Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 353 The torrent passing through the border

Originally, Ma Su just wanted to give a few personal guards a chance to show off. As a result, as he watched them protecting him as they moved higher and higher, Ma Su realized something was wrong.

Where are you trying to take me?

This is no way home!

"General, there are so many enemy arrows that we can't stop them! For your own safety, it's better to avoid the arrows at higher places." The guard replied honestly while forcibly dragging Ma Su up the mountain.

At this moment, the Wei army's arrows kept coming, just to drive Ma Di in that direction. Ma Su's personal guards had no choice but to take Ma Su up the mountain.

The main thing is to hide in high places, where the threat from the Wei army's arrows will not be that great.

Seeing this situation, Ma Su suddenly lost his composure.

what's the situation? Why is there a mound in this river valley area? This unscientific!

Moreover, he watched the Wei army behind him fire arrows to drive them away. In order to avoid the rain of arrows, Ma Di's personal guards surrounded him and walked up the mountain. Ma Di couldn't sit still for a while.

If he was dragged up, he would probably die if the flood came over!

At this thought, Ma Su quickly struggled to get up, determined not to be dragged up the mountain. But at this moment, all the Longwu Yi Cong had gathered around and forced Ma Su to go up the mountain. Even if Ma Su broke free from his personal guards, he could not leave at all, so he was pushed up and walked up without tears.

"Wait! We haven't..."

"General, now is not the time to fight. Even if we can still fight, we are running out of power. We might as well go up the mountain to rest first!"

Before Ma Su finished speaking, his bodyguard interrupted him and dragged Ma Su, who was crying without tears, up the mountain.

There were only a thousand people left in Ma Su's army, and they all drove up the mountain under a hail of arrows from Jia Kui. Seeing Ma Su himself being driven up the mountain with an almost mournful face, Jia Kui felt very happy.

"It seems that Ma Su saw our plan and knew that he was already on the verge of death." Jia Kui nodded lightly, his joy was beyond words. After pondering for a while, Jia Kui quickly issued the order,

"The three armies will surround this mountain and block it from all sides!"

"Three thousand soldiers are standing on the way down the mountain, setting up a deer-antler formation to block them! The strong crossbowmen are following closely behind. If Ma Su rushes down the mountain to charge into the formation, you will let Ma Su know the majestic appearance of our Wei men!"

"The rest of the troops camped on the spot and blocked Ma Su here! After a few days, Ma Su will definitely run out of food and troops. If Ma Su is captured alive, Your Majesty will reward everyone heavily!"

Jia Kui's order made the Wei army rejoice, and tens of thousands of troops surrounded the hill. In order to prevent Ma Su from escaping by climbing the mountain, Jia Kui was so frantic that he ordered the army to camp in three layers inside and outside like pancakes.

As long as the Shu army dares to go down the mountain and charge into battle, they will inevitably be surrounded by a large army. Even if Ma Di were to descend to earth in a timely manner, he could slip away from tens of thousands of people on his own.

"In the past, Guan Yu, the famous general of Western Shu, attacked Xiangfan and caused trouble for Taizu. At that time, I only regretted that I had not arrived at Xiangyang and failed to kill this thief for Taizu! In the end, the rats of Soochow took the opportunity and captured Guan Yu in Maicheng .”

"But fortunately, with Taizu's blessing, someone is also besieging Ma Su in Runan. Capturing this thief can also be a great achievement!"

Jia Kui stood in front of the formation, looking at the lonely thousand people on the top of the mountain, and couldn't help but sigh. It won't be long before he is afraid that he will achieve great success in the Wei Dynasty, right?

Next, His Majesty will definitely put you in high regard, and I will try my best to share His Majesty's worries. If my health still allows, I really want to go to Guanzhong again and kill Zhuge villagers on their horses for Your Majesty!

Just when Ma Su was about to cry without tears at the top of the mountain, Jia Kui was thinking about something energetically at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly, the whole earth began to tremble, and a "rumbling" sound began to come from far to near.

"What's the sound? Did the Earth Dragon turn over?"

"Could it be that Ma Su summoned ghosts and gods to help? I'm a little scared."

"Something's wrong! This is the sound of water! I'm from Bohai, and I heard this sound in the early years when the Yellow River stopped flowing!"

It is worth mentioning that the soldiers and horses under Jia Kui are all from Hebei. Most of them are coming to Runan for the first time and are not familiar with the terrain at all. Because of this, when they saw Ma Di crawling into the river valley, tens of thousands of Hebei soldiers had no idea what this meant in Runan.

As a result, Jia Kui's tens of thousands of troops walked into the river valley unprepared, and the tragedy happened.

First there was a violent tremor, and then, as if only a moment had passed, endless floods roared in!

"It's a mudslide!"

"Run! Someone is going to die!"

"Water God! It's not enough for the Shu army to have the Fire God to help them, now they call for the Water God!"

In an instant, the Wei army was in an uproar and quickly became a mess.

Originally, they were just eating hot pot and singing songs, but they just waited for Ma Di to starve to death due to lack of food. As a result, now Ma Su has summoned the Water God to help, but they have become prey!

However, the flood did not give Wei Jun much time to react. In just a few breaths, a huge wave of several meters high swept away stones and sand, slamming onto the Wei army camp!

Countless Wei soldiers had no time to escape and were immediately swept into the water by the huge waves. Then the raging water carried countless mud and rocks and quickly smashed the Wei army camp to pieces!


"I'm not used to water! I can't swim!"


These tens of thousands of Wei troops are soldiers from Hebei, and they are not accustomed to water. Swept by such turbulent waves, countless Wei soldiers were directly drowned alive.

Of course, it would be useless even if they knew how to swim, because the newly excavated floodwaters would hit them all the way, carrying a large amount of sediment and gravel, and the impact force would be extremely huge. The few soldiers who knew how to use water had no room to show their abilities and were rushed far away in an instant.

What awaits them is exhaustion and drowning in the water.

Tens of thousands of Wei troops, such a huge number, were wiped out in less than a stick of incense and buried in the flood. The place where they camped turned into a vast ocean in a very short time.

But compared to these pawns, Jia Kui was pretty lucky. Before the huge wave arrived, his soldiers noticed the problem and then forcibly pushed Jia Kui up the middle hill.

Although there is the Great Demon King Ma Di on it, it is better than drowning in the torrent, right?

At this moment, on the top of the mountain, the remaining remnants of more than a thousand Shu troops were cheering. Under the passage of floods, their surrounded hills became the safest place.

The Wei troops that pursued and surrounded them were all submerged in the torrent, and it only took a moment.

Everyone was thankful for survival and victory, and cheered for General Zhengbei's ingenious calculations and ghostly strategies.

Only Ma Su looked numb, his eyes seemed dead, without any emotion.

There is no communication between people's emotions. I just feel that they are so noisy...

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