The sun is setting and night is falling.

Tonight's land of Kyushu is destined to be another unquiet night.

For hundreds of millions of male compatriots in the land of Kyushu, tonight will be a rare auditory feast.

The Kyushu beauty list, a man will be full of infinite curiosity and reverie.

Of course, the women of Kyushu are also full of fascination for this list.

Especially some beautiful women, just waiting for a blockbuster tonight.

You must know that once you are on the Kyushu beauty list, you will definitely enjoy all the glory and wealth in the future.

After all, such a peerless beauty will naturally be favored by men.

They are often the overlords of all parties and will do everything they can to get them.

In this way, one person attains the Tao, and the whole family ascends to heaven!

Yanzhou, Juancheng.

Cao Cao was looking forward to it in the courtyard early, of course, he didn't ask his subordinates to accompany him tonight.

After all, these things, no matter how good they are, can't be shared with others.

But even so, which of his advisers and generals is not fascinated by this list?

Not long after Cao Cao sat down, Du Meiren, whom he had just snatched from Xiapi City, walked out of the house with a cloak.

When he arrived at Cao Cao's side, he draped the cloak on Cao Cao's shoulders.

He said softly: "General, the weather is cold, don't be infected with wind chill!"

Cao Cao smiled indifferently and hugged Du Meiren in his arms.

said: "Although the weather is cold, but in the land of Kyushu, which man is not enthusiastic?"

"On tonight's list, Madame will definitely have a place!"

Du Shi smiled and said: "The general is not going to bend his body, the concubine body is already twenty-eight this year, and it is already yesterday's yellow flower, how can you compete with hundreds of millions of beauties in the world?"

"Alas, what did Madame say, although you are nearly thirty years old, you look like you are only a double ten, how can it be yesterday's yellow flower?"

"Tonight, I, Cao Cao, have to rely on my wife's love for the country, and envy hundreds of millions of men in Kyushu!"

Cao Cao said, hugging Du Shi tighter.

Du Meiren's face turned slightly red, and she leaned a beautiful face on Cao Cao's broad chest.

Jizhou, Yecheng.

Zhen Mansion is the largest mansion in the entire Yecheng and even in the entire Hebei.

Zhen's family, who has been doing business for many years, has accumulated wealth, which is staggering.

As a result, the Zhen family is also the richest man in Hebei, and its wealth is comparable to that of the country.

It can be said that Yuan Shao can dominate Hebei today, and the Zhen family can be said to have contributed a lot.

gave Yuan Shao unimaginable wealth support, asked for money for money, and asked people to give people.

And Yuan Shao is also extremely important to the Zhen family.

He had already made his son Yuan Xi and the daughter of the Zhen family, Zhen Mi, decide on a family affair.

Of course, the Zhen family is not only rich enough to rival the country.

And this Zhen Mi's beauty is also famous all over the world.

Everyone in the world says that Zhen Mi's beauty is enough to be called the first beauty in the world.

Moreover, the sisters of the Zhen family are all peerless in appearance.

So, they're destined to be a blockbuster tonight.

The sky was getting darker and darker, and a shallow crescent moon was gradually revealed in the sky.

Accompanied by the stars, the Heavenly Dao Holy List, which had been silent for three months, gradually emitted a dazzling light.

At this moment, the blood of hundreds of millions of people in the land of Kyushu boiled.

"Look, everyone, the Heavenly Dao Holy List is lit up! I'm so excited! I don't know what kind of beauty she can climb to the top of the Holy List.!"

"Of course, it's a beauty who has already moved the world, I've only heard of the beauty of these people before, if I can see me, I really have no regrets!"

"Yes, it is said that the world's first beauty Diao Chan is simply synonymous with red face and trouble, if the holy list can show her appearance, it will be worth it to see it in this life!"

"Speaking of Diao Chan, we have to mention Lu Bu, this person is really happy!"

"Hahaha, then I have to mention Dong Zhuo, I know everything!"

"Well, if Diao Chan Beauty wasn't the first, I would have doubted the authenticity of the list!"

