To Defeat Scum, You Must Start Early, My Lady

Chapter 328: Lu Xiaolang's departure (2) Without saying goodbye


Song Zhizhi and Wei Ziming arrived.

Jun Mingyu looked at Wei Ziming.

Song Zhizhi bluntly said, "My dad doesn't worry that I will go out alone, so let my brother stay with me."

Jun Mingyu smiled.

No one believes this excuse.

But he also needs to expose.

He had never thought of plotting money and killing Song Zhizhi, so of course he didn't care whether she would act as a bodyguard.

He said, "Please here."

Junmingyu is naturally a private jet.

He took Song Zhi on board.

Naturally, Jun Mingyu will not be alone. There should be no less than 10 people in black suits standing on the plane, and he will bring 2 close to his body, always on his side.

Song Zhizhi and Jun Mingyu sat together.

Jun Mingyu said, "This time I leave, it may not be a day or two. I also ask Manager Song to be mentally prepared."

"You can tell me bluntly, before this project is completed, you can't come back, can you?"

"Family leave is still available."

Song Zhizhi knew that this trip was not only to solve the few troublesome people, but to ensure that all the development of Jinghe Village was even effective.

She guessed that she should have been tired by Jun Mingyu.

According to the current political situation, it is a matter of course for Jun Mingyu to be sent to the border area. Just like ancient kings, when they need to establish a crown prince, they will send other brothers to the king. So, is Yan Shang country also changed? Oh my god.

She didn't ask much.

She has never wanted to participate in official affairs.

As far as she is concerned, a business manager has already made her head big, and she is so capable that she can still participate in official struggles.

Jun Mingyu will not explain more.

Know a lot of things, that's it.


Jincheng is still prosperous.

Diligently left Lu Xiaolang's house.

What happened last night...he couldn't say a word, and he couldn't say it.

All he knew was that he was **** by Lu Xiaolang to commit violence, and when he woke up, Lu Xiaolang was no longer there.

The room was empty, and the rope on him was gone.

He didn't know how he left the house of Lu Xiaolang, and he didn't know how he accepted the truth that was struck by lightning.

He even wanted to hit him to death when he thought of it now.

He dragged a heavy step, and he didn't know why he walked to Ji Baixin's downstairs.

He looked at the high floor.

Ji Baixin is on the 9th floor.

Now, she probably went to work.

He suddenly smiled.

I kept her innocence for 25 years.

If you say nothing, it's gone...

He turned and left.

I didn't want to find Ji Baixin in the past.

What can I do if I find her!

In fact, they parted ways a long time ago.

From the moment the marriage contract was dissolved, it was impossible for them to be together. It was he who still couldn't let go. It was the deep part of his heart that still pretended to be this woman.

Now she has her own happiness.

Now, he has nothing left for Ji Baixin.

He thought that from now on there shouldn't really be any nostalgia.

He turned and left.

Quietly left Ji Baixin's downstairs.

He walked out of the community and took a taxi.

At that moment, the eyes moved slightly.

He saw Li Wenjun.

Saw him coming back.

Didn’t you say you have to wait a week?

This is only 2 days.

Perhaps, rest assured.

At the moment of diligence, he smiled.

Ji Baixin is happy.

He turned to leave.

Suddenly he saw Li Wenjun getting out of the car and returning to the car.

Diligent was a little surprised. From his perspective, Li Wenjun seemed to be embracing someone.

When he wanted to see clearly, Li Wenjun got out of the car and dragged his suitcase to the community.

Diligent took advantage of the situation and got in behind a store. After Li Wenjun left, he quickly hailed a taxi and followed the car that sent Li Wenjun down.

Followed for a while.

The car parked at the gate of a high-end community in Jincheng.

The driver got out of the car and opened the back door respectfully.

A woman coming down the back door should be young, at least 40 years old, but she is well raised, slightly fat, but full of charm.

The driver dragged the woman with luggage and walked into the community with her.

Sitting in the taxi diligently, just looking at it.

Perhaps, suspicious.

After all, it was not real enough just now, and there may be deviations from his perspective.

Leaning eagerly on the car seat, he said to the driver, "Let's go."

He was really gloomy. At that moment, he even thought that Li Wenjun was really indifferent to Ji Bai, so that Ji Baixin would leave Li Wenjun for the reason.

Think about it carefully, what can you do if you leave!

Ji Baixin will not like him.

Not in this life.

It has always been his wishful thinking.

He asked the driver to take him home.

The villa hall.

Tan Keqin was watching TV in the living room, and it was strange to see her son come back from this point.

She asked casually, "Didn't you be kicked out of the house by your dad and didn't come back?"

Diligent did not answer, at that moment inexplicably felt as if he had been wronged in some way.

Tan Keqin was speechless, "It's not the first time you quarreled with your dad. Do you need an expression that the sky is falling down?"

Diligent still did not answer.

