Three Kingdoms: Starting God Level Training System

085 Front and back flanking, Yuan Shao's end

At this time, near the boundary bridge, Yuan Shao was already eager to see through.

It's abnormal, too abnormal.

To the south of Jieqiao is the boundary of Jizhou, which can be regarded as Yuan Shao's territory.

Both Yan Liangwenchou are generals who are accustomed to marching and fighting, and it is impossible to miss the hour at will.

On the contrary, it is his nephew's high-ranking cadre, who may be at the end and cannot be expected for a while.

The cavalry from Yan Liangjun reported that it was Yan Liangwen who led his troops to encounter the Black Mountain thief.

The Black Mountain thief's combat effectiveness is not strong.

If Yan Liangwen and Chou join forces, dealing with some black bandits is not a big problem at all.

At this moment, the two counsellors Tian Feng and Jushou beside Yuan Shao also felt something was wrong.

Needless to say, Tian Feng was worried from beginning to end.

At this moment, even Jushou, who has always been full of confidence, is a little erratic.

"Lord, it is not appropriate to act rashly at this time. Please send more scouts to investigate the situation of the two generals, Yan Liangwen Chou, and then make a decision."

Jushou said before Yuan Shao.

"The scouts have sent two or three waves, and there is no wave yet to return. Forget it, send them again!" Yuan Shao waved impatiently.

At this moment, the three of Yuan Shao heard cheers from the 15th army.

Yuan Shao quickly walked to the southern end of the army formation and looked into the distance.

In between, about two or three miles south of Yuan Shao's camp, a group of cavalrymen was quickly rushing to their side.

The banner of this cavalry can already be seen clearly at this time, it is the banner of the two generals Yan Liangwenchou.

The armor of the forward cavalry is also the armor of the two generals.

Yuan Shao was overjoyed, "I said that the two generals Yan Liangwenchou will not let me down. Grandpa Sun Yi! I see what more waves you can make this time!"

"According to me, I will order the sword and shield archers to prepare. When the two generals and cavalrymen, Yan Liangwen and Chou, will immediately cooperate with the cavalry to charge, take down the slope, and give me Sun Yi to pieces!

Following Yuan Shao's order, the army immediately took action.

At this time, Tian Feng stood up very untimely and said, "Master, the subordinates don't think it's right."

Yuan Shao was a little impatient, but still suppressed his inner irritability, and asked, "What's wrong? Hurry up!"

Tian Feng frowned, "The two generals, Yan Liangwen and Chou, joined forces and came to support. Why didn't the scouts enter the camp to inform them?"

"The lord sent three waves of scouts to investigate the situation of the two generals, why didn't they return?"

"If a wave of scouts did not return, it might have been an accident. At this time, none of the three waves of scouts appeared. How could the army of the two generals Yan Liangwenchou arrived first?"

Yuan Shao immediately hesitated when he heard it.

What Tian Feng said is reasonable, but no matter how Yuan Shao imagines, Yan Liangwen's flag is in front, and the cavalry unit is okay.Unless the two generals turn to each other in front of the battle, what else can go wrong?

Jushou asked in the same way, "Brother Yuan Hao, I'm afraid you are worrying too much. The two generals, Yan Liang, are already in front of the battle, and the flags and armor are all there. The scout is afraid that the black mountain thief has been broken by the army. Otherwise. If so, what else can go wrong?

Tian Feng was dumbfounded when he was asked, he could only feel something was wrong, but he couldn't explain exactly what went wrong.

Yuan Shao waved his hand at this time, "It's fine, wait a moment, the two generals will be outside our army camp, and we will talk about it when we meet. It just happens that the two generals have just repelled the black mountain thief, and they will fix it for a while."

After speaking, Yuan Shao took Tian Feng Jushou and looked at the cavalry in the distance, waiting for the cavalry to arrive in front of the formation.

Just when the cavalry was about one mile away from Yuan Shao's army, Yuan Shao's expression also began to turn pale.

The flag is correct, the armor is correct, the cavalry doesn't know anyway, but what about the two generals, Yan Liangwen?

The two should lead the army in front of the battle, and should send out scouts to inform in advance.

"Pikemen, longbowmen, set up backwards!"

Jushou wanted to say something, but Yuan Shao shouted at this time and decisively began to defend.

At the same time, Yuan Shao took Tian Feng Jushou and two people back to the formation and got on the horse together.

Yuan Shao's formation had just moved, and the cavalry that appeared to the south began to move.

The 6,000 or so people in front of the Black Mountain Army, who had changed Yan Liangwen's ugly cavalry's armor and flag, smashed to the sides.

A piece of white appeared in the middle.

Behind the variegated cavalry, there was a cavalry of about 3,000 men in white horse armor, white cloth masked, and a stiff bow with a relatively short spear.

The Black Mountain Army in the front was like two big curtains, slowly pulling apart, and the white horse Yi Cong appeared from behind, and a suffocating air rushed toward his face.

The momentum of the entire army suddenly changed.

At this time, Bai Ma Yicong had begun to ride forward, and the hard bow in his hand began to throw a rain of archery.

The first wave of arrow rain is obviously all white feather light arrows, with a range of more than one hundred feet.

The pikemen and longbowmen at the back of the defense have not completed the formation at this time, and the formation is chaotic.

After being drenched by this wave of arrows, a piece of it fell suddenly, with at least thousands of casualties.

A terrible cry came, and the pawns preparing to defend became even more chaotic. At this moment, the second wave of arrows struck again.

The sword and shield soldiers were all mobilized to the front by Yuan Shao before, ready to charge Sun Yi's sword and crossbow soldiers, but they couldn't be transferred back at all for a while.

The pikemen and longbowmen in the back array are all light armor, and the white feather light arrows can cause a lot of damage.

Bai Ma Yi was fully prepared, and when he rushed to the front, he had already shot four waves of arrows.

5231 had three shots in the battle, which was considered to be the elite riding and shooting at the time.

And Bai Ma Yicong has been able to make four shots, and his archery skills are exquisite. Every round of arrow rain has taken at least a thousand people away.

After four waves, Yuan Shaojun had already killed and injured five thousand people before he organized a defensive front.

Yuan Shao felt that all the hairs on his body were upside down at this time, and his eyes were wide.

Just as he was about to let the army kill backwards, suddenly he heard a cry of killing from the back of Gong Sun Yi's position on the north side of Jieqiao.

Gongsun Zan's subordinates got the general order from Sun Yi, and began to move forward.

Public Neither Sun Yi nor Yuan Shao paid much attention to these 10,000 people.

But at this moment, the appearance of this batch of military horses puts Yuan Shao under tremendous pressure.

These 10,000 people are not just here to watch the battle. When the wind is upwind, they may run the fastest, but when the wind is upwind, they will chase Yuan Shaojun and they will definitely not be soft.

Yuan Shao's face paled again.

God seemed to feel that it was not enough, and at this moment the two thousand trouble-free soldiers and crossbowmen shouted in unison on the mound.

"Relieve annoying soldiers! Go ahead!"

"Swordsmen! Draw the sword!

There was heavy footsteps.

The speed of the Troopers and Crossbowmen were not fast, but Yuan Shao knew that more than two thousand people would not stop until they died in battle!

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