Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 206 Ma Di and Cao Zhen want to go together

Just when Ma Di took over as the prefect of Hanzhong, he started preparing for Ziwu Valley with excitement. Cao Zhen on the other side also came to Luoyang to present the plan to conquer Shu to Cao Rui.

In the past few years, Cao Wei was tricked twice by the Shu Han, and he lost tens of thousands of troops and countless counties. This was very dissatisfying to Cao Wei, a great power in the Central Plains who claimed to be orthodox.

Why can you beat me with one mine and attack me with nine mines?

So Cao Zhen, as the general of Cao Wei, made a decision to conquer Shu. Take advantage of the time when the Shu Han had just finished conquering Wu and were preparing to recharge their batteries.

"Is this the purpose of the general's return to Luoyang this time?"

Facing Cao Zhen's plan, Cao Rui frowned.

During this period, what he always heard was that our army would kill them, and then our passage would be unobstructed, and then we would meet the Shu army and be defeated...

Several times in a row, and each time he was defeated by someone. This made Cao Rui almost suffer from Shuphobia and doubted the combat effectiveness of Wei's soldiers and horses.

So when faced with Cao Zhen's request for instructions, Cao Rui reacted coldly.

"Your Majesty, I heard from someone in Chang'an that because of Ma Di, the Shu area is already full of bandits. Western Shu has mobilized troops and horses to suppress them on all sides. It seems that they will not be able to recover in a few years."

"This is when they are at their weakest. If we don't hit him at this time, Long You probably won't be able to grab him."

In the past two years, Cao Zhen, the governor of Chang'an, took charge of all major military and political affairs and was personally responsible for training the troops and horses in Guanzhong. In two years, a large number of warlords were dealt with and the army was gathered to increase its combat power.

Now that the soldiers in Guanzhong have been basically unified, it is time for Cao Zhen to launch a big war to boost morale.

You must know that since the Battle of Chencang, the front line of Yongzhou has been endlessly harassed. Shu generals Wang Ping and Shu Ji guarded Chencang and extended the scope of the guerrilla cavalry to the third auxiliary.

Guo Huai was stationed in Yongzhou, and he was attacked by Shu troops basically every two days. Today I will burn two of your grain carts, and tomorrow I will place an antler in the middle of your road. It will be endless disgusting nonsense.

Especially Shu Ji, who seems to have mastered the guerrilla tactics, is no less capable of fighting guerrilla than Ma Su.

He even developed many new ways to play, such as using bamboo as a javelin filled with gold juice and throwing it. If a few javelins are inserted into your grain truck, you will basically have to reimburse half of the entire grain truck.

Therefore, Guo Huai once moved his administrative office from Yong County to Youfufeng because he couldn't stand these gangsters anymore.

If this continues, the next time the Shu army marches eastward, Yongzhou may not be able to defend it.

So Cao Zhen came to Luoyang and said to your majesty that we must beat him once.

Cao Zhen's plan was very simple. Guo Huai's Yongzhou Army and Sima Yi's Liangzhou Army were the main forces in the west, and they attacked Longyou from both sides. Cao Xiu, the general of Huainan, led his troops from Nanyang to the west to attack Shangyong Nanxiang as a response.

And Cao Zhen also set up a surprise army, with tens of thousands of soldiers preparing to go through Ziwu Valley and attack Hanzhong, the strategically loyal Shu army! If Hanzhong is successfully captured, Longyou Shangyong will be completely occupied.

Even if they can't defeat them, it's enough to contain the Shu army.

The four armies united to attack Shu, thus setting the Shu army on fire on all sides. No matter how good Zhuge Liang is, no matter how good Ma Su is in fighting, how many nails can you get from your body made of iron?

"General Zidan, is this a bit too risky?"

But in Cao Rui's opinion, this plan was a bit too risky. He thought for a long time and said.

"I know you want to regain Longyou, but it seems a bit too risky to attack Hanzhong in Ziwu Valley..."

