Transform Into the Marvel World

Chapter 1474: 2 factions

Chapter 1473 two camps

Regardless of the media and film and television works that spray American politicians every day, it seems that they are a group of poor people who are manipulated, they are a group of fools. In fact, their rights are very great and their welfare is quite good.

In the history of the United States, there has never been a president in jail. Compared with Thailand’s impeachment, the leader is busy running away. Compared with South Korea, who is sent to prison immediately after the impeachment, the United States can be said to treat national politicians very well. .

They can't give Stark to those countries and extradite people back for trial? joke! Anyway, this one has also been the Secretary of State for four years. If he is taken away by a foreign country, what is going on!

They put pressure on Sharon Rogers, you call someone, let's ask him what is going on!

It can be said that this request is reasonable in general, but not excessive.

Sharon Rogers is very restrained and has always maintained a very high tolerance for this job. She has done no problem. Even if she changes to the old American team, she will not do better than her. Then there is a problem. , Since she was right, who was wrong?

"S.H.I.E.L.D., X-Men and Nick Fury, we should get more people's support." The old American team really couldn't comment on Stark's extreme behavior. He could only give advice to his daughter.

Rachel put down the phone and shook her head slightly: "Aunt Hill doesn’t think it’s a good idea for S.H.I.E.L.D. to join this kind of battle. She doesn’t want to magnify the problem. My mother doesn’t want the X-Men to enter this dispute either. The original words are that the mutants have initially completed the coexistence with human society. The X-Men, as an important force among them, should not frequently appear in front of the world as weapons. As for Nick Fury’s side..."

"Nick Fury won't support you. He has more secrets than anyone else. He chose to support Stark. But, old man, I support you." The tall Winter Soldier walked into the Avengers Building, his face a little bit dark. Tired, but walking from the dark to the front of the stage, his mentality seemed to lighten up.

Seeing the old brother, the US team was a little moved. He nodded vigorously, and he was more reliable in adversity.

"I got some information from their base in Baja California. These are the people who are currently joining them." The Winter Soldier connected the data to the computer in the Avengers Building.

Afterwards, many photos appeared on the big screen. They were all superheroes who were sure to join Stark's camp. Steve Rogers became more distressed as he watched.

Stark, Mr. Fantastic, Golem, Gears of War, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Captain Marvel.

And what about them? Sharon Rogers, Rachel, Lorna, Falcon, Thor, Hawkeye, and a Daredevil with a brand new mental outlook who came here to help today.

The Daredevil had changed so much. From the gloomy blind man who went out to fight criminals in the middle of the night, he became a priest full of holiness.

When Daisy upgraded Lady Destiny, all the blind people were cured by her at that moment, including the original Daredevil.

Do good deeds without leaving a name, Daisy didn’t publicize it everywhere, Daredevil and the blind people all over the world didn’t know what was going on, inexplicably, nothing was done, and her eyes were just fine?

Ordinary people will find it strange and incomprehensible, and some may even be suspicious.

Daredevil will not. He is a very devout believer. He believes that the blindness of the year is God’s punishment. He is guilty of his own sin. If he is guilty, he will atone for it. He will fight criminals with the determination to die every night. To a certain extent, he is a bit like Thanos, and he wants to die too.

After his vision was restored, he thought he was redeemed and his sins were redeemed.

The whole person’s temperament changed drastically. Daredevil’s costume was buried by him, he changed into the costume of a priest, and he broke up with Karen Page, handed over the law firm to his partner, like a Puritan, and put his whole body and mind. All dedicated to God.

He originally thought that his life would go on like this, but he did not expect that the war in Asgard would also affect him.

Heimdall believes that when Malkis invaded, he did not discover in advance and had an inescapable responsibility. He chose to exile himself. Before he left, he was going to choose a successor to let the other party continue to serve as his own priesthood and protect Ah. Skard.

After a search on the earth, he found the Daredevil who is now regaining his eyesight. The two experienced several talks and training. Finally, Daredevil took over Heimdall's two-handed sword and served as the patron **** of Asgard. , With his own eyes, offered help to the group of Asgardians who lost their husbands, fathers and sons in the battle.

Heimdall claims to be able to see everything, but he is actually bragging. He is not that strong. The Daredevil who inherited his priesthood is weaker. With the help of the priesthood, it is no problem to watch the earth. He found that Stark was hiding it. Many secrets, he found the female Thor, and then there was a scene where they joined Sharon Rogers' team together.

"Tony dared to do this? Using Thor's cells to create a mechanical version of Thor?" Steve didn't understand the old friend's dedication, but he basically stayed at the stage of incomprehension. He believed that disputes could be based on dialogue. To solve it, but now the mechanical Thor is too much, making him think of the evil German scientists he defeated during the war years.

Daredevil didn't have a deep friendship with Ji Fang, he just nodded, indicating that this was the truth he saw.

The female Thor is very angry, what? Nowadays, not only frogs can be Thors, but also some broken copper and iron?

Even after breaking up with Thor, Jane Foster still has a memory of that feeling in her heart, and she does not allow outsiders to blaspheme this feeling.

"Captain, what do you mean?" She asked both the current captain and the old captain.

Steve Rogers was very He rubbed his forehead, thinking about how to solve this matter.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't help it. He could only say: "You first contact your friends, I'll go out."

What he called going out was to fly a fighter jet directly to Los Angeles, and after dialing a number that only the two of them knew, Captain America Steve Rogers did not carry a shield or wear a uniform, just like an ordinary person, in a house The underground warehouse saw Stark, who was also wearing a suit without armor.

"You really cloned a mechanical Thor?"

"......I do not deny."

"Do you also take a lot of preventive measures against our companions? In order to kill them at a critical moment?"

"I just want to make the world's hidden dangers less. I don't think I did it wrong. I am sorry about Thor, but he was not my friend at the time. If you all object, I will destroy it myself. , I promise." Stark's attitude has also loosened, and he can see that he is telling the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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