Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 236 Move forward, dismount!

When he saw Ma Su's banner appearing in front of him, Chen Tai immediately became nervous. It seemed that Ma Su wanted to fuck him outside the city before he entered the city.

Due to the urgent return of reinforcements, Chen Tai did not bring many troops, and his core purpose was to stabilize Chang'an on behalf of Cao Zhen.

At this time, Ma Su suddenly came out, and it was obvious that he had some sinister intentions.

Fortunately, Chen Tai was already prepared. Even though the situation was urgent, he still brought two thousand elite infantry with him. As long as he defends conservatively, it will definitely be difficult for Ma Di to overwhelm his army.

Two thousand infantry quickly formed a square formation, and a thousand cavalry protected them on both sides. Three thousand elites formed a military formation in a short time, preparing to fight Ma Su to the death.

Ma Su rushed forward with five hundred cavalry and saw Chen Tai in the middle army at a glance.

"General Chen! Long time no see! In the battle in Chencang in the past, your army retreated like the wind, which left a deep impression on me!" Ma Di cupped his hands on horseback and complimented Chen Tai with a smile.

"At that time, His Majesty planned to give the general a title of Marquis of Guannei, and confer the title of Lieutenant of the Han Dynasty. Unfortunately, because of the attack on Wu, the edict was given to the general..."

"Ma Youchang! You really don't miss any opportunity to argue!" Chen Tai's face darkened instantly, and he directly interrupted Ma Su.

You can't let him talk about this thing, otherwise he will make you angry to death.

"Hey, what are you talking about, General Chen? We are all big men..."

"If you have the ability, come and charge the battle! If I, Chen Tai, let you defeat me, I will kill myself here immediately. If you are just here to insult me, please go back to fight for words!"

"General Chen..."

"General Ma, please come back!"

No matter what Ma Su wanted to say, Chen Tai immediately interrupted everything, not giving Ma Su a chance to continue.

This made Ma Su a little angry. Why did this man start acting like a hooligan?

Okay, okay, are you playing hooligan with me, Ma Su?

"Advance the whole army!" Ma Su snorted coldly and gave the order with a fierce wave of his hand.

The five hundred cavalry moved forward quickly, and the distance with the Wei army quickly shortened. Chen Tai was extremely nervous for a moment and quickly grasped his spear and prepared to fight.

Who knew that the Shu army suddenly advanced to the front of the Wei army's formation, and Ma Su suddenly waved his hand.

"All troops stop! Dismount!"

This sentence not only confused Wei Jun, but also Hu Qi under Ma Su.

Why is this look inexplicably familiar?

However, Ma Su's personal guards immediately got off their horses without hesitation and jumped down with Ma Su.

Ma Su jumped off the horse, untied the saddle, and sat directly no more than a hundred steps away from the Wei army's formation. His bodyguards were also presentable, and sat on the ground with them to block the Wei army.

"General Chen, I didn't intend to provoke you, I just wanted to talk to the general. Now that I'm dismounting and unsaddled, why don't the general come and sit down with me to discuss matters?"

After all this, Ma Su looked at Chen Tai again and said happily.

At this moment, the Shu army was only a hundred steps away from the Wei army, and the distance between the two sides was so close that archers could shoot. However, with such a small distance, Chen Tai seemed to dare not make any move.

"Ma Su is crazy!" Chen Tai looked a little ugly, and looked at Ma Su with an increasingly evil look.

"Could he want to imitate Li Guang and intimidate the Huns?"

They are both generals in aristocratic families, and it is not like Chen Tai has never read military books. During the era of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, he still knew the method Li Guang used to intimidate the Huns in Yanmen.

What annoyed him was that Ma Su almost copied all Li Guang's movements as if he was bullying him for being a fool. Taking the cavalry so close, he didn't take him seriously at all.

Does he really think that I, Chen Tai, will be intimidated by his reputation?

"Ma Youchang! Are you trying to trick me into not knowing the art of war? Are you trying to scare me off with such a crude strategy?" Chen Tai looked gloomy and pointed at Ma Su angrily.

"Then why doesn't the general come? My Ma Youchang's head is right here, just come and get it!" Ma Su was not nervous at all, but looked at Chen Tai with great longing.

"Okay, okay! If you want to die, I will help you!" Chen Tai waved his hand immediately, and the military formation quickly began to change. The shield gunner in front who was responsible for resisting the cavalry was ready to switch with the crossbowman to shoot the crossbow arrows to kill Ma Su.

However, when the hundreds of horsemen behind Ma Su saw this situation, their eyes suddenly shone.

After fighting against the Han people for so many years, these Hu cavalry know best how to deal with the opponent's Han army's military formation. During this formation change, the Han people are most vulnerable.

So what are you waiting for? Go fuck him!

Without giving Ma Su a chance to stop him, hundreds of horsemen got on their horses at the same time and passed by at extremely fast speeds. With just one encounter, countless arrows were shot out!

The Wei army, which was in the process of changing military formations, was suddenly greeted by a hail of arrows, and a large number of Wei army's crossbows fell to the ground with arrows in their hands.

"What!" Chen Tai's face changed drastically, and he was frightened by this turn of events. So he quickly waved his hand and ordered the military formation to stop changing, and quickly adjusted back to resist Ma Di's horse archers.

Because of this, Chen Tai suddenly realized something was wrong.

When did Ma Su have so many barbarian cavalry behind him?

Moreover, this group of barbarian cavalry quickly mounted their horses and took action without receiving any orders. Apparently Ma Su had already greeted him and made the record in advance.

In other words, Ma Su has already calculated his reaction?

As soon as he thought of this, Chen Tai's face suddenly changed, and his fear was palpable.

The cunning and cunning Ma Su actually used such a method to trick me!

Of course, Ma Su was also confused at this moment, and by the time he realized it, the horsemen had already finished their work and came back to take credit.

"Who asked you to dispatch! Didn't I say you can't do anything without my order!" Ma Di's face was dark, but it was not easy to scold Hu Ma Su who had made achievements. I can only emphasize again and again that no action is allowed without my order.

After emphasizing this, Ma Su asked the group of Hu Qi to dismount, take off their saddles and sit on the ground. Then Ma Su looked at Chen Tai again and said with a smile,

"General Chen, a certain general was ignorant and took action without obeying orders."

"How do it again?"

Chen Tai now wanted to punch to death this man who had taken advantage of him and acted like a good boy. But seeing hundreds of cavalry behind him, he still didn't have the courage to rush over.

Everyone knows that the Qiang and Hu people are good at riding horses, and they can mount and fight even if they take off the saddle. What's more, Ma Su has always been cunning. How could he make an unprepared move?

Chen Tai, who had already suffered a big loss, immediately became a coward.

This time, the two sides reached a deadlock. Ma Su stood in the middle of the road and refused to let him pass, but Chen Tai couldn't do anything.

For a while, the two sides were in a stalemate here, and no one could do anything.

But all this is nothing to Ma Su. He is blocking the road, and Chen Tai must kill him if he thinks about it. Today, I, Ma Su, will carry out this empty city plan to the end. Either kill me or you will not enter Chang'an.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Chen Tai's rear army suddenly made a noise.

"General! Our rear army was attacked!"


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