He sat down next to his mother at that moment.

Tan Keqin said, "Don't worry, your father is the only seedling. Even if he is mad at himself, he can't do anything to you."

"It has nothing to do with my dad," Yin Qin said.

"What's the matter?" Qin Keqin asked, knowing that it was unlikely that the two fathers and sons quarreled. She thought of something and said, "Is it because of your news? Everyone says you are too scumbag? But I also think you are scumbag. You are fine. What did you do to provoke Ji Baixin? Knowing she doesn't like you..."

"Mom." Diligent suddenly called her, loudly.

The eyes were red at that moment.

Tan Keqin pursed her lips and swallowed the rest of her words. She said, "Another Ji Baixin hurts you like this! Who do you want to do with your hospitality? Love someone so hard to love."

"Mom..." Attentive eyes were reddening, and his nose was sore, "I'm lost!"


Wow, I cried out.

Tan Keqin was completely confused by her son.

She looked attentively straight.

Heartbreaking crying with diligence.

From last night to the present, he collapsed.

When he thinks about what happened to him, he can't control his mother.

"I have maintained my innocence for 25 years, so I don't have it!" Yin Yin said loudly.

That pain is not for life.

Tan Keqin was speechless.

What a big deal!

Do you need to live so much? !

His dad's cheating in marriage is not so exaggerated.

Do not.

To be precise, his dad might not take it seriously.

Tan Keqin said diligently, "Who is the other party?"

When I asked who it was, he couldn't stand the diligence even more.

Tan Keqin murmured, "It's definitely not Ji Baixin."

It's Ji Baixin, the **** should have been up to the sky at this moment of diligence.

"Could it? Lu Xiaolang?" Tan Keqin's tone was sure.

The sound of hospitable crying paused.


It's that little wolf dog!

That little wolf dog bites people fiercely!

Tan Keqin couldn't help laughing.

Really laughed.

Yinqin was irritably laughed by Tan Keqin, "Are you my real mother?"

"Are you forced?" Qin Keqin suppressed a smile and asked.

"I can't beat her! I can't **** beat him!" Diligent collapsed.

If he could beat her, he wouldn't have to be so wronged last night.

"Where is Lu Xiaolang?" Qin Keqin asked.

"Disappeared." Attentively speaking, he became even more angry.

When he woke up, he didn't even have a target to vent, and Lu Xiaolang disappeared if he didn't see him!

"So Lu Xiaolang intends to be irresponsible." Tan Keqin concluded.

"Yes." Nodding diligently.

The moment I nodded, I felt wrong again.

He quickly said, "Who makes her responsible, I never want to see her again! This is the greatest shame of my life! If I see her, I must kill her!"

"But you can't beat her."

"I..." The diligence exploded with anger, "Are you my mother in the end!"

"What are you going to do now?" Tan Keqin was calm.

"What do you mean?"

"You have had a relationship with Lu Xiaolang, you don't plan to marry her and come in..."

"Don't even think about it!" Diligent interrupted his mother directly, "I will never marry Lu Xiaolang in my life! Absolutely not!"

Tan Keqin looked at his son's appearance.

"No matter how wrong I am to marry a woman I don't like, I won't be wronged to this point. Lu Xiaolang is a man-in-law and told me last night..." Diligent can't go on, "Don't say it, I Go back to the room and sleep, don't bother me!"

He went upstairs eagerly.

I don't know if the action was too big, and where it was torn!

He touched his **** and walked a lot.

Scold while walking!

The woman who had been cursed was already sitting on the coach at the moment.

I bid farewell to Song Zhizhi and said to her master that the revenge for Yinqin was over.

Now, there is no reason not to leave.

She looked out the window, looked at the scenery outside, looked at the city of Jincheng getting further and further away from her.

She retracted her gaze.

From then on, he should never step into this territory again.


half year later.

Jihong Group.

Ji Bai is sitting in the office, and Ji Baili reports to him on the work of the project.

Ji Baijian said, "Kstar suddenly agreed to this project? It rejected any other Fortune 100 companies that participated, and finally confirmed its cooperation with us?"

Ji Baili nodded, "I received a call from the other party early this morning, saying that I really like our design concept and want to work directly with us."

Ji Baijian pursed his lips.

Looking at his elder brother’s appearance, Ji Baili couldn’t help but said, “I also think it’s weird. We used so many channels to discuss projects with each other, and every time we refused our visit because of inconvenience. Only after submitting the first draft concept of the project, they actually rejected other companies and named them to cooperate with us."

"It's definitely not that simple." Ji Baijian was sure. "It took us half a year to get a little bit of public relations with Kosda. We haven't reached the top level at all. Now we suddenly agreed to let us do this project. There must be some problem in the middle."

"Yes." Ji Baili nodded, and he also thought it was very strange, "Then what do we do now? The exclusive agency rights of KSD's international e-commerce platform, do we still want it?"

