Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 435 Battlefield Situation

At this time, the city of Chang'an was already in a mess, with corpses scattered everywhere and most of the blood stains had dried. Only a small number of figures were floating on the battlefield, vigilantly cleaning the battlefield.

This old capital in the pre-Han Dynasty has once again become the center of the battlefield. Since the freezing of the Wei River, the Han and Wei armies have launched more than ten battles around this place.

From Huxian to Lishan, from Chang'an to Wuguan, there was no place in Weinan that was not shrouded in flames of war. Both Han and Wei, from generals to soldiers, knew that the coming war would be related to the fate of their country, and they were fighting desperately.

In such an environment, everyone is under a highly tense atmosphere.

Outside the battlefield, the logistics departments of both sides were operating at full capacity to replenish consumption for the front line. Logistics officers and commanders on both sides participating in the war worked day and night, all working overtime.

For example, Zhuge Liang now has returned to the feeling before the first Northern Expedition. Every day we face a mountain of military affairs, battle reports from various battles, and various punishments in the military...

Especially because the Shu Han has rapidly expanded its army in recent years, doubling its military strength in just a few years. A large number of talents are given priority to the frontline units, so the logistics department is seriously short of people.

In this Northern Expedition, it was the Shu Han who mobilized all the retired cadres to fill the manpower gap. But when faced with such a period of high-intensity work, many officials can no longer hold on. In this half month alone, two officials in the logistics camp fell ill.

Zhuge Liang had to personally take over these vacant jobs.

"Prime Minister, please rest for a while. You can put your military affairs aside for a while." Yang Yi followed Zhuge Liang to deal with military affairs for more than half a month. Seeing that the Prime Minister was still working at full power, Yang Yi couldn't help but cautiously advised him.

"Military affairs cannot be neglected. A little carelessness can affect the fate of the country." Zhuge Liang shook his head gently. It could be seen that he was tired, but still in good spirits.

"Soldiers are important matters of the country, the place of life and death, and the path to survival. We must pay attention to them."

"But your body..."

"It doesn't matter. After this battle, everything will be fine." Zhuge Liang smiled slightly, looking more confident.

In fact, it was a lot of work, but Zhuge Liang did it very energetically. It is completely different from ten years ago. At least now I can see hope and everything is not so tortured.

Unlike back then, while facing a mountain of government affairs, Zhuge Liang also had to consider the future of Shu Han, which had almost no future...

"By the way, has Ma Youchang come back?" Zhuge Liang suddenly remembered something and turned to look at Yang Yi and asked.

"Now that the battle situation on the front line has come to a standstill, we still need Ma Su to come back and open up the situation...Although this kid always makes people worry, when it comes to fighting, no one can be better than a big man."

"Prime Minister, General Chariot and Cavalry is already on his way back. He will probably arrive in the next two days." Yang Yi replied honestly.

At this moment, the guard outside the door suddenly walked in and reported to Zhuge Liang.

"Prime Minister, the Crown Prince and Tutor are back. Please see him outside the tent now."

"Let him come in." Zhuge Liang replied without looking up while immersed in approving the military affairs of the logistics camp.

"Prime Minister, so-and-so is back!" Soon, Zhuge Liang heard the sound of Ma Di entering the tent. He subconsciously raised his head and wanted to say something, but when he saw Ma Di's appearance, he fell silent.

Is this Ma Su? Even if you say this is Zhuge Liang, a stranger from the Western Regions, you will believe him.

"Prime Minister! Fortunately, we have fulfilled our mission. The eastern front has advanced to Pubanjin and blocked the puppet Wei Guandong reinforcements east of Tongguan. Now the Hongnong Yang family also has..." Ma Di finished his salute and reported to Zhuge Liang. The results were achieved. But his voice became quieter and quieter, because he noticed that Prime Minister Zhuge's expression became not very good.

"What's going on?" Zhuge Liang looked at Ma Di and asked expressionlessly.

"Ahem...I was slightly injured during the battle."

"Slightly injured?" Zhuge Liang smiled a little more inexplicably, which made Ma Su feel a little scared.

But in the end, Zhuge Liang did not go to Ji Feo Chanzi. Instead, he took a deep breath to calm down, and then let the matter go.

"I will take care of you after the war. Now the military affairs are urgent and there is no time to talk nonsense." Zhuge Liang shook his head, then gently put down the bamboo slip and signaled Yang Yi with his eyes.

Yang Yi understood and immediately took out the map and handed it to Zhuge Liang.

Seeing Zhuge Liang's attitude, Ma Su breathed a sigh of relief. It looks like he won't be whipped this least not until the end of the war.

Moreover, the Prime Minister has many things to do every day, so this little thing should be forgotten after the war...

Relieved, Ma Su quickly stepped forward and followed Zhuge Liang to check the current situation.

Similar to what Deng Zhi said, 30% of Weinan's territory has been occupied by the Han army at this moment. Sima Yi commanded the Wei army in Guanzhong with Chang'an as the center, and was struggling to resist the Han army's offensive.

The western front has reached Hu County, and Sima Fu and Guo Huai are confronting Chen Shi. To the east, Liu Yin led 10,000 Han troops to respond to Wei Yan. Wei general Sun Li was struggling to hold on under the attack of the two men.

In the hinterland of Chang'an, the entire Lantian has been completely exposed to Wei Yan's military front, and the connection between Wuguan and Chang'an is already very weak. Liu Yin even suppressed Sun Li from the side and built a corridor in Weinan leading to Lishan Mountain to transport grain and grass to Wei Yan.

In general, the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards Shu Han.

"Prime Minister, looking at the situation, I shouldn't need to come back. Each Han army is encroaching step by step. Sooner or later, Chang'an will be taken down." Ma Di scratched his head, a little surprised to see such a situation.

This situation with the flying dragon riding on the face still requires him to come back? Wouldn't it be possible to win if Yang Yi went up to lead the troops?

"It's not that simple. We don't have much time." Zhuge Liang looked very serious, and then he took out a few emergency reports and threw them to Ma Di and said,

"Nanyang is in emergency. Tens of thousands of Wei troops attacked Kunyang from Yingchuan. The pressure on Nanyang increased sharply. Li Hui applied to Zhuge Liang to withdraw his troops from Wuguan and give priority to rescuing Kunyang."

"Wuling reported to Chongji that the Wuxi barbarians were in rebellion, and it was suspected that Soochow was behind it."

"Nanzhongguan Xingxing reported that the southern counties surrendered and rebelled again, and are now suppressing them with all their strength."

"It seems that the Puppet Wei does not intend to give up Guanzhong just like that. They plan to fight us on all fronts." Ma Di narrowed his eyes and said thoughtfully after seeing so many urgent reports.

"That's right, now we are no longer just in Yizhou, and our front line is only in Guanzhong and Yong'an." Zhuge Liang gently rubbed his temples and sighed slightly,

"With the lost territory recovered, it is difficult for us to rely on the natural dangers in the middle of Shu to defend against the enemy. Although all parties can still hold on to the front, things will inevitably go wrong over time."

"So the war in Guanzhong must end as soon as possible to avoid long nights and dreams." Ma Di nodded with deep sympathy, and then found Zhuge Liang looking at him with bright eyes,

"Yes, that's why I asked you to come back!"

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