This Star is Legal But Sick

Chapter 332: "Wulin Gaiden", long time no see

Chapter 332 "Wulin Gaiden", long time no see

As soon as this song was sung, everyone immediately felt like the New Year.

 It’s the Spring Festival, so we have to sing some songs related to the Spring Festival.

The songs Xu Ye prepared for Datang Evernight City are all related to the Spring Festival.

Chen Yuxin also sang very happily.

Looking at the lively scene in the audience, she felt that it was more enjoyable than singing on a big stage.

 She glanced at Xu Ye.

Although Xu Ye may have something wrong with him, he really doesn’t have any airs and doesn’t have the bad temper of a celebrity.

 Many celebrities are unwilling to participate in this kind of performance because they think it is not very impressive.

 Xu Ye likes to play with these.

The more people there are, the more energetic he becomes.

 After the chorus ends, the next verse comes.

 Chen Yuxin continued to sing.

 “What a gesture, oriental style, a prosperous country and a strong people, a brand new era!”

This time, it’s Xu Ye’s turn again.

 “Seize the moment and be more heroic tomorrow. Watch us shine on the world stage.”

  The two were singing on the stage, and the audience gradually became excited.

Many people waved regardless of what they were holding.

 There are candied haws, grilled sausages, and people holding milk tea are also waving.

 At the end, Xu Ye even rapped.

“I wish you good health, all the best, happiness falling from heaven, and joy...”

This long blessing made everyone in the audience smile happily.

Who doesn’t want to hear auspicious words?

 After the song was sung, the music all around stopped.

Xu Ye smiled and said, "Sister Chen, can you sing well?"


 The audience shouted.

Xu Ye asked again: "Then am I good at singing?"

 A boy in the audience shouted: "You didn't sing again!"

 Xu Ye's face suddenly turned dark.

 What do you mean I didn’t sing?

 Isn’t the harmony meant to be sung?

 At any rate, I have a few words, okay!

 Xu Ye said directly: "Then I'm leaving."

 After saying this, he turned around and made a gesture of stepping down.

 “Don’t go, don’t go!”

 The audience was anxious.

 There are more and more spectators surrounding the stage.

The audience in the distance also shouted: "I just came here, let's play another song! I haven't heard enough yet!"

 When the audience member shouted out, everyone shouted.

 “One more song! One more song!”

 Xu Ye then returned to the stage.

"This is the one you want me to sing again. Don't say I didn't sing it after it's finished." Xu Ye said.

A boy in the audience shouted: "You can just stand aside and play with your phone. You can be the mascot. This song will work with or without you!"

 Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter on the field.

Chen Yuxin smiled and said: "Xu Ye, how about I have someone find you a stool?"

"You're coming too, right?" Xu Ye showed a speechless expression.

Amidst the laughter of everyone, Xu Ye said: "Sister Chen and I will sing another song for everyone. This song is called "Happy New Year". I won't say much, it's all in the song."

 After speaking, Xu Ye took a few steps back and gave the stage to Chen Yuxin.

Chen Yuxin smiled helplessly.

 At this time, the music started.

 As soon as the singing started, Chen Yuxin started singing.

 “Let me muster up all my courage to say Happy New Year to you.”

 Xu Ye: “I wish you a Happy New Year.”

Chen Yuxin: "No matter how the clouds in the sky smile or how the passers-by on the road look at me, I wish us happiness."

 As soon as the singing started, the flavor of the new year came immediately.

 The audience immediately felt comfortable.

 “It’s so cool! This song is so comfortable to listen to!”

“Hahaha! Xu Ye has nothing to do at home and has written several songs for the Spring Festival!”

“This person is really boring. I hope he will be more boring in the future. If he is bored, he will write more songs.”

 “This trip is really worth it! Don’t buy tickets to see Xu Ye’s concert!”

 The atmosphere at the scene was simply explosive.

 On the stage, Xu Ye was still dancing casually. It was completely a stream of consciousness dance with no rules at all.

How can I say this dance is very funny.

