent Hawkeye from being controlled again, her hands are covered with agent's blood again, Daisy feels that she can always change some circumstances by letting the other party go later?

As for the old maiden of Victoria Hand, no one would like to control her, because the value is too low to commit.

Thinking that there is still some time, she didn't use teleportation. Teleportation near the Cosmos Rubik's Cube was actually a very dangerous thing. She chose to take a helicopter to the Dark Matter Research Center in the outskirts of New York.

It took half an hour to arrive at the research center, and Hande was already waiting for her.

"The increase in energy is getting bigger and bigger, we don't know"

"Arrange personnel to evacuate." Daisy observed the energy fluctuations nearby. As someone who has been to Asgard and Kunlun, she could see that the spatial fluctuations here are very strong.

"What?" Victoria Hammer was a little incredulous.

"Arrange personnel to evacuate quickly. It is very dangerous here. If something happens, I will be responsible and carry out the order." She didn't give the old maiden a good face, and the other party also noticed the strangeness. She wanted to run quickly, so she went to make arrangements without saying anything.

The old white man who likes to think in pants has converged quite a bit recently. When Daisy saw this item in the research institute hundreds of meters underground, he finally wore a pair of pants.

"This was not caused by me, it was emitting energy by itself," the old man said a lot of terms, meaning that he has nothing to do with this matter.

"What will happen if the energy continues to expand? How much time do we have?" She asked anxiously, even if the Universe Rubik's Cube does not recognize her, she can't be robbed by any messy people. This is something from S.H.I.E.L.D. In SHIELD, until she can use it.

The old white man thought for a while, "It should be two hours before the energy peak is calculated, but I don't know what will happen then?"

"Prepare to evacuate, Doctor, let the staff evacuate here. I will negotiate with Nasa."

This kind of cooperation between the two parties is trouble. On the surface, it is S.H.I.E.L.D. and Nasa. In fact, everyone knows that this is cooperating with the US government, just to give the other four major countries a face and cover their ears.

"Doctor, take down the Rubik's Cube." Daisy frowned. The group knew that there was a problem an hour ago, but they were big-hearted and didn't know what they were waiting for.

The old white man looked around and could only bite the bullet and answered "I can't take it down."

"Why?" Daisy could see that this guy was not shirking, and she secretly felt that it seemed that the Cosmos Rubik's Cube was installed on the device, but it actually seemed like a mass of suction was acting on it. Even if the device was disassembled, the Rubik's Cube might still be Floating in the current position.

She raised her chin lightly, a scientist belonging to S.H.I.E.L.D. stiffened his scalp and stepped forward, picked up the pliers, and shook the Rubik's Cube from side to side twice, and finally gritted his teeth and used all the strength of the Rubik's Cube.

This made Daisy stumped, she didn't dare to use her powers to blindly touch her, what if she was teleported to the universe.

She can only order like countless leaders, "I don't care what you use, stop this thing for me now and take down the Rubik's Cube!"

Like many subordinates, the on-site scientific research personnel are also busy like flies.

As time went by, many phone calls came to her, some from Ladan and Nasa.

For this reason, she had to hold a video conference "The scene is very serious, this experimental project has been completely out of control"

As soon as she said a few words, the video was disconnected, and she frowned when she looked at the snowflakes on the screen.

"Sir, we have too much interference here, I'm afraid" the old white man's face was sweaty.

Daisy commanded them like migrant workers. The research facility was dug out from the But even if the instrument was taken away, the Rubik's Cube still hovered in the air, and the position did not move.

This made Daisy very curious, how did the people on the other side of the Rubik's Cube start it remotely? Considering that the Universe Rubik's Cube had been stored in Asgard for a long time before it came to Northern Europe, maybe it was the back hand that Rocky arranged thousands of years ago?

Nothing is known.

Hand reported to her that the staff of the institute had already begun to evacuate, but Daisy felt that it was still too slow and urged the other party to speed up.

"How long will it take?" Cheetah felt that she was in danger, and she was also preparing to retreat.

"About an hour and a half?" The old white man was not sure.

"You have no time, earthlings."

A blue light fell from the sky, like a sharp sword pierced the research institute and penetrated into this research facility hundreds of meters underground.

The blue light was extremely pure, like a clear spring, the actual energy was amazing, the cutting edge was very neat, and it landed straight in front of a few people.

With antler helmet, green cloak, and holding a crescent scepter, Loki walked out first.

"Long time no see, beautiful lady, you are even more beautiful!" Rocky still bowed his body in salute politely, just like when the two confronted the giant python together.

Daisy's eyes glowed brightly, and her mental strength combined with her super vision, she saw Loki's strangeness.

A bit like the Viper was forcibly twisted into a daughter by Sithorn, Loki's mental power was also manipulated. If he compares his mental power to a big tree, there are now countless attachments on his branches.

The tree is still the same tree, but with a little tampering, his mind has changed.

Two people walked out in the blue light. Following the spiritual guidance, Daisy automatically looked to Loki's left. It was her who spoke first, a thin, blue-skinned white hood, walking and swaying.

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