Transdimensional Marketing

Chapter 414 Ten light-years away, take your head! (Down)

Chapter 414 Ten light-years away, take your head! (Down)

"The more massive a star, the faster it burns and the shorter its lifespan."

In the R-shaped deep space ship, while waiting for the star to explode, Chen Yu pointed to the blue giant star and gave a simple explanation to the audience: "When the hydrogen fusion reaction of the star stops, the center of the star begins to collapse. And the collapse of the center will increase the internal pressure. The temperature rises, and the external volume expands rapidly! The expansion rate can even reach several times or ten times of the original volume."

"If the star is big enough, the core temperature after the collapse can exceed 100 million degrees at this time, igniting the helium element and starting the process of helium fusion."

"But unlike hydrogen fusion, helium fusion can only convert a small amount of mass into energy, and the duration is very short. So it won't take long for the core of the star to continue to collapse. The outer volume will naturally expand even more."

"After that, the core temperature doubled again, and many new elements were born. The most abundant of them are carbon, oxygen, nitrogen..."

In front of the camera, Chen Yu opened his arms: "This is why the blue giant star is so big. Its core has experienced multiple collapses, and its outer shell has completed multiple expansions. Now, its internal temperature exceeds five billion degrees. Even the iron element was burnt out."

"In less than ten minutes, it ran out of the last sliver of fuel, and could no longer support the huge and heavy shell. Next, the entire collapse process took no more than two seconds."

"Everyone can imagine that such a large super star, the impact and explosion time is compressed within two seconds, how terrible the lethality can be produced?"

"This kind of explosion is called a supernova explosion." As he spoke, Chen Yu stretched out three fingers: "Based on the super blue giant star in front of us, the energy released within one minute after its explosion is equivalent to the radiation of the entire Milky Way galaxy for three hundred years." total amount."

[Fuck! 】


[Are you playing for your life? 】

[Blue Superstar: Your uncle is still your uncle. 】

[Then we are ten light-years apart, and the ashes are gone, right? 】

[I now deeply suspect that the UP master is in the Russian rescue. Don't worry about it, Hal is fine too...]


"It can be predicted that with this supernova explosion, the galaxies on the bombardment surface will be devoid of life. Including the solar system outside the bombardment surface. Because the distance between the two is too close."

"But everyone, please rest assured that no matter how powerful the explosion is, it cannot exceed the speed of light. At least for ten years, the earth will not suffer any harm. After ten years, there will be a way to deal with it."

After finishing speaking, Chen Yu raised his wrist to look at the time: "There are still five minutes left, I have to act. Remind again, audience on earth, please don't look at the sky, otherwise it is easy to cause eye damage."

Taking a deep breath, he activated the E·I force field to suspend in mid-air, controlled the spaceship, and unfolded the side of the ship facing the blue giant star! Fully expose the inner space of the hull.

Immediately afterwards, he shouted to Xiao Taohong on the watch screen: "Listen to my command and get ready."


"Don't forget to protect yourself. If you are hit by the gamma ray stream, you will be GG on the spot."

"Understood." Xiao Taohong patted her chest: "You can definitely trust me."

"If it wasn't for the fact that the dog couldn't wear the protective clothing and Hermione couldn't leave the castle, I really didn't want to trust you."

"Hey..." Xiao Taohong lowered her head shyly: "There are so many spectators watching, it's embarrassing for you to say that."


same time.

Kent State, New York, Confederate States Building.

The middle-aged team leader was busy sliding the tablet screen, contacting Huaxia thousands of miles away, exchanging information and data.

"Team leader, how is it over there?"

"There is generally no problem, but there are still 12 flights that are too late, so we can only clear the highways and make an emergency landing."

"There are four minutes and forty-two seconds left." Sister Wu said anxiously.

"I know." The middle-aged team leader turned off the screen directly, and threw the tablet on the table forcefully: "Anyway, we can't get our hands in here, so we simply don't look at it, just relax."

"The screen broke..."

"It's okay, it won't be needed in four minutes."

Looking up at Chen Yu who was waiting in full force on the big screen, and then at the chaotic crowd in the hall, Sister Wu sighed: "The electronic equipment is all damaged, how can we go back..."

"Ding ding ding!"

Suddenly, a crisp bell rang, and Sister Wu was taken aback. She quickly picked up the tablet with a broken screen on the table, looked closely, and found that it was a video communication.

"Team leader, the staff team is calling."

The middle-aged team leader narrowed his eyes, reached out and clicked to connect.

The screen went black, and then Hal's figure appeared.

"I guessed it was you." The middle-aged team leader said with a blank expression, "According to the regulations, the staff team cannot connect with me by leapfrogging."

"Hello, the leader of the Huaxia Special Team. We meet again."

"I've seen you several times today. Is there anything wrong?"

"You and Chen Yu are relatively close, so I want to ask you something." Hal's face was calm.

"First of all, I declare that I am just an insignificant little person and cannot affect any judgment of Chen Yu."

"I know, I just want you to deliver a message to Chen Yu for me."

"Then you wait."

The middle-aged team leader took out the closed earphones in his pocket and inserted them into the tablet receiver: "Let's talk now."

In the picture, Hal's upper and lower lips are slightly opened and closed.

The expression of the middle-aged team leader is incomparably wonderful...


two minutes.

One minute.

thirty seconds.

ten seconds...

Time, passing by every minute and every second.

Visible to the naked eye, the expansion speed of the super blue giant star is getting faster and faster.