Then many young people in the audience no longer care about the crowd, and they all jumped up, as if this place was a music festival.

Chen Yuxin looked at the people in the audience and continued to sing.

 “I really like to see your frank eyes, a clear blue sky.”

“There are four seasons: summer and winter. Who said we can only be friends?”

As soon as he finished singing, Xu Ye said, "Hey, yoyo!"

 Brother Yoyo is back in the world.

This "Happy New Year" is still a New Year song by Phoenix Legend.

During the Spring Festival in the past, Xu Ye would often hear this song played in stores outside.

Every year during the Spring Festival, this song is basically played again.

 In this section, there is also a rap by Zeng Yi.

 When it came to this part, Xu Ye was also very happy.

“Standing on the planet where we are the only one, you are happy and I am happy, just like a harvest of smiles.”

“Spring is coming, the wind and rain are gone, let’s hold hands together, yeah!”

 In the audience, some lovers held hands.

 Everyone looked at each other with happiness in their eyes.

 The song came to an end soon.

 Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin sang together: "Oh, wish us happiness!"

 At the end of the song, there was warm applause from the audience.


Everyone shouted.

More and more people are gathering here, and they are almost surrounded by people on three levels inside and three outside.

 Fortunately, people from the Anseong Tourism Bureau were well prepared and deployed a lot of security personnel to maintain order here, so there was no chaos at the scene.

Xu Ye said loudly: "Speak loudly, have I sung?"

 The audience in the audience shouted: "No singing!"

 “One more song!”

Xu Ye said angrily: "I won't sing anymore. I'm sweating and said I didn't sing and went home to shoot a video."

Upon hearing that Xu Ye was going to shoot a video, the audience quickly said: "You sing, you sing, you can say anything if you don't make a video."

 Xu Ye’s video is unbearable to watch during the Chinese New Year.

Chen Yuxin smiled and said: "Let me tell you a few words. Xu Ye really sang. If you don't believe me, I will give it a try to everyone later."

 “There’s one more song!”

 “It’s worth it today, and there’s still some left!”

 “This trip to Ancheng was not in vain!”

 Everyone was pleasantly surprised.

 Chen Yuxin continued: "The next song is still composed by Xu Ye, and its title is "New Year's Greetings."

 In the audience, the audience applauded.

 Amidst the applause, the prelude sounded.

This song is still a Spring Festival song by Phoenix Legend.

 The prelude sounds like the Spring Festival as soon as you hear it.

 Especially when the sound of suona is added, the flavor of the New Year becomes even more special.

Chen Yuxin also felt that her whole body was burning when she sang.

  No matter how cold the weather is, it cannot dampen the enthusiasm of the audience.

 “It’s been a winter and a hard year.”

“I knocked on the door with my heart in mind and sent it to you.”

 “Good luck nods, good fortune blinks.”

 Chen Yuxin slowly sang.

  After reaching the chorus, Chen Yuxin looked at Xu Ye.

 “Wish you a happy new year, and wish you auspicious year.”

 “The red and fiery warmth touches the spring.”

 After singing this line, Chen Yuxin suddenly put down the microphone.

 Suddenly, only Xu Ye's harmonious voice was left echoing in the scene.

 “Best wishes for a happy new year. Wish you a happy new year.”

 “May every family be reunited safely all year round.”

 After Xu Ye finished singing these two lines, he looked at Chen Yuxin with a surprised look on his face.

“Xu Ye is really singing, I thought he was holding up the microphone to show off.”

“Not to mention, the feeling is a little different when there is Xu Ye’s harmony and when there is no harmony.”

 “You’re laughing so hard, is this considered fishing?”

The audience felt very funny after seeing Xu Ye's expression.

 Chen Yuxin is really good at causing trouble.

 After the interlude ended, Chen Yuxin continued to sing.

 “A happy year, a sweet year.”

  "Pour the glass full of thoughts, raise the cup, and make a wish."


 In this song, rap is still indispensable.

Xu Ye was acting funny and singing at the same time on the stage.

