Tokyo bubble life

482 Chapter 481, Mingcai looks good even when she cries

Chapter 482 481, Mingcai looks good even when she cries~

Otaru City in Hokkaido, once the sea gate of Hokkaido, is extremely prosperous and is called "Wall Street in the North". Today's declining city, only brick and stone warehouses and Western-style buildings remain, narrating the glory of the past .

Naoki Naoyama has been to Otaru, and when he went skiing in Hokkaido with his family the year before last, he bought a few handicrafts here.

I don't know if I will continue to come here to play this year.

At around ten o'clock in the morning, Naoki Yongshan took his filming team and arrived in this small town in a special car from the airport.

"Naoki-san, is this the place we are going to shoot?" After getting acquainted with him, Kijima Hiroshi has a low sense of presence, and is actually quite talkative.

"Yeah, I'll be here for a while." Yongshan Naoki tightened the tulle on his body, his body was still a little weak after recovering from a serious illness, "But at this time, the temperature in Otaru is so low~"

"In Hokkaido, it usually snows in November." Kijima Xu moved the shooting equipment out of the car, and then walked towards an old house under a small slope with Koming Sakata and Guangming Ohara .

Naoki Yongshan rang the doorbell in front, and after a while, hurried footsteps came over, and then the old wooden door opened.

"Naoki-san, we're here!" It was Masami Inada who opened the door, "I thought we wouldn't be here until noon!"

"Leave secretly before Shuichi-san's filming starts." Naoki Nagayama has nothing to hide from Inada Masami who already knows the inside story.

Several people worked together to move all the equipment into place, Naoki Yongshan asked: "Otomo-san said before, I borrowed a group of high school students from Brother Feng to perform, have they arrived yet?"

"They, they are resting in the hotel near the school." Inada Masami said, "I have already asked them to go to the school to take their seats."

"Huh?" Naoki Yongshan knew that Brother Feng's younger brothers were more or less gangsters before, and asked them to stay in school. "Stupid tape?"

Inada Masami smiled: "No problem, Brother Feng sent the most capable younger brothers under him, Brother Fumi Imamura and Brother Nakazawa Hokuto!"

Ah, it's these two~

Naoki Yongshan remembered these two little bastards who were tricked by him to Brother Feng, but now they are on the right track!

"Then there's no problem. After another actor arrives, let's go there. We can start filming in the afternoon~"

At this time, Kijima Hiroshi, who was silently listening to the side, said:

"Naoki-san, why don't we go there first and set up the seats?"

"Oh, that's fine." Naoki Naoyama handed the sketch of the scene he had drawn before to Kijima Xu, "The first scene is in the classroom, so just place the camera according to these angles."


"Then I'll take Kijima-kun there first." Watching the camera crew move things up, Inada Masami reacted quickly, "Wait a minute, I rented a car, and I'll drive here. By the way, there is Naoki San's one."

The car keys were placed in the hands of Naoki Nagayama. After several years of training as a broker, Masato Inada was very considerate in his work.

After several people left, Naoki Yongshan walked into the three-story old house and began to inspect.

The first floor is the kitchen and a large living room, which is connected to the Japanese room in the outside yard, and there is also a side room, which should have been used by the housekeeper.

On the second floor are three bedrooms and a round hall for receiving guests. There are glass windows to see the outside scenery, and an old piano is placed here.

But now the entire rotunda is filled with old books, and there are some miscellaneous things that Naoki Nagayama asked Inada Masami to prepare before.

The third floor is two smaller empty rooms, and there is an attic on the top.

"It really has a sense of history~" Looking at the yard with birch trees outside from the balcony, "It's very suitable for the scene of "Love Letter""

Because it was too cold, I boiled a pot of hot water in the kitchen on the first floor, and then made a pot of hot tea with a very elegant Western-style tea set. Naoki Yongshan took a book at random in the living room on the second floor and started to read. .

An old-fashioned knight novel, but it is the original English version. Fortunately, Naoki Naoyama's English ability is not bad

Halfway through a pot of tea, I heard the beeping of a car at the door.

Looking up from the window, a man and two women were getting out of the taxi, it was Akina Nakamori and her two managers.

Naoki Yongshan hurried down from the second floor, just in time to hear the doorbell.

"Mingcai!" Yongshan Naoki smiled and looked at the little girlfriend at the door, with a smile in his eyes, "Are you here?"