Suspended in the spaceship, Chen Yu subconsciously clenched his fists and told the time: "Eight seconds left. Seven seconds..."

[6! 】

[666! 】


[Four seconds, four seconds, four seconds...]




In an instant, the expansion of the super blue giant star stopped abruptly.

From the perspective of the camera, the blue stars and the black deep space seem to have become a still picture.

After another "long" second...


Chen Yu blinked, only to feel a blur in front of his eyes, and the huge super blue star was shrinking at a terrifying speed!

This shrinking speed even surpassed the maximum conventional speed of the R-type deep space ship!

Because the speed is too fast, everyone is limited by the lack of dynamic vision, and can still see the layers of afterimages like nesting dolls.




The star shrinks and shrinks, and the luminosity becomes proportionally brighter and brighter.

In just two seconds, the originally huge blue giant star shrank into a "small white ball" with a luminosity close to infinitely bright.


Chen Yu simulated a loud noise in his mind...

Then, a distorted band of light burst out suddenly!

The entire universe seemed to be dyed blue in an instant!

That is the blue shift caused by the extreme speed of light, which is far more vivid than the original color of the blue giant star.

The dazzling blue light continued to expand within three seconds, turning into an hourglass-shaped jet stream that was far brighter, more concentrated, and denser than the Milky Way!

Because Chen Yu stood at a specific angle, the light cone of the supernova explosion looked more like two infinitely extended plane triangles in the eyes of him and the audience.


[Outrageous. 】

[Is this a supernova explosion? It's too bright to see anything. 】

[The luminosity has been significantly reduced by an unknown number of times, otherwise the screen should be completely white now. 】

【See the light cone extending to the left and right? That is a gamma ray burst, which contains all kinds of light and heavy elements, and even the stars are blasted into slag when they are hit at close range. 】

【What a miracle of nature! 】

【Nature: How can I...】

"It's now!"

Silently in the bottom of my heart at the right time, Chen Yu shouted loudly: "Little Taohong! The Earth's Pacific Ocean is at a right angle of 4 million kilometers to the equator! Open the door!"


Xiao Taohong, who was far away in the floating castle on the earth, was shocked when she heard the words, and immediately slipped out of the camera, manipulated the portal with both hands like flying, entered the location coordinates, and pushed the door hard!


Outside the door is the pitch-black deep space universe.

"Mr. Chen, it's already opened."

"Are you sure it's 4 million kilometers at a right angle to the equator?"

Xiao Taohong looked at the console again, nodded: "OK. What should I do next?"

"Go in and enter the coordinates I sent you." Chen Yu swiped the screen of the watch and sent a string of data.


Carefully memorizing the coordinate numbers, Xiao Taohong nimbly drilled into the portal, came to the deep space 4 million kilometers away from the earth, and entered the address.

"Y: 33560156006123; X: 857412; Z: 109978457. The gravity of the planet locates Jupiter at 40°...Huh?" Xiao Taohong was taken aback, and quickly went back to the portal, picked up her phone and asked, "Mr. Wrong? Why is the coordinate verification location still near Jupiter?"

"This is the position! If you are told to drive, you can drive!" Chen Yu growled: "Hurry up! It's too late!"

"oh oh!"

Xiao Taohong quickly flew out again, after a careful inspection, she pressed the start option!


Accompanied by a crisp metallic resonance sound.

Under the attention of hundreds of millions of people in the live broadcast room, a portal opened in the R-shaped deep space ship ten light-years away from the solar system!

[Fuck? ! 】

[Fuck! 】


【impossible! 】

【How can it be? 】

[Isn't the maximum distance of the portal only within the solar system...]

【Yaoshou! Openly changed the settings! 】

【Made! Lord UP, you don’t want to send gamma rays through the portal, do you? 】

【what is this? 】


Seeing that the portal was successfully opened in front of him, Chen Yu heaved a sigh of relief: "Successful, awesome! Brothers hit awesome on the public screen! Hurry up!"

[Awesome! 】

[Awesome, awesome...]

"Everyone must be wondering why the portal, which could only be opened within the solar system, opened ten light-years away?"

Looking at the non-polar gamma ray flow that is getting closer, Chen Yu quickly explained while operating the portal: "The reason is very simple. My position, the space inside the spacecraft, is still in the solar system!"


【I see! 】

【I understand too! Is this okay? ! 】

【grass! 】

【show! Shenxiu! 】

【A look of bewildered...】

"Everyone should still remember that the superluminal principle of the spaceship is to 'move' space! Instead of passing through space! The principle of movement is to shrink the space in front and expand the space behind, but the independent space in the spaceship is completely motionless!"

"In the field of space, there is no attribute of distance at all. For example, the combination of two coordinate points Y: 1, X: 1, Z: 1 and Y: 2, X: 2, Z: 2, no matter how many billions of light are separated Years, in terms of spatial structure, they are still adjacent!"

"Therefore, the space in the solar system that is independent of the outer solar system is still counted as the space in the solar system in the space rules!"

"Crack!" Slapping the frame of the portal vigorously, Chen Yu smiled: "This is the fundamental reason why the portal can be opened here! Hal and I have emphasized countless times, why can human beings create today's brilliance? Because we never lack that A flash of inspiration!"

"Next, watch me take Hal's head ten light-years away!"


After the words fell, the portal suddenly expanded and enlarged!

And the last gamma rays after the supernova explosion also hit...

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