“New Year is here, smile, pick up the lanterns and watch the fireworks.”

“Let’s dance the Yangko dance and dance the flower demon.”

 When the song came to the end, Xu Ye waved his hands.

“Call the whole family, men, women, and children.”

 “Bloom, smile!”

Xu Ye stretched out his hand and scratched the corner of his mouth, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

 Smile and never stop.

 Songs echoed.

 Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin sang together: "Blessings for the new year, blessings for auspicious years..."

 The atmosphere at the scene is becoming more and more lively.

 After the song was sung, Xu Ye said loudly: "Happy New Year to everyone!"

 Chen Yuxin also shouted: "Happy New Year!"

 This time, Xu Ye did not return.

 His three songs have been sung.

 After Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin walked off the stage, the host came on the stage again.

The host smiled and said: "Are you happy, everyone?"

 “Happy!” everyone said in unison.

The host smiled and said: "I wish everyone a happy stay in Ancheng. Please enjoy the next part by..."

 The stage is not just for Xu Ye, there are also performances by other people. It is impossible for Xu Ye to sing forever.

At night, after today’s performance, there were live videos everywhere, whether on Weibo or shaking hands.

“Three new songs, three consecutive songs, it’s really worth coming to Anseong this time!”

 “It’s so fun, it’s so interesting to hear Xu Ye live!”

 “Happy, happy, this year is the happiest Spring Festival for me!”

 The netizens who posted these videos were all very angry.

 This made other netizens look envious.

“It’s actually a new song, and Sister Chen is here! I want to go too, I’ll buy a ticket now!”

 “Don’t buy tickets, the hotels are all gone.”

 “I’m going to stay at my friend’s house! I must listen to this song!”

 “Xu Ye can hold a concert sometime!”

 Many people still don’t have time to come to Anseong, but watching these videos online is quite exciting.

 On Weibo, the singing performances of Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin were also on the hot search list.

 This completely added fuel to Xu Ye's popularity.

Xu Ye became very popular after the Spring Festival Gala.

Gong Xi Fa Cai is still available in supermarkets across the country.

This time, Xu Ye contributed three more New Year songs to the supermarket.

This Spring Festival holiday, everyone will spend it in the singing of Xu Ye.

 On the second and third days, Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin were still singing, and their program time had increased.

 After that, there were not only duets by Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin, but also solos by the two.

 There were more and more people at the scene, and many locals came specifically to listen to the scene.

 After all, if you don’t have to pay to listen to a singer of this caliber singing, it’s not a bad idea to have **** for free.

 The direct impact of this phenomenon is that tourism in Anseong has become popular.

 Topics related to Anseong tourism can be found in hot searches almost every day.

The more people go traveling, the more people will discuss it.

 In addition, Douishou also earned a lot of traffic from Anseong’s promotion this time.

Many anchors with shaking hands went to Ancheng to shoot short videos of Xu Ye's live broadcast, or live broadcast Xu Ye's live broadcast.

The short videos at the scene were also very popular. The most reposted video on Douishou about the duet between Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin has exceeded one million reposts.

 In this special festival, Xu Ye and Chen Yuxin successfully achieved the most traffic in the entertainment industry.

No matter how good other celebrities are, they can't compare with Xu Ye.

  After all, other celebrities only share some daily life or things on the show.

Xu Ye sang for everyone on the cold day, and they were all new songs.

Many netizens even ridiculed Xu Ye for "having fun with the people."

This makes many celebrities feel a little uncomfortable.

 There is everyone in the entertainment industry, and many people have prepared some eye-catching news to grab headlines during the Spring Festival.

As a result, after Xu Ye did this, no one cared about these eye-catching news.

 Listening to Xu Ye's singing is the top priority.

 Who cares about your shortcomings during the Chinese New Year?

The plans of these celebrities were also disrupted, and they naturally resented Xu Ye in their hearts.

 There are also some rumors on the Internet.

Humour-mongering is common in the entertainment industry.

