Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 337: Virtual and Real

Ma Su's flexible tactics caught Wang Ling off guard, and he quickly led his army to Wuyin.

In any case, Qin Lang and Cao Shuang are His Majesty's favorites. If something happens, Wang Ling will not be able to explain to his superiors.

But even so, Wang Ling was still 120% vigilant. He led his troops in pursuit while being anxious, for fear that Ma Di would kill someone with a carbine.

As soon as there was any sign of trouble, Wang Ling immediately retreated several miles, ready to prepare for the Han army's charge.

I have to say that Mr. Wang is really good at fighting wits and courage with the air.

But after doing this a few times, Wang Ling realized that it was no longer possible. This march is too slow. If you retreat at the first sign of trouble, you will not have time to rescue Qin Lang.

By the time he arrived, the ashes of Qin Lang and Cao Shuang were probably cold.

To put it bluntly, Wang Ling and Sima Yi's leadership skills are not at the same level. Sima Yi could get close to Zhuge Liang from behind. If he didn't want to fight the Han army, he wouldn't be able to catch him.

As for Wang Ling, so far, he has no idea where the main force of the Han army is, and he has no such plan.

He didn't even know where Ma Su was, let alone pressing close to him.

When Wang Ling led his army across the Ru River with such fear and arrived near Wu Fang, smoke and dust suddenly rose in the mountains and forests nearby. The sound of shouts and drums intertwined together, and the king was so shocked that his men fell back on their backs.

Wang Ling immediately subconsciously wanted to order a retreat, but a voice stopped him.

"May I ask if the person here is Wang Jishishi?"

On a hill in the distance, a figure was sitting on the ground, with a table and hot tea in front of him. Ma Su, who always wore white armor, was now wearing a commoner suit, talking and laughing calmly as he looked at the tens of thousands of Cao Wei troops in front of him.

"Is this Ma Su?" Wang Ling's expression suddenly changed, and the fear in his eyes was even more difficult to conceal.

The man in front of me was a ruthless man who had been running rampant in the northwest for five years and killed several famous generals in the Wei Dynasty. Wang Ling wouldn't believe it if he suddenly appeared at this moment.

"Why are you so panicked when the governor Wang has tens of thousands of troops?" Ma Di looked at the Wei army slowly and said calmly.

At this moment, he was only two or three miles away from the Wei army, and this distance was barely beyond the range of the powerful crossbow. And it's not like there are no cavalry in Wang Ling's army. If they were to attack Ma Su easily, he would be honored.

In fact, if Wang Ling's entire army were to attack, even an ambush might not be able to protect Ma Di. After all, he didn't even wear armor.

But even so, Wang Ling was still extremely vigilant and did not dare to move forward. Although he was a little moved when he saw Ma Su with no resistance around him, Wang Ling calmed down after looking at the huge plume of smoke and dust behind him.

Who knows if this is Ma Su's trick, and he is planning to trick him into killing him.

You know, Ma Su has always liked to play cards that don't follow normal routines. Not only did he often make dangerous moves, he was also accompanied by good luck, and he could win every time he made a move.

Wang Ling did not dare to risk his official career and these tens of thousands of troops to bet that Ma Su was bluffing this time. If the bet is wrong and the army is ambushed by the Shu army, it is estimated that the battle in the southeast will be completely ruined.

The price is too high, I dare not gamble!

"Why is the governor Wang so panicked? Why don't you come and have a cup of tea with me?" Ma Di could only shake his head gently when he saw Wei Jun acting like this.

It seems that his record over the years is really too scary. Even though he is like this, the opponent still doesn't dare to give it a try. It seems that when I lead troops on expeditions in the future, I won't even be able to carry the flag, and I will have to prepare a mask to cover it up at all times.

Otherwise, if your vigilance increases by 200% when you show up, how can you still play?

Faced with Ma Su's invitation, Wang Ling didn't reply at all, but looked at the smoke and dust gradually rising behind Ma Su in surprise. In the smoke and dust, many Shu army flag figures were flashing, as if there were thousands of troops.

According to this estimate, there must be tens of thousands of Shu troops hidden in the smoke. Counting Ma Su, who can withstand an army of 40,000 men by himself, the Shu army is even more powerful than him!

This is terrible. We must retreat and redeploy our troops!

After some hesitation, Wang Ling quickly made a judgment and once again ordered the Wei army to retreat several miles to prepare for battle. All the elite soldiers were placed at the front to guard Ma Su strictly.

As long as Ma Su doesn't participate in the war, they will fight 50,000 against 10,000. The advantage is mine!

Seeing that the Wei army did not rush over at once, but retreated several miles to form a military formation. All the soldiers were moved to the front of the military formation, and Ma Di sighed slightly.

"It seems that Governor Wang doesn't intend to have a drink with me. It's a pity." Ma Su stood up and gently patted the dust on his clothes.

"But fortunately, although your Excellency does not understand tea art, I do know a little bit about boxing. It's time to have a good chat with Governor Wang on the battlefield."

"Here he comes! Ma Su is indeed prepared! The entire army is on alert!"

Wang Ling's eyes narrowed and he focused all his attention on Ma Su, ready to see what tricks he was planning to pull out.

However, what surprised Wang Ling was that Ma Di still moved slowly even when he stood up. To Wang Ling, this feeling didn't seem like he was planning to fight, but more like... delaying time?

"Something's wrong!" Wang Ling's eyes flashed with suspicion, feeling that something was wrong. But before he could figure it out, he heard a sudden chaos behind his army.

"Why are there Shu people behind you!"

"It's those ghost soldiers again! Run!"

"We're surrounded! We're doomed!"

Ma Di's five hundred armored cavalry did not know when they had appeared in the rear of the Wei army. And following the Longwu Yicong were more than two thousand Longwu Yiconong.

"I am the captain of the Pingnan School, Gou Fuye! The fake Wei boy will be captured quickly!" Five hundred armored cavalry were at the front, and a young general was in charge of leading the team. He was also wearing heavy armor, holding a spear and a saber, and rushed into the Wei army's formation first.

Because Ma Su was posing in front, Wang Ling's attention was all on the front. In order to guard against Ma Su himself, all the heavy infantry were moved to the front of the formation for defense.

However, who would have thought that Ma Su would have such a big heart, just wearing civilian clothes and bluffing in front of the battle?

Since the emergence of armored cavalry, the Han army's cavalry did not actually need horses to attack the formation. So for the sake of the overall situation and because of his subconscious desire to seek death, Ma Su appeared in person wearing civilian clothes and holding a cup of tea to attract attention.

With his own presence, Wang Ling believed that the suspected soldiers in Shanlin were his regular soldiers, thereby deceiving the Wei army's regular soldiers. The real main force of the Han army, Longwu Yicong, successfully detoured behind the Wei army in the time Ma Di bought.

As a result, Ma Su's trick of luring the enemy was very successful, and Wang Ling was even tricked out of his pants by Ma Su.

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