Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 461 Return to Chang'an

"Hefei... a great victory?" Cao Rui looked at the battle report sent from the direction of Hefei. His first reaction was not surprise, but suspicion.

"Isn't this a cover-up? King Qin of the Huainan Military Region has 30,000 troops, and Hefei only has a few thousand men. How can Zhuge Dan hold on to this?"

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true, there is absolutely no concealment!" The envoy sent by Zhuge Dan to report the victory looked excited and reported to Cao Rui with his hands cupped.

Cao Rui read the battle report in detail again, and then roughly understood the development of the battle situation.

Three months after the Battle of Guanzhong began, Soochow sent people to proclaim themselves ministers and seek peace, and agreed to attack Western Shu together. At that time, Cao Rui also nodded in agreement. After all, it would be good to have someone to help divert attention.

But obviously Soochow is not very good at it. After provoking it for a long time in Jingnan, there was not even a splash.

At this juncture when the Battle of Guanzhong was about to end, Soochow acted like a monster again. They planned to take advantage of Cao Wei's unpreparedness for them and repeat the old incident of sneak attack on Jingzhou to raid Hefei.

However, it is a pity that Cao Wei is not Shu Han, and they have never trusted Wu Laoer. As a result, when Sun Quan personally led tens of thousands of Wu troops to raid Hefei, he was immediately attacked head-on by Zhuge Dan, who was well prepared.

The Wu army was ambushed by the Wei army at night. The morale of the army was low and the morale of the army was unstable.

Fortunately, Ding Feng protected Sun Quan from retreating. However, Zhuge Dan led his troops to pursue them noisily and defeated the Wu army, achieving considerable results.

If we count from Jiang Ji, is this the first time Soochow has hated the city of Hefei?

Cao Rui shook his head, feeling how kind-hearted Sun Quan from the southeast was compared to Ma Su. He was even afraid that I would be depressed after being beaten by Ma Su, so he came to Hefei specially to add some fun to him.

He really made me cry to death.

"So, what do you think about Soochow, Aiqing?"

As soon as Cao Rui said this, Chen Qun immediately stood up and said calmly, cupping his hands.

"Your Majesty! The banditry in Western Shu is serious nowadays, and the bandits have already fled to the vicinity of Luoyang. Under such a situation, the pressure on the western border defense of Wei Dynasty is huge, and I am afraid it will be difficult to maintain a two-front war."

Therefore, the best plan now is to unite Wu and conquer Shu! "

Chen Qun said it very cryptically, which was enough to save face for Cao Rui. He tactfully suggested that our family might not be able to defeat Xi Shu now, so we should consider uniting with Sun Quan to deal with Xi Shu.

Although Soochow's combat power is not very good, it is still an ally. If Soochow can be restrained on one side, the pressure on Cao Wei from the Han army will be much less.

The war has reached this point, Ma Su has come to Luoyang to petition, and no one in Cao Wei dares to say that Xishu is a small country of no importance anymore. Therefore, at this time, Chen Qun also promptly proposed the strategy of uniting Wu to defeat Shu.

In response, Cao Rui also nodded and acknowledged what Chen Qun said.

Although they have always considered themselves orthodox and considered a great country in the Central Plains. It was unacceptable for them to suddenly unite a small country in the southeast to deal with another small country in the southwest, but Cao Rui still nodded in agreement without changing his face.

"In this case, Sikong will contact Soochow to join the crusade against Western Shu... But you must be careful, Soochow is not easy to deal with!"

"My lord, I obey the order!"

"By the way, Your Majesty, Taiwei Sima Yi is back!" At this time, Jiang Ji suddenly stood up and reported to Cao Ruihui with his hands raised.

"Sima Yi? Is he still alive?"

Cao Rui was startled for a moment, then looked to Jiang Ji to ask about Sima Yi's condition. Jiang Ji also reported honestly.

Before and after Ma Di left, Sima Yi escaped from Guanzhong with half his life, and met the last remnant of his troops in Beiman Mountain. Then the defeated troops in Guanzhong gathered together and returned to Luoyang alive with about 2,000 people.

But the good news is that except for the unlucky Chen Tai, all the generals in Guanzhong are still alive. Only Chen Tai fled to Bingzhou and his whereabouts are still unknown.

"Are there only two thousand people?" After hearing Jiang Ji's report, Cao Rui shook his head in disappointment.

The Guanzhong Army, which originally numbered more than 100,000, ended up with only 2,000 people left. This blow was undoubtedly huge. With only these few people left, it was unrealistic for them to stop the Shu army, which disappointed Cao Rui.

"That's all. Lieutenant Sima worked hard for the country. Although he failed to fulfill his promise, there is still hard work without credit... Let's grant him the title of Jizhou Mu and order him to lead his troops to Nanpi to rest and recuperate."




When Cao Wei's court was in a haze and he was busy arranging the move of the capital, Ma Di led the Han army back to Hongnong County smoothly.

Because Ma Su broke through the Baierqin Pass all the way, Zhang He then sent people to take over each pass. The national border between the two sides has advanced from Tongguan to Shaanxian County, which is only a hundred miles away from Hangu.

After Ma Su returned to Tongguan, he immediately met Yang Zhun, who had been waiting for him.

Originally, Yang Zhun had ordered him to go to Chang'an to wait for the reward, but as the legitimate son of a wealthy family, he still had this bit of foresight. So Yang Zhun threw Zhuge Liang's order aside and had to wait for Ma Di to return, and then ride with Ma Di to Chang'an.

The Yang family's show of goodwill to Ma Su was still a favor, and Yang Zhun knew how to watch people's words, so the two sides got along pretty well. In this way, Ma Su left Hongnong County with the other generals except Zhang Yi and his own cavalry, and returned to Chang'an along the Weinan Chi Road.

But what Ma Su didn't expect was that he encountered several 800-mile rush routes on his way back to Chang'an from Tongguan, all of which were ordered by Zhuge Liang to withdraw his troops. This scene made Ma Di dumbfounded. It was obvious that Prime Minister Zhuge was really afraid that he would get in trouble again.

Look at this nervous person, as if I, Ma Su, are really a very high-ranking person!

However, when Ma Su saw this situation, he also sped up. After all, he couldn't really let the prime minister wait in a hurry. What if Zhuge Liang grows impatient with waiting and goes into battle to catch him personally? That won't be a slap in the face...

Oh, by the way, Prime Minister, do you still remember those owed money from Zhanshi? Should I forget it?

After marching for ten days, Ma Di returned to Chang'an City again. What Ma Su didn't expect was that in just one month, the Han army had almost repaired the city of Chang'an.

The traces of the war outside the city cannot be completely eliminated in a short time, but some people have already begun to clean up. The dilapidated streets in the city have also been repaired a lot, and construction is going on everywhere.

Obviously, this was also preparation for Ji Han to move his capital.

In general, Chang'an, the ancient city in Guanzhong, is finally blooming with some vitality again.

"This looks like an old capital... Your Majesty will probably be very happy after seeing it." Ma Su looked at the scenery of Chang'an City, then took a look at the magnificent Old Palace in the distance, and couldn't help but shook his head gently and said .

"General, let's go quickly. Prime Minister Han is waiting for us."

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