Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 387 Official Commentary on Classics

After entering the palace to seek approval from Liu Chan, Ma Su officially began to design new fonts and printing techniques for the Shu Han Dynasty.

For Ma Su, this is a relatively simple matter. The popularization of simplified Chinese characters in the Han Dynasty may have been a little too advanced, but the popularization of regular script in the Tang Dynasty was just right.

As mentioned before, regular script actually appeared in the Han Dynasty. For example, Zhong Yao, who was killed by the Prime Minister some time ago, was a master of regular script.

However, regular script in this era has just begun to appear, and the main body glyphs still have many shadows of official script. Many of the strokes are still calligraphy, which is obviously very troublesome to engrave on a large scale.

So Ma Su planned to directly take out the complete regular script of the Tang Dynasty, which was the official printing font of the Tang Dynasty in history. Only this horizontal, vertical, and angular font is suitable for large-scale printing.

However, when Ma Su came to Taixue with his decree, he was excited by a group of doctors from Taixue. Doctors from famous Confucian schools were filled with indignation and accused Ma Su of relying on power to harm the country.

Writing has been an extremely important part since ancient times, which affects the normal operation of the unified dynasty's bureaucracy. Therefore, from the Qin Dynasty to the Han Dynasty for four hundred years, privately creating and promoting calligraphy was a capital offense, and all doctors had to practice calligraphy on their own to save face.

As a result, Ma Di suddenly became very powerful. A document came from the court asking everyone to use the font he designed. These people who were Confucian professors at that time had to desperately oppose Ma Su's measures, both publicly and privately.

"General Chariot and Cavalry! This is a policy that harms the country!!"

"I will go to the palace to find His Majesty right now. If His Majesty does not agree to take back my life, I am willing to be killed at the gate of the palace!"

"Nonsense! It's just nonsense! The cavalry general is fooling around, and His Majesty is fooling around with him!"

A group of doctors were so excited that Ma Su was speechless. In particular, this group of people was determined not to cooperate, which gave Ma Di a headache.

"Shut up! What nonsense are you talking about here!" Ma Di finally got angry and slapped the case, and even drew out his sword.

"Why are you arguing! If His Majesty has a decree, he will carry it out. Do you want to disobey His Majesty's order?"

"Your Majesty is young, and following your nonsense, this is a policy that will harm the country!" An old doctor said righteously and was determined not to follow this plan.

Ma Di just rolled his eyes and waved his hand to call the guards in.

"Please get this gentleman out!"


"Hey, hey, what do you want to do!"

Under the angry rebuke of the old scholar, several guards grabbed the uncooperative and threw him out.

"I'm not here to discuss with you. This measure is an important decision of the imperial court. If you are dissatisfied, you can complain to His Majesty, the Prime Minister, or go to the Yushitai."

"But please be honest now, I'm in a hurry!"

Ma Su's attitude calmed most of the doctors. Taking advantage of the lessons learned from the previous Confucian scholar, these doctors were obviously a little frightened.

"Okay, okay, it turns out that the prime minister's beloved disciple, the cavalry general You Chang, is like this. It's really a great experience."

But at this moment, a man walked in proudly from outside, laughing and mocking Ma Su's arrogance.

However, after Ma Su heard it, he felt that the voice seemed familiar, and then he turned around and saw an old acquaintance.

"Qin Mi?"

"Exactly, the general of chariots and cavalry has such great official power!" This great scholar in Sichuan obviously couldn't understand Ma Su's actions, so he stepped forward and planned to make a mockery.

Although he is a native of the local faction and can be regarded as half of his own people, the cultural man Qin Mi is very dissatisfied with Ma Su's outrageous move.

"I came just in time. Old Qin has something important to discuss with you." Seeing that the person who came was an acquaintance, Ma Di was overjoyed and quickly grabbed Qin Mi's hand.

"Come on, let's go into the house with me and talk in detail!"

"What the fuck, Long Yang?" Qin Mi was shocked, but before he could break free, he was dragged into the house by Ma Di.

This scene shocked the group of Confucian scholars outside. They all looked at each other and saw each other's confusion.

The chariot general was not angry when he was ridiculed by Qin Mi, but he even dragged him into the house?

What kind of opening is this?




"So, your plan is to reduce the cost of writing a book by designing a new font and studying printing?"

Qin Mi was almost frightened to death when he was dragged into the house by Ma Su. He calmed down after Ma Su explained.

"In that case, just say no directly. Most of the doctors in Taixue are not unreasonable."

"There are so many doctors. It's very troublesome to explain, so I don't bother to explain." Ma Di answered simply, while looking at Qin Mi with bright eyes,

"Of course, this is a secondary reason. Another important reason is that I cannot reveal my plan to them."

"Oh? You Chang has a new plan?" Qin Mi was slightly startled. When he saw Ma Di's expression, he felt that something big was going on. He immediately raised his eyebrows and asked,

"Did Zi Chi ever annotate ancient classics?" Ma Su did not say it directly, but suddenly asked a confused question.

"Nonsense, how can I, a bachelor of Taixue, not have done annotation on ancient books?" Qin Mi rolled his eyes, feeling that Ma Su asked nonsense.

The ancient books are mainly the so-called Four Books and Five Classics, many of which were handed down from the Spring and Autumn Period. However, because so many years have passed, many inheritances have broken down, resulting in many classical Chinese texts originally recorded by ancient sages that are now incomprehensible.

Therefore, starting from the Western Han Dynasty, major Confucian scholars took great pleasure in adding annotations to the classics. Different people interpret the Four Books and Five Classics according to their own understanding.

Until now, this has basically become a tradition, and the great scholars of Taixue will basically annotate and interpret ancient books by themselves. Different Confucian families have different understandings of Confucian classics, and their research directions are also different.

As a great scholar of Taixue and a famous Confucian in Shu, Qin Mi naturally annotated and translated ancient books.

"Then there's no problem..." Ma Di nodded slightly, and then asked a suggestion that made Qin Mi's heart skip a beat.

"What if from now on, all the Four Books and Five Classics that are printed and produced will be annotated according to Zi Chi's understanding. All Confucian students who enter Taixue will only study the classics that Zi Chi annotated. How about this?"

This sentence made Qin Mi's heart skip a beat. Immediately he saw Ma Su's serious eyes. After confirming that the other party was not joking, Qin Mi's heart skipped a beat.

Ma Su's intention was to lift Qin Mi to heaven!

It is the dream of every Confucian scholar to spread the classics to the world and carry forward his own classics. And today, Ma Su gave Qin Mi a suggestion to realize his dream!

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