Three Kingdoms: I, Ma Su, Only Seek Death

Chapter 204 Squeeze out the last bit of value

Zhuge Liang's tone became a little changed at this moment, and his expression was a little helpless. He still looked like the old leader who was nostalgic for his old friendship. His attitude and expression at this time were exactly the same as when he tried to win over Du Wei.

"Please Prime Minister, please save the lives of the Du family!" Du Wei still begged with his hands raised, his expression and attitude becoming more humble.

"Guofu, please get up!" Zhuge Liang stood up in person, stepped forward to help Du Wei up, and patted the dust on his clothes.

"You are a great talent and a loyal minister of the Han Dynasty. Can I punish you?"

"The late emperor has always been kind to others since he was reborn in the Yan Han Dynasty, and he has never treated his meritorious officials badly. If something happens to the minister of state today, wouldn't Liang be disrespectful of the late emperor's entrustment?"

Zhuge Liang's words obviously calmed Du Wei's heart a little, which meant that Zhuge Liang did not intend to kill him.

But soon, Zhuge Liang took out another roll of bamboo slips from the table and handed it to him gently. Du Wei took it carefully, opened it and was stunned at first glance.

"In the Du family, in the first year of Zhang Wu, His Majesty came to the throne and invested ten thousand yuan. In the third year of Zhang Wu, he invested twenty thousand yuan and thousands of stones of grain and fodder to support the barbarians in Nanzhen..."

"In the first year of the Qiao family, in the first year of Zhang Wu, His Majesty came to the throne. Zhou wrote a poem, a chapter of congratulations, and invested ten thousand yuan..."

It is densely packed with lists of all the contributions made by their various local tribes since the founding of the Shu Han Dynasty. Everything from grain and grain to poems, lyrics, and songs are all recorded in it.

Among them were the Zhou family who had been killed for rebellion, but they were all crossed out with ink.

Zhuge Liang obviously had a special purpose for taking out this at this time. After Du Wei figured everything out, he felt even more unbelievable.

"Prime Minister, what are you..."

"Guofu, why are you doing this?" Zhuge Liang rarely put down his government affairs and shook his head gently while shaking his feather fan.

"You all contributed to the great Han Dynasty's revival. I will remember everything you did."

"You have made great contributions to the Han Dynasty, how could His Majesty treat you badly? It's just that the court is in difficulty now, and it's all just for the sake of the Northern Expedition and no money to reward you!"

"Now that I, the Han Dynasty, have conquered Longyou in the north and conquered Jingnan in the east, our army has become unstoppable! If we return to the old capital in the future, and the Han Dynasty rises again, you are all due to the merits of the dragon."

"Sooner or later, your efforts will be rewarded. Why are you at odds with the court for such a small gain?"

"Privately, Liang believes that it is inappropriate for you to do this."

Zhuge Liang's calm narrative basically represented his attitude. I can't let go of the Zhou family who have already committed crimes, but I won't continue to hold them accountable.

You locals, please calm down and everything will be fine. All your contributions will be remembered by the imperial court, and you will receive huge feedback from the old capital in the future!

Zhuge Liang's remarks made Du Wei calm down and at the same time his face was a little moved. All investments in the past were basically coerced.

They, a group of wealthy Shu clans, gritted their teeth and bleed, with little thought of getting anything in return.

But looking at it today, it seems that the imperial court has not burned bridges and still thinks of their kindness. Even if the situation continues, it is not impossible to become a dragon...

"How dare I not fight to the death for the big man, will my heart and mind be ruined?" Du Wei's expression became serious, he cupped his hands and expressed his stance righteously.

"I am willing to dedicate all my family's resources to help the Han Dynasty's Northern Expedition! If your Majesty needs my old bones, I will repay you!"

"As for the law of restricting private soldiers, this is a good policy for governing the country! I think it should be implemented and recruit all the private soldiers and slaves from all over the world to serve in the Northern Expedition!"