"Cut, rare and strange, there are so many beauties in the world, I heard that the Zhen family in Hebei has a daughter, whose appearance is overwhelming, maybe she can be ranked first!"

"So, I heard that there are two Qiao in Jiangdong, Fang is a peerless face, and there are even rumors that this Xiao Qiao is as beautiful as a heavenly immortal, and he is also a strong contender for the top spot!"

"Che, what you say is that you are all young, right? Have you ever heard of Du Meiren, the number one beauty in the capital?"

"Of course I've heard of it, it is said that as soon as she went to the street, everyone was impressed by her appearance, and they were stunned on the spot, as if time stood still, and all eyes were on Du Meiren!"

"Uh-huh, no matter what, tonight will be a supreme auditory feast! If you can see it, it will be a feast for the eyes!"

"Yes, no matter what, as long as everyone on the list is bound to be captivating, I don't know which men are so lucky to be able to get such a beauty!"

"Anyway, according to the grapevine, it seems that Big and Little Qiao are both Uncle Liu's wife!"

"Isn't it?Then Uncle Liu Huang is too happy, right?The blessing of the longitudinal Qi people?envy of the little brother!" (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Cut, don't look at what kind of hero the imperial uncle Liu Zhang is, these peerless beauties, I'm afraid only such heroes can be worthy!"

"Shut up!

As one person exited, everyone unconsciously closed their mouths.

Because the Heavenly Dao Holy List has been glorious, illuminating the entire land of Kyushu as bright as day.

The people who have enjoyed the baptism of the Holy List several times naturally know that this Holy List is going to be ranked!

"The Heavenly Dao Holy List, whoever enters this list will be taken care of by the Heavenly Dao, and the opportunities and blessings are endless!"

The sound of the gods resounded in all corners of the land of Kyushu.

On the land of Kyushu, everyone listens to it very well.

"The way of heaven is constant, the world is impermanent, and the strength ranking of the princes changes with the crowd of heroes!"

"The princes are ranked eighth in the power list, Xuzhou Lu Bu, the destroyer, Cao Cao!"

"The princes' strength list is fifth, Huainan Yuan Shu, annihilation, destroyer, Liu Zhang!"

"Liu Zhang's annihilation of Yuan Shu automatically devoured his Son of Heaven luck by 10 points!"


Looking at the changes in the strength of the princes on the holy list, the people of the world gasped.

I didn't expect such a huge change to take place in just three months.

Even the princes who were fifth on the ranking were destroyed.

"Oh my God!!I can't imagine that Lu Bu, the second in the world, has been destroyed!!This Cao Cao is too strong, right?"

"It's not unusual! Don't you want to think about how many of Cao Cao's subordinates are on the list? His strength is not far behind Uncle Liu Huang!"

"Indeed, but what I'm more curious about is that if Lu Bu is gone, (the money is good) doesn't that mean that this female sable cicada also belongs to Cao Cao?"

"Eight or nine are not far from ten, this Cao thief is a good wife, but it's really cool!!"

"Brother, you're not normal!!"

"By the way, don't you all boast of Uncle Liuhuang? That's the fifth prince of the Holy List, and he was destroyed like this?"

Don't forget that three months ago, Uncle Liu Huang even destroyed Liu Biao, who ranked third!"

"Oh, if you say that, I won't have anything to say, this Uncle Liu Huang is really terrifying!!"

"Don't say it, the beauty list is about to appear!"

"The ninth list of the Heavenly Dao Holy List, the Kyushu Beauty List, open!!"

Like the sound of the bell exploding, spread all over the land of Kyushu.

Then one by one, the ancient seals of the ancient sky slowly emerged from the huge scrolls.

"Kyushu Beauty Ranking No. 10: Ruyu Beauty - Step Trainer, Belonging, None! Jiangdong Beauty, gentle and virtuous, gentle and moist like jade, ranked tenth on the Kyushu Beauty List! Reward the Step Trainer with a three-grade primary Zhuyan Dan, this Dan can keep a woman young for three years!".

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