Soon a marketing account posted a message, saying it was a rumor that Xu Ye's appearance fee during the Spring Festival was as high as 5 million, and Chen Yuxin's appearance fee was also 4 million.

“There’s really no need to talk about how noble Xu Ye is to sing for everyone in the cold weather. He earns five million in three days. What about you? Has your salary increased over the years?”

 Such rhetoric has begun to appear on a large scale on the Internet.

 As a result, all the patients in Huohua Hospital reacted abnormally after seeing the news.

“The dean earns 5 million in three days, 15 million in ten days, 150 million in a month, and 1.5 billion in a year!”

“The dean earned five million in three days? Why can’t he earn five million, but he has to sing in the cold wind?”

“I laughed. Five million can get the dean to sing for me for three days? Then I’ll give you a one-month guarantee.”

The people at Huohuayuan didn’t think there was anything wrong with the price at all.

 Mainly because of the sky-high remuneration of celebrities in recent years, everyone has become numb.

 Five million and fifty million are just numbers.

  It has nothing to do with you anyway.

 But there are also people who are affected by these messages, and it is enough for those who are driving behind the rhythm to be brought up.

 Xu Ye felt a little ridiculous after seeing the news on the Internet.

“Five million in three days, I really can imagine it.”

 But don’t tell me, it’s really useful.

Some people actually came to his Weibo and scolded him.

 On the sixth day of the Lunar New Year, Xu Ye’s last performance ended.

 The reason why it ends today is because many people go to work on the seventh day of the Lunar New Year.

On Xu Ye's side, the crew of "Wulin Gaiden" is also about to start work.

 On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, this is a big studio posted two Weibo posts.

 The first Weibo post was a response to these rumors on the Internet.

  Once rumors come out, you have to go to great lengths to refute them.

 This is a large studio that also hired lawyers, but in addition, the studio directly posted some lists of the company's tax payment status.

 In short, it is to prove one’s innocence.

 Then everyone discovered that Xu Ye didn't make much during the New Year.

 For him, it can even be said that he is performing for everyone for free.

 The second Weibo post is more troublesome.

"The boss said that since everyone is so concerned about income, it is better to create a variety show. This variety show invites a few celebrities in each issue, and then everyone invites the tax bureau to inspect taxes. Celebrities who are found to have tax evasion will be eliminated and can be designated The next star will fill the spot, and the show will be called "It's Your Turn." The boss said that if there is such a show, he will be the first to participate."

 After seeing this second Weibo post from a large studio, netizens were shocked.

This variety show seems very exciting.

“I strongly recommend this variety show. We can crowdfund it. I want to watch it!”

"Dean, you are a cruel person. Let me add one more thing. The program team will make the entire process of inviting guests public. I want to know which celebrities dare not accept the invitation."

“If you cooperate with the trick above, then this program is a conspiracy. If you don’t accept the program team’s invitation, it means you have something up your sleeve, but if you accept the invitation, you will have to accept a tax audit!”

"This variety show is really interesting. I think it can be produced. Why not let Xu Ye do it."

“Xu Ye: I haven’t evaded taxes anyway, you can do whatever you want.”

 In discussions among netizens, the topic "When is it your turn to start broadcasting?" has also become a hot search topic.

Everyone thought it was some new variety show, but when they clicked on it, they found that it was a variety show envisioned by Xu Ye.

This variety show is really a bit troublesome.

 After that, Xu Ye also posted a Weibo post on this topic.

“I think this show is very interesting. Let me think about who can participate in it? You can give me a few candidates.”

 His Weibo post immediately turned into a roll call.

Netizens have @tagged many celebrities below.

This shocked all the celebrities.

 It doesn’t matter to netizens, they are worried about Xu Ye@ them.

It's not like Xu Ye can't do this kind of thing.

Xu Ye's move directly silenced the entertainment industry.

  The rumors that had been spread before disappeared without a trace, and all the people who set the pace were gone.

Even many celebrities are low-key and silent.

 A nuclear bomb that has not fallen is more powerful than a nuclear bomb that has exploded.

