The blue is boundless and the sea is vast. At first glance, it makes people feel open-minded. Lucien slowly lowered his flight altitude and performed "advanced invisibility" on himself. The Kou Tao murloc altar is on the nearby seabed.

The further it flew down, the stronger the fishy smell in the sea breeze, and even a little stench. Lucien's "Health Belt" responded in response, circulating invisible power to repel the feeling of filth.

On the rippling blue sky, many dead ash, dark, and dark green bubbles silently popped up. After they expanded to a certain extent, they burst on their own, dyeing the surroundings in the same color, full of the smell of evil and chaos.

"The polluted sea area is similar to the dark mountains, full of space cracks, but smaller and more singular, only connected to the endless abyss. Polluted by the chaotic and evil atmosphere of the abyss for many years, the creatures in this sea area have undergone demonic changes, quite Danger."

Information about the polluted sea area quickly emerged in Lucien's mind. It is far away from the Solar Islands and the Pearl Islands, and truly belongs to the depths of the endless ocean. It also took several days to arrive here. Of course, Lucien found a small island to rest at night to avoid excessive fatigue and crack the sun scepter by the way.

Because it is so far away from the land, and there are no precious mineral deposits and special products nearby, the Magic Council has never paid attention to this sea area. It was not until Lucien encountered the Kou Tao murlocs robbing the Hailan Stone when he passed through the Storm Strait that he learned about it. The existence of the polluted sea area was discovered, and the map to go here was harvested.

At that time, Lucien's magic level was only one ring, and he had no intention of coming to take risks at all. After submitting the information to the Magic Council and getting an arcane point reward, he forgot about it. It was only when the rights of the members of the audit committee reviewed the relevant information that they discovered that the affairs committee had completed the preliminary investigation of the polluted sea area and the kuo-tao murloc incident.

"Although the information on the 'polluted sea area' was not taken seriously at the beginning, and I was only given one arcane point, but in the end it was me who benefited. Well, the efficiency of the affairs committee is really good, and the benefits of the existence of the organization are not only material resources, mana In terms of knowledge and security..."

Lucien recalled the information about the Kou-too murloc altar in the polluted sea area while feeling emotional:

"...Ku Tao murlocs, intelligent creatures, believe in Ambola, the god of the sea, have innate spells in water and illusion, strong underwater hand-to-hand combat ability, widely exist in the Storm Strait and the endless ocean, and have developed from primitive tribes into a national form , with the altar as the core of the settlement... The royal family is generally located in the heart of the ocean altar five thousand kilometers northeast of the Solar Islands..."

"...'God of the Sea' Umbora is rumored to have fallen into a deep sleep in ancient times and never responded to prayers. In the last thousand years, the authority of the priests has been basically taken by the royal family, only as a symbol of faith and honor. Therefore, the Kou Tao Yuren of the priest class are very dissatisfied, but due to their lack of strength, they are unable to make an effective resistance..."

"...About the beginning of May 816, a Kou Tao murloc altar located in the polluted sea suddenly secretly claimed that it had received an oracle from the god of the sea, Umbora, and asked the murloc believers to collect a large amount of materials to open the altar. The hidden ruins, awakening Umbora, and restoring the majesty of theocracy...Since the 'gods' are involved, the matter is submitted to the Supreme Council..."

"...In January 817, the Kou Tao murlocs collected all the resources in the polluted sea area and began to open the ruins. Brooke, the Emperor of Control, Chelsea Holt, the silver moon scholar, and other lords 'watched' at close range... When the ruins were opened, the Kou Tao murlocs The prince led many strong men to arrive, seized control of the ruins, and they presided over the awakening ceremony..."

"The ceremony failed, unable to wake up Ambola, Lord Brooke and others did not find Ambola's 'corpse', but the opening of the ruins also brought about an increase in the resistance of the altar of the God of the Sea to sea area pollution, allowing the strong priests to Still retain a little hope, thinking that the awakening has actually been successful, but the god of the sea has not recovered all his strength due to years of sleep, so he has not come. As long as the sacrifices continue for many years, one day, the god of the sea will surely restore his ancient glory. "

"Due to the interference of the Kou Tao murloc royal family, the altar in the polluted sea area currently has only two high priests of the seven-ring level, two marine fighters of the seventh-level level, a 'Blue Guard' sect of about 100 people, and the entire sea area Thousands of devout murloc followers."

It was this information that made Lucien think that the Kou Tao murloc altar that polluted the sea was relatively the simplest and easiest place. After all, when Rhine sneaked in, there was a ninth-level priest and nine high-level powerhouses here. , the three middle and low-level "Azure Guardian" sects, after some internal fighting, as well as the interference and dispatch of the royal family, the ninth-level priests and five high-level powerhouses "returned" to the Heart of the Ocean Altar, and everyone Some pious murlocs and the "Azure Guardian" sect were moved away on the pretext that "the pollution is too serious for survival".

Another advantage is that the Kou Tao murlocs have a large appetite, and the nearby creatures polluted by the breath of the endless abyss are quite dangerous. They need to be led by high-level experts when they go out to hunt every day. In many cases, there is only one high-level person left in the altar. Guarding, for Lucien, as long as he seizes the opportunity, he can swagger in and leave calmly.

Originally, Lucien was worried that with the opening of the ruins and the failure of the awakening ceremony, Rhine's arrangement would fail, but Rhine said that there was no problem, and instead it would strengthen his magic circle. However, he finally frowned slightly and said:

"Safety is the most important thing. When you throw dirty blood cells into the altar, you must hold the 'Pale Justice'. After all, this place is connected to the endless abyss. When the magic circle is activated, some crazy evil guys may be alarmed. Although they cannot come directly The main world, but you can still be 'polluted' through some power along the link. In fact, the crown of the sun has a very good defensive effect, but since you have taken the pale justice, you must choose the most powerful one .”

