Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 481 The rise and fall of the Han Dynasty are all in nursery rhymes

After Zhuge Liang returned to Chengdu, Ma Di had no choice but to stay in Chang'an. Then Ma Su had to face the prince's accusation and comfort the prince amidst Liu Xuan's grievances and tears.

There was no way, who told Ma Su to act rogue and sneak attack Liu Xuan, a ten-year-old boy. And as the prince's tutor, he had the obligation to comfort the prince when he cried.

While coaxing the emperor, Ma Di also had to handle government affairs with Huang Quan.

Zhuge Liang was originally responsible for handling these government affairs alone, and he could basically finish them in one day and still have time for a cup of tea. But now, Ma Di and Huang Quan worked together until late at night without finishing the work. There was an unbelievable amount of work.

Only at this time could Ma Su truly realize how powerful the Prime Minister was. No wonder he committed suicide outside so many times and there was no movement towards him in the court.

Otherwise, Ma Su's repeated acts of committing suicide would be enough to send him to jail several times. But every internal influence was solved by Zhuge Liang in advance, which allowed Ma Di to continue to seek death but still be trusted by the emperor.

"Kong Ming is really Wolong, so many official duties are just his workload in one day." After work, Huang Quan couldn't help but sigh,

"I don't know how Kong Ming managed to survive all these years. If it had been someone else, he would have died of exhaustion long ago. How could he have any spare energy to carry out the Northern Expedition?"

"No wonder Youchang likes to take risks when using troops. This situation is really not easy to break."

Although Huang Quan's political ability is not as good as Zhuge Liang's, his military ability is very high. After Ma Su explained to him the changes in the situation over the years, Huang Quan was shocked and speechless.

To be fair, no matter whether you put him in Zhuge Liang's position or Ma Di's position, he can't do better. Especially in that kind of desperate situation, there is a high probability that his will will collapse and he will be destroyed.

"That's all, let me take care of these things, You Chang, and you can go and rest." Huang Quan was silent for a while, then suddenly said, and offered to let Ma Su take a rest.

"Your contribution to the big man over the years has been greater than that of an old guy like me. At this moment, you'd better rest more."

If you have time, you can also go to the East Palace to teach the prince how to treat classics. I will take care of it. "

"Forget it, let's work harder and finish the work as soon as possible." Ma Su waved his hand, but he did not become a deserter for this, but continued to work overtime with Huang Quan.

"As for the prince, he's not in a hurry. It doesn't hurt to let him stay in the palace for a few more days."

Liu Xu: "???"

The two of them, together with other officials of the Prime Minister's Mansion, practiced until sunset, and finally managed to finish the day's work. Ma Su, who had backache after working overtime, planned to return to the army to take a look and put some of his new ideas into practice.

But just as Ma Di was riding through the streets of Chang'an with his soldiers, he suddenly heard a few children on the roadside singing a nursery rhyme.

"There's a Han in the east and a Han in the west! It's easy for a deer to walk into Chang'an!"

"Huh? This nursery rhyme..." Ma Su suddenly noticed the element, quickly reined in his horse and stopped, turning to look at the young children. Several soldiers behind him suddenly became nervous, thinking that Ma Su had noticed an assassin.

But soon, Ma Su himself started to laugh, his expression a little more playful.

At any time, the value of nursery rhymes sung among the people is extraordinary. Even at critical times, some nursery rhymes can serve to add value.

For example, the later "Ma Lanhua blooms on the 21st" is a typical example.

The nursery rhyme sung by this group of children is still very famous, and it even left a mark in the history books. This is a nursery rhyme written by Li Ru when Dong Zhuo rebelled in Beijing, to provide Dong Zhuo with evidence for moving the capital to Chang'an.

Unexpectedly, decades after Dong Zhuo's ashes had been raised, this nursery rhyme was still being sung on the streets of Chang'an.

However, there is a saying. Although this nursery rhyme was written with a purpose by Li Ru in the past, it is surprisingly suitable for the current situation. Especially four hundred years after the rise and fall of the Han Dynasty, when the Han Dynasty once again moved its capital to Chang'an, this nursery rhyme can even empower politics.

Thinking of this, Ma Su suddenly thought of a good idea. He lightly jumped off the horse, strode over to a few young children playing and asked.

"Children, how long have you been singing this nursery rhyme?"

Seeing the high-ranking official passing by on horseback, he suddenly stepped forward. Several family members of the young children hurriedly stepped forward to greet him and salute him. In response to this, Ma Su gently waved his hand and appeased them without any pretense.

Under Ma Su's inquiry, a family member of a young child explained,

"General, this nursery rhyme has been sung in Guanzhong since we were young, and it never stopped until the puppet Wei Dynasty usurped the Han Dynasty."

"So that's it. This nursery rhyme is a message from God and should be sung by all the children in Guanzhong." Ma Su smiled and then said meaningfully. The inexplicable tone made the soldiers who had followed him for many years immediately understand, and then someone went down to arrange it.

Seeing that the Han Dynasty was about to move its capital from Chengdu to Chang'an, it was time for this nursery rhyme to take effect.

Dong Zhuo probably never dreamed that the nursery rhyme he made up for himself would be able to contribute to the great man again decades later, right?

After this, Liu Chan had to thank Dong Zhuo.

Soon, under the prepared organization of Ma Su's people, this nursery rhyme from decades ago began to be sung again on the streets of Chang'an. In particular, the sentence "It is not difficult for a deer to enter Chang'an" adds a sense of destiny to the Han Dynasty court that is about to move its capital to Chang'an.

In just one month, the people in Guanzhong all remembered the nursery rhymes of the past. This gave the big man a higher level of legitimacy. In this era of widespread superstition at the bottom, this trick was quite effective.

After staying in Chang'an for a month, Ma Su finally received the news that the emperor was about to arrive in Chang'an on his northward journey while working overtime. Ma Su could finally take a breath from the dark and overtime work and prepare to welcome the emperor's car.

Of course, Ma Su also made up his mind that he would have to recommend the Prime Minister to separate the military and political affairs. Otherwise, we have to fight wars and deal with government affairs at the same time, and the military and government affairs will be busy enough to kill people.

After sending someone to notify the prince in the East Palace, Ma Su and Huang Quan led the civil and military officials of Chang'an out of Chang'an to greet the Emperor's carriage. In the morning as the sun gradually rose, Liu Chan's emperor's chariot appeared in the west, driving slowly towards Chang'an with a procession like a long dragon!

"The Emperor's chariot has arrived!"

Chang'an civil and military officials saluted and offered supplies on the roadside one after another, and all etiquette was in place. Except for Ma Su, everyone lowered their heads and waited respectfully for the Emperor's carriage to arrive.

Ma Di took the prince in the middle of the road and greeted him honestly.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty on his journey north to Chang'an!"

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