Xu Ye is now holding a sword of intimidation in his hand. If he sees someone unhappy, he can directly ask that person if he will come to participate in this variety show.

 You don’t need to do anything else, just ask this question.

  The choice then falls on the star in question.

 The patients in Huohua Hospital applauded one after another.

 “You’re the one who’s so cool!”

“I work at the tax bureau. I think Xu Ye’s suggestion is very interesting. I’ll mention it to my boss.”

“The dean did this, these celebrities didn’t even post on Weibo today.”

 The patients had a gloating attitude.

 On the other side, Xu Ye has already arrived on the set of "Wulin Gaiden".

 On the seventh day of the Lunar New Year, after Xu Ye distributed New Year's red envelopes to the crew, the crew officially started work.

During the previous Spring Festival, Xu Ye recorded a video of singing Happy New Year at Tongfu Inn for everyone, and it was released through the official Weibo of "Wulin Gaiden".

 This video has also attracted a lot of attention.

 The final makeup photos of "Wulin Gaiden" were announced when the crew started filming.

 Everyone knows the appearance of the characters in it.

It’s just that when everyone saw a group of people wearing ancient costumes, dancing modern dances and singing modern songs, they felt a little uncomfortable.

This style is very contradictory, but also very exciting.

This is actually the style of the drama "Wulin Gaiden".

Xu Ye can be regarded as giving everyone a vaccination in advance.

 Time flies by.

 The Lantern Festival is here in a blink of an eye.

 When the Lantern Festival is over, the New Year is considered to be over.

Singers in the music scene breathed a sigh of relief.

  Since the night of New Year’s Eve, Xu Ye’s songs have begun to dominate the charts.

 "Gong Xi Fa Cai" and three subsequent songs with Chen Yuxin all made it onto the charts.

Now that the Spring Festival has passed, the popularity of these songs related to the Spring Festival will gradually decrease.

“The Spring Festival has passed, Xu Ye’s songs no longer have special bonuses, and it’s our turn.”

 Some singers are also starting to get excited.

 On the other hand, "Wulin Gaiden" has finally been completed!

In the original series, the official version of "Wulin Gaiden" has a total of eighty episodes, but in many cases, only eighty-one episodes are found.

 The extra episode was shot because the director was worried that some areas would not be reviewed, so he shot an extra episode.

 The last eighty episodes have been reviewed, and the eighty-first episode has not been included in the official series.

These resources can also be found online.

Xu Ye also filmed the 81st episode smoothly, so I won’t say whether it’s necessary or not.

After "Wulin Gaiden" was completed, it didn't take long for the final film to be released.

Xu Ye has been editing while filming "Wulin Gaiden" at a very fast speed.

 After the production of "Wulin Gaiden" is completed, this TV series will be sent directly to the review!

After being submitted for review, Wulin Gaiden’s official Weibo account posted a Weibo post.

 “Hey, brother, it’s been a while.”

 In addition to this text, there is also a picture below.

 This is the poster of "Wulin Gaiden".

There is also the word "submit for review" written on it.

 For a time, it attracted everyone’s attention.

 Soon someone found out the first Weibo posted by Wulin Gaiden’s official Weibo in December last year.

At that time, the copy of this Weibo post only had four words.

"haven't seen you for a long time."

 The accompanying picture is a group photo of the crew.

It’s been almost two months now, and the official Weibo post said “Long time no see” again, which made everyone feel a little emotional.

 “Congratulations to the director for his first play being submitted for review!”

 “Looking forward to it! It looks like it’s fun.”

“We are very curious about how this sitcom will turn out.”

 Not long after everyone discussed it, Wulin Gaiden's official WeChat account and This is a Big Studio released another notice.

"The opening theme of "Wulin Gaiden", "Long Time No See", will be released at 12 noon tomorrow. Please stay tuned. The lyrics, music and arrangement are still our boss Xu Ye!"

At this moment, everyone finally understood the meaning of the four words "long time no see".

 It turns out that the opening theme song had already been written at that time.

 (End of this chapter)

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