Du Wei's final statement also earned Zhuge Liang's nod. Zhuge Liang calmly stated that it was inappropriate for Ma Su to be away as Dong Cao of the Prime Minister's Office, and he should be recalled to Chengdu.

Moreover, the Qiang and Di people in the counties of Yinping, Wudu, have been in rebellion recently, and Hanzhong needs someone to take charge. As the captain of the Qiang Protector, Ma Su had such qualifications and should go to suppress it.

After some negotiations, both parties basically settled their interests.

In other words, in just two hours and three quarters, Zhuge Liang made the local faction willingly give up the last bit of value with both hands.

The most valuable private soldiers in the hands of the local wealthy families were actively and legally sacrificed by them. The bonus is the family members, wives and children behind these private soldiers, which is a large hidden population.

The remaining wealth of the local faction was basically taken out by Zhuge Liang using a ledger. Their remaining value has been basically drained.

What Zhuge Liang paid was just to let Ma Su leave Shuzhong and a promise for the future. After the Three Qins are determined by then, they can be used as a benchmark to win over a wave of people.

At this point, the Shu Han local faction has completely lost all their bargaining chips, and they are no longer even qualified to become chess pieces. The remaining hidden dangers in the Shuhan court were basically eliminated under this chaos.

Not only did the local faction not dare to fight to the death, they were also squeezed dry at a very low cost. Zhuge Liang sat firmly on Diaoyutai and completed the power reorganization in a nearly accepting manner.

After Du Wei left the Prime Minister's Mansion, Zhuge Liang could breathe a sigh of relief and feel a little more relaxed.

"You Chang, You Chang, you... forget it." Zhuge Liang subconsciously wanted to praise Ma Su, but suddenly thought about it and stopped.

Every time I praise this kid, he can always do something fancy, but I won’t praise him anymore.

But even if he didn't praise him, Zhuge Liang felt extremely admirable for Ma Di at this moment. Especially in the series of measures taken to deal with the Zhou family, they basically all hit the opponent's weak point.

In the end, a local wealthy family was uprooted and such favorable conditions were created. It can only be said that God bless Yanhan and give him hope to rise again.

"Prime Minister! Are you going to transfer You Chang away?" Jiang Wan walked in at this moment and said to Zhuge Liang.

"Of course, after all, a promise has been made." Zhuge Liang nodded slightly, and then picked up the government affairs under Jiang Wan's eyes and continued to deal with it.

Jiang Wan: "..."

When will I ever have the privilege of having the Prime Minister look at me and speak!

"Besides, if You Chang continues to stay in Chengdu, sooner or later he will be involved in court disputes. You Chang is obviously not talented in this field. He is a general, and he should lead troops to fight." Zhuge Liang said softly while handling government affairs. 's reply.

"What's more, he really needs to go to Hanzhong to be responsible for the safety of Qishan Road..."

As soon as these words came out, Jiang Wan understood Zhuge Liang's intention.

The second Northern Expedition and the plan to recapture Liangzhou are also on the agenda!




In the following time, the internal situation in Chengdu changed.

In the court, the local faction took the initiative to propose a decision to limit private soldiers, limiting the number of servants of the rich to three hundred.

All private soldiers and slaves except three hundred were dismissed and handed over to the government. As the only wealthy local faction in the court, he even took the initiative to hand over his private soldiers and property, saying that he would advance and retreat with the Han Dynasty!

In the end, private soldiers were restricted to Han law, and the last loophole in Shuke was closed.

At the same time, it was proposed by the Prime Minister's Office, and everyone quickly agreed to move Ma Di to Hanzhong as the prefect, responsible for the safety of Qishan Road and the suppression of the Qiang Di people who were revolting in Yinping, Wudu.

Since then, everyone in the government and the public has been happy, except for one person...

"What? The debate in the court is over?"

The disease has healed. Although the tooth is still inflamed, it is not serious. The intensity of the metalworking internship is not a problem for me for the time being.

So, get some monthly passes

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