With positive and negative affirmations, Lucien also had the idea of ​​choosing an opportunity to sneak in directly after observing.

The waves almost hit Lucien's body, with a strong smell of blood and stench, a flounder suddenly jumped out and bit Lucien.

This flounder was different from the normal ones, its whole body was pitch black, its two rows of teeth were sharp, and it had four pairs of baby-like arms, glowing with a faint blue light, like a monster in a nightmare.

For demon-oriented creatures, they are born with the ability to see through invisibility!

Lucien recovered from his thoughts and turned his gaze to it.

The demon flounder Pengde decomposed into countless light spots of different colors, returned to the appearance of pure elements, and quickly combined with the surroundings.

"At the beginning of May 816, I got the oracle of Umbora. Isn't that the thing that happened not long after the masque of Maskillion's "Grand Cross" disintegrated? It really has something to do with the Necromancer World..."

Restraining his doubts, Lucien blesses himself with magic such as "breathing in water" and "underwater action", as well as some spells to cover up breath and traces, and gently throws himself into the sea.

The sea water was crowded in all directions, rippling in a trance, dreamy and blurred, Lucien quickly swam towards a cave in the sea according to the information and the map's instructions - Kou Tao fish people are not deep-sea creatures, they live in the depths of tens of meters under the sea. Reefs, rock walls, places where seagrass gathers, etc.

Fish with strange shapes swam past Lucien with a strange feeling, and they could be seen fighting in chaos from time to time. Half an hour later, Lucien saw the cave guarded by two monsters with fish heads and human bodies.


Three days later, Lucien, who confirmed the activity pattern of the Kou Tao murlocs, stunned a murloc hunting nearby, transformed into its appearance, dragged a seven-section demon sea snake, and entered the ordinary invisible and The Altar Cave where advanced invisibility does not work.

Heck, just after turning the corner, Lucien threw the sea snake into an empty lair, slightly changed the appearance of the "Murloc", held the "Frost Long Sword", turned into an afterimage, and hid, "Be careful!" Covertly" sneaked towards the altar.

The altar of Umbora, the god of the sea, is decorated with a large number of Hailan stones, crystal clear and rippling, very dreamy, and under the altar, there is a gray murloc covered in oil, its scales have lost their luster and appear dull pale.

Suddenly, on the altar, the tall and majestic murloc statue shone with a light blue light, reflecting the "strange murloc" that was approaching quickly.

"A strange murloc sneaked in? Could it be that the royal family still wants to find out the secret of the god of the sea?" the murloc high priest Blanchett secretly thought with strong resentment.

Seeing that the infiltrating murlocs were approaching the altar, Blanchet ordered the dozen or so "deep blue guards" around him:

"When he enters this cave, we will cooperate with the magic circle to catch him. I will carefully torture the royal family for what they want!"

"His speed is only at the level of a second-level marine fighter, but he has a lot of magic equipment on him, which is equivalent to a fifth-level level. Don't be careless."

"Yes, respected high priest!" More than a dozen dark blue guards looked at the scene with grinning grins. This abominable murloc who has turned his back on God really didn't choose a good time. He even chose the high priest's daily prayer time. was found? Although when he approached the altar, he would also activate the altar's warning circle and alarm the high priest who was nearby, but it was always funny to throw himself into the trap so foolishly.

A sneaky figure sneaked into this cave, and the sea water suddenly turned dark green, with a strong sense of paralysis, which made people lose their strength, and around a dozen big knights, knight-level dark blue guards, armed with magic Hundreds of illusory ocean warriors formed by the array will be surrounded in all directions.

"How dare you steal into the altar just because you have a stealth magic item!" The high priest Blanchett looked coldly at the fallen man who had betrayed God with his dark red eyes.

He didn't make a move. To deal with a murloc fighter of this level, he didn't need to make a move himself, let alone open the altar to cooperate with all his strength.

Suddenly, a crystal halo appeared on the stalker, and a blizzard immediately filled the cave.

The dark blue guards were frozen in place. If it weren't for the murloc's innate ability to resist the cold, at least half of them would have died directly.

The halo of frost spread extremely fast, and the illusory ocean warrior condensed into ice and disintegrated on the spot. After Blanchett was shrouded in the blizzard, he couldn't help shivering, and was frozen stiff and slow for two seconds.

"Oops! Could it be that the royal family sent someone to assassinate us and destroy the strong man of the altar!"

The middle and low-level fighter suddenly turned into a terrifying high-level mage. At this moment, Blanchet was full of panic and anger. Has the royal family reached such a frenzied level?

The murloc mage beside him had already turned into an ice sculpture, and a layer of azure mirror on his magic robe stood out, blocking all the frost outside.

"Activate the altar immediately!"

"I am also a high-level powerhouse!"

Just when Blanchet got rid of his slowness and regained his confidence, and was about to use the altar to fight against the strong man who had attacked him, he was shocked to see that the murloc already had a magic wand inlaid with a sun stone in his hand.

The bright light shone brightly, and Blanchett felt the scene around him change, the night fell, and the starry sky appeared!

"A special maze technique? A strong man from the Nine Rings?" Blanchett lost his voice in horror.

Since the maze-like spells did not directly threaten life, and he was slowed down by the frost aura for two seconds, many defenses either did not have time to activate, or had no effect.

"It's over, the altar is destroyed, and the royal family is so decisive..."

"I am a sinner of the God of the Sea..."


Lucien deliberately exposed it in order to make Blanchett paralyzed, and then seized the upper hand, and trapped it with "Thanos' Strange Labyrinth" before it got rid of the slow effect of the frost halo and reacted.

Five minutes is enough to activate the magic circle and leave calmly!

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