Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 444 The morale of the Wei army collapsed across the board

"Prime Minister! The Chang'an artillery is in place!"

At this time, Yang Yi also saw that the Han army's siege equipment was in place. A large number of soldiers began to load huge stones onto the cannon, and specialized officers began to calibrate the position.

This was Ma Su's initiative. He gathered a few bachelors who were good at arithmetic and temporarily gave them some ballistics calculations. But later Ma Su found that they couldn't understand, so he had to do it himself and calculate the calibration unit.

But the result was good. Several officers roughly understood the method of calibrating the orientation. So at this moment, the Wei army at the top of Chang'an City found that several Han army officers next to the catapult were squinting and giving them a thumbs up.

Whether to praise them or what, only God knows.

"Very good! Give the order to fully bombard the city of Chang'an!" Zhuge Liang also stood up from the four-wheeled vehicle at this moment and looked at the battle line with a serious face. After seeing that all eight catapults were in place, Zhuge Liang waved his feather fan lightly.


While Zhuge Liang was waving his feather fan, Yang Yi quickly waved his command flag and transmitted the signal to the front line. When the signal was transmitted to the front line, eight return guns roared at the same time!

Amidst the roar of the returning cannon, eight boulders weighing one hundred and fifty kilograms were suddenly thrown into the air. In the eyes of Wei Jun who looked up and down in disbelief, he kept flying up and smashed towards the Chang'an city wall!

The return cannon relies on a counterweight to eject it, which is much more powerful than the human ejection of the Thunderbolt vehicle. With this kind of power and Ma Su's special improvements, the power of the return cannon was greatly increased.

In the end, under everyone's gaze, the boulder landed on Chang'an City!


The first boulder hit the Wei army's observation tower at the top of the city. With a deafening sound, the entire observation tower collapsed instantly, and the Wei soldiers on top were smashed into pulp!

The remaining boulders also fell on Chang'an City at the same time, and the farthest one hit the streets in the city. The huge boulder that hit the city head directly smashed out several holes in the seemingly indestructible city wall. The shattered rocks killed hundreds of soldiers who had no time to escape!

The huge boulder fell on the ground and directly created a large crater several feet high. The sound was like thunder, and even the fierce fighting sounds on the battlefield were suppressed for a short time!

After the loud noise, there was an extremely rare brief silence on the battlefield. Both the Wei soldiers and the Han soldiers were shocked by this huge blow.

After the shock, countless cheers suddenly erupted from the Han army formation. The soldiers of the Han army who were fighting the Wei army saw that they had such powerful weapons, and their morale was greatly boosted.

All the soldiers could see that they no longer needed to attack the city against the towering walls. Even if the Wei army's city wall was built higher than the sky, it would be impossible to stop their army.

In contrast, the morale of the Wei army's various units, which were fighting bloody battles below the city, began to collapse like a cliff. A large number of soldiers lost the courage to fight to the death and began to become confused, fearful, and their will to fight no longer existed.

Their last resort, the Chang'an city wall, was no longer indestructible. The Han army was not only so powerful in the field, but also had such terrifying weapons. How could they resist?

There is no hope, there is no hope at all!

People are at their weakest when they lose hope. Even if you still have enough strength, when your heart is as gray as death, even a small child can kill you.

The morale of the Wei army began to collapse rapidly, and fear and confusion began to spread rapidly. Even Sima Yi on the top of the city could see that a strong sense of despair filled everyone's hearts.

"It's over! It's completely over now!" Sima Yi seemed to have lost all strength, and almost fell to the ground, his face ashen (at least that's what it looked like)

"It's completely over! Chang'an can't be defended anymore! Guanzhong is gone!"




After the Huihui artillery showed its power under Chang'an City, the morale of the Wei army declined rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye. Under the fierce attack of the Han army with high morale, the ten thousand-man army formation completely collapsed in less than half an hour.

Guo Huai, Hu Zun and others abandoned their troops, took off their armor, and mixed in the crowd to escape. In addition, most of the Wei army surrendered almost as soon as they were defeated, and were not even in the mood to escape.

Even if they escape, they still won't be able to defend Chang'an. With such terrifying weapons, the Han army may not even be able to defend Tongguan. Guanzhong will fall sooner or later. Surrender early and later, so why bother?

After morale collapsed from top to bottom, more than 8,000 Wei troops surrendered to the Han army. The Han army won a complete victory under Chang'an City and almost wiped out all the Wei army troops who came out of the city to fight.

However, the Han army's results did not stop there, because the morale of the Wei army's troops who clung to the camp was basically emptied. When the Shu Han army with high morale approached the city of Chang'an, a total of 4,000 soldiers from five camps in the northwest of Chang'an quickly killed their commanders and surrendered to the Han army extremely smoothly.

In less than two days after the war, the Han army was attacked by a large number of Wei army officers and soldiers who climbed over the wall from Chang'an City and surrendered.

Obviously, at this moment, the Wei army had no will to resist from top to bottom. The Huihui artillery not only destroyed the city wall of Chang'an, but also broke down their last psychological defense.

At this moment, Sima Yi's military tent was filled with dark clouds. The faces of Guo Huai and other generals were ashen, and their spirits were all sluggish.

Sima Shi's position was vacant at the moment, and he was chased by Ma Su all the way back to Chang'an. As soon as he entered the city, he fell off his horse and was rescued by doctors, but he is still in a coma.

And Sima Yi, who is known as the tough-talking king of Cao Wei, is not talking tough at this moment, but is sitting on the main seat with disheveled hair. Less than two days after the war ended, Sima Yi seemed to have suddenly aged twenty years.

If this pretense was to deceive people, even if Cao Cao came, he would have to express some condolences with concern.

"Captain! Last night, more than ten generals and lieutenants from our camp, Changtun, were missing."

"Captain, we must retreat. Last night I heard the sergeants talking secretly about surrendering to Xi Shu."

"Captain, several big families in the city have collectively put pressure on us and asked us what to do next. If we don't take action, I'm afraid..."

"Okay, no need to report, there is no point anymore." Sima Yi raised his head and spoke calmly, interrupting the generals' words.

"Everyone knows that Chang'an cannot be defended anymore. What needs to be done today is no longer how to hold on, but where to break out."

"It's not that easy to break out of the encirclement now. Don't forget that Wei Yan is still holding on to Lishan."

"With our current morale, can we still make it to Tongguan?"

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