"Your Majesty! Zhuge Liang is cunning and Ma Su is brave. If he doesn't come up with a cunning plan, how can he win? But now that all thieves and bandits are on the rise in Shu, the situation in Western Shu will not be able to escape in a short time." Cao Zhen bowed his hand, saluted again and addressed Cao Cao. Rui explained.

"There is civil strife in Shu. This is the opportunity God has given me as the Wei Dynasty. If I don't seize it firmly, I'm afraid there is a risk of raising tigers!"

Cao Zhen then took two steps back, leaving his Majesty a chance to think. It was an adventure, but it was nothing to Cao Zhen.

If you don't seize the opportunity, I'm afraid there won't be any in the future. Judging from the internal situation of Shuhan, it will threaten the capital of Guanzhong in a few years.

Now, the right to take the case was once again in Cao Rui's hands, and it was up to him to make the decision again. If he makes the wrong choice, Cao Rui will be the sinner of the Cao family from now on.

"Yes!" But in the end, Cao Rui chose to nod. He believed in Cao Zhen's strength.

"General Zidan! I believe in your ability, so I will leave this matter to you!"

The dice of fate have been cast, and now it's time to see the results.




"I will go out in person for this battle, bringing my own troops and horses with three thousand Hanzhong troops to attack Ziwu Valley! If possible, I can even attack directly to the gates of Chang'an City and give Cao Zhen a big eye!"

In Nanzhengli, Hanzhong, Ma Di also made his plan. The entire article is basically copied from Wei Yan, even the number of people is exactly the same.

However, the purpose has been slightly changed. This time he is going to Guanzhong to harass.

"General! The soldiers and horses have only rested for a few days, are they going to be dispatched again?" Liu Yin had a headache. He had not rested for two days since he followed Ma Di.

Why is General Ma so energetic and active at the front basically every day?

"Moreover, the Ziwu Valley is difficult to travel, and it is very easy to be cut off from the return route. What's more, we can't gain anything by going to Chang'an, right?"

"Xiuren, your situation is too small now, you have to open your horizons!" Ma Di waved his hand, and then used his military skills to brainwash this great talent.

Your commander "Ma Su" has extended an invitation to you on paper. Do you accept it?


"A few years ago, the puppet Wei general Cao Zhen was stationed in Guanzhong, and then he was quickly purged inside and outside Guanzhong. What is the combat strength and morale of the puppet Wei's more than 100,000 Guanzhong troops now? We don't know anything."

"If the Prime Minister goes to the Northern Expedition next year, how can he make a judgment without knowing the strength of his opponent? It is said that only by knowing oneself and the enemy can one be victorious in every battle. It is obviously inappropriate not to conduct investigation!"

"So we must go to Guanzhong to raid and explore the development of the Wei army's combat power."

"What's more, we are cavalry with hundreds of battles, and we come and go like the wind. If the Wei army intends to cut off our return, we can quickly retreat to Ziwu Valley and return to Shu."

"Everything is for the greater good!"

Ma Su made Liu Yin silent with his well-founded and comprehensive arguments. If you think about it carefully, the general is indeed right, but why do you still feel that something is wrong?

"Okay, go down and prepare. In a month, we will gather our troops. I will lead five thousand elite troops out of Ziwu Valley to attack Chang'an!" Ma Su made the final decision with a wave of his hand.

General Wenchang, I will help you finish the work you have not finished. You can rest assured and guard Longyou!

Just when Ma Su was making a decision, the guard at Yangping Pass suddenly sent a letter.

"Your Majesty, there are soldiers and horses from Longyou who have come to Yangping Pass, saying that they have been ordered by Fei Yi to attack the Qiang in Wudu, and they hope to come to Hanzhong to rest and recuperate!"

"Oh? Who will lead the troops?"

"I heard it's Captain Fenwei Jiang Wei!"


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