"No more!" Ji Baijian decided.

Ji Baili looked at him.

He didn't expect his brother to be so domineering.

It is estimated that the project cooperation profit value of more than 5 billion yuan is the profit or not the cooperation fund. His elder brother said that he would not want it!

Ji Baili trembled a little hesitantly, "Brother, are you sure?"

"I'm very sure."

"But the board of directors..." Ji Baili was worried. "The old guys are waiting for you to negotiate this big project. Now that the talk is done, you suddenly say no, it's not good for you to deal with it like this."

Ji Baili's voice just fell.

Ji Bai's office phone rang suddenly.

Ji Bai connected, "Chairman."

"White room, I heard that Kesda's exclusive agency rights have been obtained."

Ji Bai did not speak.

"Sure enough, I didn't disappoint my dad. In just six months, you actually suppressed the first group and made Kstar choose our Jihong Group as the international agent of the world. The profit of this project is quite amazing. Now many board members are calling me to determine if it’s true. I figured out that you worked hard to take down the project, and Dad can’t take the credit for your work. So at this moment, all directors have been notified to have a meeting at 2 pm. Tell everyone about it at that time."

After speaking, they hung up the phone excitedly.

Ji Baili looked at his elder brother, "What should I do now?"

Obviously won the project but suddenly said no, how did he explain to the board of directors!

He felt distressed for his elder brother.

His elder brother did not react at all. He said indifferently, "You directly rejected the other party, just say that the current general manager of Jihong Group, the person in charge of this agency project, that is, my Ji Baijian, suddenly had a heart attack. In order not to If we delay the progress of KSD’s project, we will take the initiative to abandon the cooperation on this project. Please forgive them for the inconvenience caused. If the other party needs it, we can recommend a stronger company, such as the First Group."

Ji Baili looked straight at his elder brother like this.

This is an uncompromising means to achieve the goal, and even this loss trick can be used.

"What are you still trying to do."

"Oh." Ji Baili returned to his senses. When I left, I suddenly thought of something, "The board of directors..."

"I'm dying and I still care about the board of directors."


Well, everything you say is right.

Ji Baili left.

Ji Baijian also got up and left the company.

If you don't leave at this time, there is no reason to leave for a while.

He got into his car and dialed Yin Qin while driving.

Attentiveness is rare and peaceful during this time.

It's good to go to work by yourself without causing any contradictions.

In short, it's not as low-key as him!

The moment Yin Qin received Ji Baijian's call was quite flattered.

"What's the matter, did you think of me without a wife by your side?" said diligently and deliberately.

"Leave you two things."

"..." Diligent and unhappy.

Can you be nice to him?

Take care of him.

Haven't you noticed his incomparable downturn during this period of time? !

"First, find two reporters you trust the most to come to a rigorous hospital, and I will send you the specific hospitalization number in a while." Ji Baijian confessed, "Second, don't ask anything, just do it."

The phone was hung up.

Damn it.

Ji Baijian knows how to read minds, knowing that he is very curious, so he directly blocked his mouth.

He put down the phone angrily.

At that moment, he still followed the rules.

After tossing for a while, I received a message from Ji Baijian.

He is going to take the reporter.

As soon as I walked to the door of the office, I ran into Wei Cheng.

Diligence did not respond to Wei Cheng, anyway, at the company, he would always look like a diligent and diligent worker, and he just didn't know how to learn.

Without Lu Xiaolang's live broadcast platform, even if some anchors were later used to create a slightly larger live broadcast channel, the effect would not be one-tenth of the original Lu Xiaolang.


The diligent complexion is a bit unpleasant.

Thinking of Lu Xiaolang, the whole person would still go into anger!

The little wolf dog disappeared completely as soon as it really disappeared.

He actually knew that Lu Xiaolang had gone back to Wulin Temple.

What he was uncomfortable was that he didn't even say hello, and he did it that night. He didn't see any explanation from her, so he just left!

He was even a little angry later but took the initiative to call her.

There was a standard female voice on the phone, "The number you dialed is an empty number, please check before dialing..."

Lu Xiaolang's mobile phone numbers are all sold out!

He had better not see Lu Xiaolang in his life, if he saw Lu Xiaolang again next time, he would definitely strangle her to death!

Wei Cheng looked at the attentive back coldly.

Attentiveness in the company, not just in the company, dismissed him everywhere.

He occasionally took the initiative to greet him, and he was also aloof.

He really thought that the Yin River System would belong to him in the future? !

Wei Cheng sneered.

Soon, he will step on the ground with diligence and never stand up!

His eyes moved slightly, looking at the message sent on the phone.

"See you in the old place at ten o'clock in the evening."

"See you or leave."

Wei Cheng returned the information while deleting it.

He never dreamed that Ye Wenhan, the helm of the business administration, would take the initiative to cooperate with him!

Really, a godsend!

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