Nakamori Akina looked at Naoki Naoki's face in surprise. She hasn't seen him for a while, but her boyfriend has lost more than a circle of weight:

"Naoki-san? How did you lose so much weight?"

"? Really?" Yongshan Naoki didn't feel much himself, so he looked at it through the reflection of the window, "Ah, it seems to be~ Didn't you catch a cold for a while before? That's why you lost weight~"

"It's so serious." Mingcai pursed her lips in distress. As a girlfriend, she didn't even notice this, it really shouldn't be!

"I've fully recovered! It's just a small cold!" Naoki Yongshan didn't care at all.

The two people with the luggage came over, and Naoki Naoyama hurriedly stepped aside, invited Nakamori Akina, Ueda Maki, and Ming Yukibo into the room, and then introduced the three of them like a master:

"This is where we will live for the next few days, and we will also film some scenes here in the future!

The first floor is the kitchen and the living room, and the second floor is the guest room. Hurry up and choose the bedroom on the second floor, first come first served! "

Nakamori Akina didn't go upstairs, but asked the little assistant and manager to put away the things first, and when the two went upstairs, they rushed directly into Naoki Naoyama's arms, hugged her boyfriend tightly, and became popular eye socket:

"Naoki-san, you're so sick. I didn't even notice."

Naoki Yongshan put his arms around his little girlfriend, and comforted him: "Isn't it normal to catch a cold due to the changing weather? I also don't want you to worry, and I'm fine now~"

"But I lost so much weight, it must have been serious in those few days, why didn't Naoki-san tell me?" Akina's black and white eyes were filled with tears, "I always said it was just a simple cold."

"That's what it is." Naoki Naoki, who was stubborn, wanted to cover it up, but when he saw Akina's expression about to cry, he quickly admitted,

"Well, I didn't expect it to become serious later~ My body has always been very good."

Seeing the tears rolling down the pretty face, Naoki Yongshan quickly wiped them away with his hands, then kissed Akina's forehead, and said words to comfort the child:

"Okay, okay, isn't this a cure? Don't cry, don't cry, it won't be pretty when you cry."


"Wait. These words don't seem to be able to comfort Akina~"

"Mingcai looks so pretty when she cries~"

"Pfft~" Nakamori Akina, who was originally sad, was suddenly amused by these words, and quickly let go of the hand holding Naoki Naoyama,

While wiping tears, I can't laugh or cry,

"Naoki-san! Why are you like this~"

"Hahaha, I'm telling the truth~"

Naoki Yongshan took out a handkerchief and handed it to Akina. I once remembered a movie that said why men should prepare handkerchiefs, because when a girl cries, you can hand it to her. Use it!

Akina wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief:

"I really don't know where Naoki-san learned it from!"

Then he looked at his boyfriend seriously: "Naoki-san, if something like this happens in the future, you must tell me! Don't carry it alone!"

Looking at Akina's firm eyes, Naoki Yongshan felt a warmth in his heart:

"Well, I see~"

At this time, the duo who sent the luggage upstairs came down.

Ming Xingfang saw that his idol seemed to cry, and a fire ignited in his heart, but seeing the sticky atmosphere between the two before, the fire was extinguished all at once.

"Ming Caijiang, the luggage has been packed."

Ueda Maki continued: "I chose a room for Akina with a view of the distant mountains."

"Maki-chan is so good~ Thank you, Fang Ze-san~" Nakamori Akina regained a little vitality, and pulled the assistant around the room.

Naoki Naoyama poured out the previous tea, made a new pot, and sat in the living room chatting with Ming Xingfang.

"Fang Zesang, we will start filming this afternoon. I'll leave it to you in these three days~"

Ming Xingfang said in a muffled voice: "Where is Naoki-san, we would like to thank you for the opportunity. But Akina has no experience in acting in movies, so I still need Naoki-san to take care of me."

"Haha, I know, the role of this scene is actually mainly to shoot that kind of youthful feeling, this is the high school period~"

Naoki Yongshan said nonchalantly, originally, it was just a few scenes in three days, there was absolutely no problem.

"What show did Fang Zesang and Ming Cai take part in recently?"

Taking advantage of this rare opportunity, Naoki Yongshan wanted to establish a good relationship with his little girlfriend's manager, and Lala Jiachang also created a good foundation for his future actions.

