Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 273 Soldiers Enter Qianghu

In the battle of Pingyangqiu, Sima Yi's family fortune, which he had worked hard to farm for many years, was wiped out.

Not only that, the overwhelming fighting power of the Shu army made Sima Yi dare not return to Wuwei. Sima Yi in Liangzhou simply gave up and planned to flee Guanzhong with his remaining defeated troops.

Although Sima Yi's original plan was to abandon Liangzhou, he did not complete his planned plan to destroy Liangzhou because of his haste to escape. Sima Yi had no choice but to lament the bad luck of the Wei Dynasty.

Then Sima Yi and his remaining troops were defeated by no more than 9,000 men, and fled in embarrassment to Yiwei east of Wuwei. Going east from this county is not the territory of the Wei Dynasty, but the territory of the Qiang and Hu people.

If he took the conventional path, Sima Yi would definitely not be able to return to Guanzhong. Fortunately, the Qiang and Hu people still surrendered to Cao Wei, so Sima Yi could still fight the Qiang and Hu people back to Guanzhong.

However, when arriving at Yiwei, Sima Yi was pleasantly surprised to find that General Fei Yao had arrived.

Although Fei Yao was defeated by Ma Su, all he lost were the Qiang and Hu tribes. Fei Yao's five thousand troops and horses suffered slight losses, but they were all brought back intact by Fei Yao.

After receiving Fei Yao's 5,000-strong army, Sima Yi felt a little relieved. At this moment, his strength was no more than 14,000 men, and he had lost more than 70% of his troops.

"This bunch of Shu people are really evil. If I hadn't run so fast, I'm afraid the father and son would have been captured by the Shu people!!" After reassuring the soldiers and horses and stabilizing the morale of the troops, Sima Yi let out a long cry. Take a breath and slowly relax.

However, Sima Yi was still frightened when he thought about his losses in this battle and the huge suppression force of the Shu army.

It had only been a few years, and the infantry that Wei was so proud of had already been crushed by the Shu army. This was the result of many years of hard work and months of preparation.

If 60,000 Shu troops were allowed to march north to Liangzhou at the same time, Sima Yi couldn't even imagine how badly he would lose.

In the final analysis, it was Cao Wei who did not pay enough attention to the Shu Han regime.

Even if the Shu Han soldiers came out of Longyou to defeat Soochow, Cao Wei still believed that "Shu is a small country." Although Sima Yi valued them, he did not think too much about it. He did not realize that the Shu army, which could not stop Cao's army with Dingjun Mountain, had undergone such earth-shaking changes in just a few years.

After this battle, Sima Yi completely understood the future logic.

Don't fight in the field with those crazy people in Xishu. Their army is stronger than the Wei army.

"Father!" At this time, Master Sima walked in dusty and calmly saluted Sima Yi.

"It has been counted. There are more than 14,500 soldiers left, including more than 2,000 wounded. All the soldiers and armor have been discarded, and most of the soldiers have lost their weapons. It is basically impossible to continue fighting."

"The grain that was stationed here before is still there, which can support the army for three months. However, the local people are in short supply, so I'm afraid it will be difficult to take them all away."

"Burn everything you can't take away. Liangzhou is completely lost." Sima Yi looked at the tired look on his eldest son's face, shook his head gently, and then ordered.

"Now the main force of the Shu army should have started heading westward, preparing to take over the counties in Liangzhou. We rested for a few days, then immediately broke camp and set off, using the Qianghu Road to return to Guanzhong."

"Wei!" Master Sima nodded and accepted the order.

"But Brother Zhao seems to be frightened. He hasn't been sleeping well these past few days..."

"Zhao has always been like this, go and comfort him..." Sima Yi sighed and waved his hands.

This battle was really frustrating.

Under Sima Yi's recruitment, these more than 10,000 defeated soldiers rested in Yiwei County for three days. After the army's morale stabilized slightly, Sima Yi ordered to break camp and set off.

Next, they had to cross large areas of Qiang and Hu people's territory and march all the way through Xiaoguan and back to Guanzhong.

After the last remnants of the defeated Wei army burned all the baggage they could not take away, they slowly began to return.

Two days after the Wei army left the border of Liangzhou, Ma Su arrived belatedly with 5,000 cavalry.

It's not that he thought it was so late, it was mainly because Zhuge Liang was worried. He had to wait until the military doctors made multiple examinations to confirm that Ma Su's injuries would not affect the battle before letting him go.

Ma Di brought five thousand Han cavalry, plus Ma Dai and Jiang Wei.

When he arrived in Yiwei, Ma Su could only see an empty city. Sima Yi destroyed it very cleanly, leaving not a grain of rice for the Shu army.

"It seems that Sima Yi has been walking for a while, and he walked very easily and comfortably." Ma Su jumped off his horse, carefully looked at the traces in the city, and then made a conclusion.

The charcoal in the kitchen stove in the city is cold, which means that the Wei army has gone far. Moreover, the food baggage was completely destroyed, which meant that they were not too nervous and they slowly destroyed the baggage before setting out on the road.

Taken together, it can be seen that the Wei army has gone far, but now there is no preparation for the pursuit of the Shu army.

After making the following conclusion, Ma Su immediately stood up again, clapped his hands and ordered.

"The soldiers of each department rested for a long time, and then they all mounted their horses and marched with me to continue the pursuit!"

"Huh?" Ma Su's order surprised both Jiang Wei and Ma Dai, and Ma Dai said quickly.

"General, after passing here, it is no longer the territory of Liangzhou, but the territory of the Qiang and Hu people. They are still hostile to the Han people, so they went there rashly..."

"What are you talking about? The whole world is Han. What's more, this Beidi County, which used to be our Han people, has become Qiang and Hu people." Ma Di waved his hand and immediately corrected the mistakes of the two people.

"And don't say that this is my big man's territory. Even if this is the Yinshan Mountain of the Huns, I, Ma Di, can still break in. These are just a group of defeated generals who used to be my big man's men. Do they still have the guts to stop us?"

"So don't say any more words. Let's assemble the whole army. After a while, you can catch up with me and stab Sima Yi in the buttocks! If the Qiang and Hu people dare to stop him, they will be beaten too!"




The Qiang and Hu people in the north are actually the descendants of the Huns.

Since the Eastern Han Dynasty, a large number of various types of barbarians have settled here, and their number has begun to exceed that of Han people. Because the local Hu people are larger than the Han people, and due to geographical influence, the local Han people began to gradually become Hu people.

When the culture begins to change, the local people's sense of belonging to the central government weakens.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, after the Bingzhou army was pulled away by Dong Zhuo, Bingzhou became empty of troops. Bingzhou, which lacked military garrison, began to disintegrate, and countless Hu armed groups began to seize control.

The final outcome was that when Cao Wei consolidated the state, the only ones that could be taken back were Taiyuan and Shangdang.

The rest of the country is the territory of the Qiang and Hu people, and they have formed a huge Hu people alliance. Any Han troops passing through without permission will be besieged by Hu cavalry.

However, it seems that this did not scare the Han auxiliary general Ma Su. He even looked forward to the attack of the Hu people.

So five thousand Han cavalry, led by Ma Su, set foot on the territory of the Qiang and Hu Alliance after only half a day's rest.

Sima Yi probably wanted to die but still couldn't figure out what grudge or grudge made Ma Su take such a big risk to pursue him.

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