Placed in front of the Wei army officers and soldiers were rows of antlers.

These antlers look very rough and are basically put up without much processing. But even though it was rough, he did successfully block the Wei army.

Ma Su had a total of 2,000 people on hand, of which 1,000 in his own department were more or less capable of engineering after a long period of training. It's not much, but it's enough to get some rough antlers.

These antlers were not many, but blocking the Wei army prevented the Wei army from moving forward.

The main reason for this lies in the Chidao in Guanzhong.

Guo Huai and Chen Tai commanded 100,000 troops and stormed the Chencang line in Yongzhou. Among them, there are only two grain transportation lines, one is the Weishui Waterway and the other is the Guanzhong Chi Road.

Due to its flow speed and transportation capacity, the Weishui River cannot support large ships at all. Its transportation capacity makes it impossible for him to support the needs of a hundred thousand troops, so the main food route for the Wei army is Qinchi Road in Guanzhong Sanfu.

The ancient Chidao is different from the modern one. Its core is two ruts.

The wagons and oxcarts that transported grain basically had to put their wheels in these two tracks. The carriage travels along the ruts to ensure that it is less bumpy and fast.

Over time, the ruts will become deeper and deeper, gradually becoming like train tracks.

Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, and the reason why he unified the ruts was also to facilitate the construction of ruts in the future.

The logistics of the 100,000-strong Wei army relied entirely on the Qin Chi Road in Sanfu, Guanzhong. A large amount of grain and grass were quickly transported from here to the front line to supply the consumption of the army.

When Ma Su placed these rows of antlers in the middle of the road, the antlers were also covered with leaves and branches. This also blocks Chidao's line in a sense.

It was impossible for Wei Jun to get around it, because dragging the carriage out of the rut was no small project.

They had no other choice but to move the antlers away.

The soldiers of the Wei army also knew this and quickly sent people forward to try to move the antlers away.

The antlers are very heavy and heavy, and they will definitely not be able to be moved without people. Then more than a hundred soldiers and hundreds of civilians stepped forward, ready to push the antlers away.

However, at this moment, a whistle suddenly sounded from the woods on the side.

Before Wei Jun could react, dozens of arrows with fire feathers suddenly shot out. The rocket landed directly near the antlers and ignited all the dead leaves piled on the ground!

The fierce flames suddenly burst into flames, and the civilians and soldiers who stepped up to move the antlers were drowned by the fire before they had a chance to escape. For a moment, the raging fire quickly and completely blocked Qin Chi Road.

"Kill!!" Under the signal of the fire, the Shu army cavalry hidden on the flanks rushed out from both sides.

Under the light of fire, two thousand cavalry, led by Ma Su, rushed towards the Wei army.

Fires shot into the sky and the road ahead was blocked, causing some commotion among the Wei army. Especially the civilian husbands in the team suddenly became panicked.

"Shu ghosts and gods help!"

"It's the God of Fire! The Shu people invited the God of Fire!"

"I don't want to die!"


"Go to hell!" Ma Di held a long spear, rushed out on horseback, and stabbed the first soldier to death with one shot.

Liu Yin followed closely behind him, but instead of holding a knife, he had a bow and arrow in his hand.

He was just quietly following Ma Su, protecting his safety where Ma Su couldn't see him. Any soldiers who approach Ma Su will be shot to death by Liu Yin's next arrow.

Of course, Ma Su didn't know this, he was rushing to kill with passion.

With the flames at their backs, the Shu army charged out with red flags, which put great psychological pressure on ordinary Guizhou soldiers. As soon as the two sides engaged in battle, all the civilians behind the Wei army ran away.

But at this moment, the soldiers of the Wei army who were guarding the food and grass stood up.

More than a hundred Guanzhong cavalry protruded from both sides and quickly formed a formation in conjunction with the infantry. Cao Wei's grain officer also commanded his troops to form a formation to prepare for the sudden advance of the Shu army.

Ma Su's move was indeed quite scary. If it had been Soochow, he might have run away.

But here in Guanzhong, the Qin soldiers in Guanzhong will not be frightened by this trick.

However, Ma Di did not intend to scare them away with this trick, but quickly led his troops to attack them from left to right. Wherever there were more soldiers gathered, Ma Su rushed forward.

And Ma Su's buff has obviously not expired yet. Whenever he encounters the Wei army, Ma Su will be the first to break through the formation. And now he is followed by the famous Shu general Seed Liu Yin. After Ma Su breaks through the local formation, the Shu army can tear apart the opponent's formation as much as possible.

A thousand cavalrymen advanced together on both wings and swept the Wei army back and forth three times.

But even so, these three thousand Wei troops were still not defeated. The general in charge of the escort was not cerebral palsy. While sending people to ask for help, he also contracted the defense line to prepare to continue to resist Ma Su.

It is estimated that all the food and grass cannot be saved, so it is better to give priority to saving all the food now.

The three thousand Wei troops shrank, and the remaining Shu army cavalry who had been waiting for a long time came out from both ends. They took away a large amount of grain from the grain carts abandoned by the Wei army, and then burned all the grain that could not be taken away.

Ma Su's work is so smooth with this process, and it flows like water without any sluggishness.

After all, they are already very familiar...

The Wei army could only watch the Shu army burn the food and grass, and then walked away. With the great god Ma Su watching over him, Wei Jun did not dare to make any move at all.

When the Shu army was far away, the generals escorting the grain and fodder had no choice but to disperse their troops to put out the fire. But it was already too late, half of the grain was reimbursed, and the road was blocked and they could not move forward.

By the time the food team arrives at the front line, it will probably be two or three days late, and they will have lost so much...

Scenes like this began to happen constantly on all roads in Guanzhong Sanfu.

Antlers, piles of dead leaves, and traps hidden under the leaves...

Basically, all the strategies that Ma Su could think of were staged in these places. Not only was the Wei army's food road closed to traffic, but even the wealthy chariots passing through had to be slapped in the face.

For a time, fire broke out in Sanfu in Guanzhong, and Ma Di plundered Sanfu, causing the place to be in turmoil.

Guo Huai's guess was indeed correct. Once Ma Di got into trouble, it would definitely not be something that ordinary people could deal with.

If you have fewer soldiers, you can't defeat them; if you have more soldiers, you can't catch them.

Unless you dispatch a large number of cavalry to pursue him, don't even think about harassing Ma Di. In particular, Ma Di's soldiers and horses are all Xiliang horses produced in Longyou, which are more powerful than the Guanzhong cavalry.

For a time, urgent letters from Sanfu were sent to Chang'an one after another, and prefectures and magistrates from all over the country asked for help. Although Ma Su did not burn farmland, the destruction of roads also panicked them.

However, these emergency letters were not sent to the General's Mansion, but were temporarily managed by General Shi. The Chang'an armies had no intention of chasing Ma Su.

There was no other reason, mainly Cao Zhen, who suddenly fell seriously ill after returning from Ziwu Valley.

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