After a while, the two girls came down from the second floor.

Akina Nakamori looked at the chat between Naoki Nagayama and Fangori Akiyuki, and leaned over: "Naoki-san, Fangze-san, what are you talking about?"

"Dirty facts about Mingcai!"

Naoki Yongshan's answer naturally made Akina's cheeks puff up, but after teasing her, she immediately changed the subject.

"Mingcai sauce, Maki sauce, it's almost noon, are you hungry?"

I have been on my way since the morning, and I haven't eaten anything since I arrived in Hokkaido. When I mentioned it at this time, I really felt an empty stomach, and the two girls nodded.

"But. This is a small town, and restaurants and everything are in the city center." Naoki Yongshan had seen the kitchen before, and Masami Inada had already prepared the ingredients in the refrigerator, "If you want to fill your stomach, you have to eat it yourself. Let's do it!"


Although it's a bit disgusting, but when I really started to do it, the kitchen turned into a playground for laughing and joking.

In fact, the future farmhouse also has this feeling. When cooking becomes entertainment, especially when you are with friends, you are very happy.

Naoki Naoyama knows how to cook, Nakamori Akina and assistant Ueda Maki are no beginners, the only one who is waiting to eat like a grandpa is the older Akyuki Fangori

"Naoki-san can cook?!" The little assistant looked at Naoki Yongshan who was cutting potatoes in surprise.

Nakamori Akina was peeling the turnips aside, and added: "Naoki-san is a descendant of a culinary family. In addition to Japanese dishes, he is also very good at cooking Chinese dishes!"

"Huh?!" Ueda Maki was even more surprised. Such a handsome person, who makes a lot of money and is talented, can actually cook?

While thinking, he saw Mingxing Fangze who was idly reading the newspaper in the living room, shaking his head and feeling: "How can there be such a big gap between people?"

"Akina was joking, but in fact I just know how to cook some home-cooked dishes." Naoki Naoyama laughed, "I only learned it to fill my stomach."

"That's amazing! My boyfriend will only buy bento." Ueda Maki complained. Although the assistant looks young, she is three years older than Akina!

"Hahaha, there is a good girlfriend like Maki-chan, you can cook for him~"

Naoki Yongshan boasted, but he didn't expect Akina next to him to do two-finger meditation quietly as if jealous: "Naoki-san is very envious~"

"Haha, hahaha~" Keeping the expression on his face unchanged, Naoki Yongshan walked over with a haha.

Three people cook together, and within half an hour, four dishes and one soup are ready.

Naoki Nagayama's hot and sour potato shreds, Akina Nakamori's stir-fried turnips and fried chicken nuggets, plus Tian Maki's pork curry and miso soup, a decent lunch is complete.

The meals made by oneself are naturally more delicious, especially the hot and sour taste of hot and sour potato shreds is very suitable for the taste of Ming Cai, and Ming Xingfang who eats for free will naturally not say anything bad.

After a meal, Naoki Yongshan was ready to take the three of them to school, and the official shooting began in the afternoon!

But before leaving, Naoki Naoyama found the clothes left by Masami Inada,

"Mingcai, change into the school uniform! I want to change too. Those over there are still in class, so it's not very convenient to change."


When Akina Nakamori and Naoki Nagayama changed their clothes and came out, the remaining two looked at them with surprised eyes.

Ueda Maki said: "Akina-chan really looks exactly like a high school student! Naoki-san's words"

"What's wrong?"

Naoki Yongshan frowned and straightened his uniform, feeling that the memories of high school seemed to be slowly returning, which were quite unpleasant memories.

"I always feel that such a boy should not belong to our school!" Ueda Maki covered her mouth and smiled.

"Yes, yes, it should be from which noble school."

Since he has lost a lot of weight these days, the uniform he wears is a bit loose. Coupled with Naoki Naoki's thin and fair face, he looks like a weak nobleman.

"It looks like I need to dress up again, but it's a pity that I didn't bring a makeup artist this time." Naoki Naoyama noticed this problem, looked in the mirror and then looked at Akina Nakamori, "Akina, help me darken my face."

"Huh? Hi!"

After hearing this, Nakamori Akina excitedly took out her makeup box, and then began to sweep Naoki Naoki's face with a smile. Do girls like to put makeup on their boyfriends?

I saw a comment from a reader, so I added more~

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