Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 253: Deflated for the First Time

The Wei army in Jincheng County was obviously well prepared and would not accept your Ma Su's tricks at all.

Wei general Fei Yao and Sima Shi did not show up at all, leaving only their generals to guard the city. And there are a lot of heavy crossbows and light crossbows. As long as you Ma Su dares to get close, I will shoot you Ma Laowu to death.

Ma Di's ability to spread rumors over the years has been obvious to all, and everyone knows that this kid is best at slandering others. Didn't you see Hao Zhao's fate? As his good friend, Fei Yao began to doubt whether he was really as good as Long Yang.

Not to mention Cao Zhen, who was so angry that he couldn't get up because of a conversation with Ma Su. He is now dying and about to die.

Therefore, under Sima Yi's order, Sima Shi and Fei Yao, the guards of Jincheng, all acted like cowards.

Ma Su was very dissatisfied with this and immediately turned around and went back to get a loudspeaker.

Okay, okay, just be a coward, right? I will let you know what it means to have a loud voice today!

Ma Di picked up the loudspeaker and started to broadcast, and began to talk serious nonsense to the defenders of Jincheng.

"Have the Wei troops in the city heard that Cao Cao once dreamed of three horses in the same trough? I think..."

"Stop talking nonsense. Aren't the three horses in that rumor just Ma Chao, Ma Dai and you, Ma Su? Don't even think about using this rumor to slander the governor!"

However, before Ma Su could use the topic, a loud-voiced Wei general in the city began to refute.

Sima Yi is best at making all his buildings watertight. Since word spread about Ma Su's ability to spread rumors and defeat enemies, Sima Yi had already vaccinated his own troops in advance.

Ever since, Ma Su was blocked back like this.

"Let me test! Is Sima Fu so outrageous?" Ma Su was a little stunned. After four years of running rampant in the battlefield of public opinion, Ma Su was defeated for the first time.

I have to say that there is something really good about a cunning old man who can keep up with the Prime Minister.

Later, Ma Su planned to start with Sima Yi's hawk watching the wolf and looking at the wolf, but he was directly criticized back and said, "The fortune teller said this is the sign of a loyal minister."

Okay, okay, Sima Yi is playing like this, right?

Ma Su suddenly became stubborn. Today is not complete until I scold you to death.

So what if it's useless to quote scriptures? How can I still be blocked by you when my parents are still alive in the eighth year of Zu'an? As the saying goes, can a living person die of thirst?

Since I can't question your actions, then I can question your morality. If there is no omission in your virtue, then criticize your position. If your position and virtue are impeccable, then frame your intentions and conspiracy.

As long as one part of it cannot withstand scrutiny, then everything you do is wrong.

After all, the world will not believe that a bad person can do good things.

So Ma Su led three thousand cavalry around Jincheng. While monitoring the Wei army in the city, he began to slander Sima Yi. In response to this, Ma Su's brain was spinning rapidly and he began to criticize the three members of Sima Yi's family in all aspects, from virtue to stance to sincerity.

While criticizing, Ma Su also played with metaphysics. Claiming that he once had a thousand-year dream and saw another world.

In that world, Sima Yi Gao Pingling usurped power, Luo Shui farted, and finally three generations of ancestors and grandchildren took away the power of Cao Wei, etc...

These are all things that actually happened in history, so Ma Di can speak in great detail. This also made the big soldiers in the city who had graduated from prenatal education start to murmur again.

Fortunately, Sima Yi managed the army strictly and was deeply loved by his soldiers, so Ma Di's rumors did not spread widely.

Ma Di's plan was to first shake the morale of the troops in the city and undermine the morale of the Wei army. Wait until the Prime Minister personally leads the army to bring down your Golden City.

Jincheng and Wuwei counties are very important grain-producing areas in Liangzhou, and they are very important to the Wei army in Liangzhou. Once Jincheng was captured and the army was on the verge of victory, Sima Yi would no longer be able to be a bastard, and he would starve to death sooner or later.

For a time, the Wei army was unwilling to go out of the city to fight, and Ma Di was unable to attack the city. The battle was briefly stalemate.




In Jincheng, the young Sima Division and Fei Yaozheng commanded the troops together.

"Zi Yuan, that Ma Su slandered the governor outside the city again, can you really bear it?" Fei Yao looked at the calm-looking Master Sima and asked curiously.

"What's so angry about this? It's just the angry barking of a vicious dog." Master Sima didn't seem to care, but asked calmly.

"If the teacher is walking on the road and is bitten by an evil dog, is it possible that the teacher will bite him back?"

After hearing Master Sima's reply, Fei Yao couldn't help but admire him secretly.

He has to be the son of Sima Governor. See, this understanding is very different from mine.

"But looking at Ma Su's posture, I'm afraid the main force of the Shu army is not far away. Didn't Shijun start making preparations last year? Why haven't the reinforcements arrived yet?"

Master Sima was not surprised by this question, but said it calmly.

"Without reinforcements, Jincheng County is destined to give up."

"What?" Fei Yao was shocked and couldn't believe it for a moment. However, Master Sima's next words surprised him even more:

"After my brother Zhao leads his troops in the north and destroys all the fields and blocks the canals, we can evacuate."

This answer completely surprised Fei Yao, and for a moment he even felt that Master Sima was joking.

Most of the counties in Liangzhou are grasslands that are not suitable for farming, and there are not many areas that can be used for farming. Jincheng County and Wuwei County are the few wealthy counties that can afford Liangzhou soldiers and horses.

Since Sima Yi took office, he has carefully managed this place and built many water conservancy facilities. Even Fei Yao believed that now we should gather a large army to defend Jincheng County to the death and defend the Shu army from outside.

So now you tell me that Jincheng County is an abandoned son destined to be destroyed?

"General Fei, this is the envoy's order." Master Sima replied obediently and took out Sima Yi's order to show it.

"Your Majesty has his own plan, we just have to follow it."

In the end, Fei Yao had to accept this fact. However, after leaving, his intentions towards Sima Yi wavered.

What exactly does Sima Zhongda want to do?

Ma Di and the Wei army resisted each other for several days, and Zhuge Liang led the army to Jincheng.

An army of 50,000 people quickly surrounded the city, and Wei Sanque began to build siege equipment.

This time the Shu army carried more siege equipment than when they attacked Wu, and the types were more diverse. Various new siege equipment were assembled and began to attack the city in turn.

However, the Wei army's will to resist in the city surprised the Shu army. Facing the Shu army that was nearly ten times his own, Sergeant Wei showed no fear at all and defended the city desperately.

The Shu army besieged the city for more than ten days and began to continuously attack the city. Aerial ladders and arrow towers came to greet them one after another, but the Wei army resisted with all their might, much like Hao Zhao's posture of guarding Chencang in history.

At the same time, the Shu army's scouts also informed Zhuge Liang of the movements of the Wei army in the north.

"The Wei army is destroying roads and farmland?"

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