There is Room For Abandoned Women In the 1980s

Chapter 151 The clever Chen Shuli

In his heart, he believed that to be the director of a large state-owned factory, one must be at least in his early thirties. At this age, he should have gotten married and had children long ago. He would wait until he got the definite news to go back and let his daughter give up. §§

"Twenty-six years old."

Director Gu replied casually without stopping. He was in a hurry to go to Heti. He had never felt this urgent before.

"Twenty-six years old? So young?"

Zheng Maoshan blurted out in surprise.

"Otherwise? How old does the captain think I should be?"

Gu Changfeng raised his eyebrows and looked at Zheng Maoshan with interest? Are you growing old?

"Haha, your experience is calm, you really don't look like someone in their twenties."

Zheng Maoshan was a little embarrassed and replied haha.

"The pots and stoves are all set up. Captain Zheng is very fast and resolute."

Director Gu withdrew his gaze from him, and his eagle eyes swept over Heti and naturally fell on the thin figure standing busy in front of the stove. His thin lips were raised in a slight arc, cold and hard. The outline of his lower jaw instantly softened, and he was more appreciative of Zheng Maoshan's tone of voice.

"Compared to Factory Director Gu, this is nothing. I will have two tables brought over from the brigade headquarters in a moment. I will ensure that meals will be served on time at noon."

Zheng Maoshan was very happy to be praised by Director Gu, and said happily with a sense of pride in being recognized.


Gu Changfeng didn't talk nonsense and walked towards the river with long strides. There was no obstacle from a high place. He could see the entire river bank. Seeing that only Zheng Xinyue was busy, Gu Changfeng frowned slightly and stopped and asked. Zheng Maoshan next to him.

"Didn't the village send someone to cook with Zheng Xinyue?"

Zheng Maoshan was slightly startled by Factory Director Gu's question. His mind was on the ditch. He didn't expect Gu Changfeng to still care about this matter?

I looked up and saw that Zheng Xinyue was the only one busy. Chen Shuli was hiding under the big tree and sitting and watching the fun.

I'm so angry! He was crying and clamoring to come to cook, but when he came he didn't do any work and treated Zheng Xinyue like a stupid girl?

Zheng Xinyue wanted to clean the two large pots and carry the bucket to the river to fetch water. As for Chen Shuli? I was lazy in front of everyone, and so many people in the village were watching! There will definitely be dissatisfaction.

Zheng Maoshan even drove away his daughter-in-law, so why was she still missing?

Therefore, Chen Shuli's little cleverness will only harm herself.

Chen Shuli hid leisurely in the shade of the tree, treating Zheng Xinyue as a fool. She asked her to do all the hard work. When the captain came over, she would go to work and pretend to be cool, so that she could work for a day and still have enough to eat.

"Chen Shuli, go back! Xinyue is enough here. You go and weed in the corn field."

Chen Shuli is proud of her cleverness! The captain's angry orders came from behind.

"Uncle, don't! I've been hungry for a few days. I just felt dizzy and sat back down. I had been working before. If you don't believe me, ask Xinyue."

Chen Shuli trembled with fright when she heard Zheng Maoshan's voice. She hurriedly got up from the ground and nervously explained to Zheng Maoshan that she was afraid that Zheng Maoshan wouldn't believe her and wanted Zheng Xinyue to be her witness.

Zheng Xinyue went to carry water. Zheng Chengbao dropped the pickaxe and ran over. He grabbed the bucket and lectured his sister:

"Xinyue, carry water and call Third Brother. How dangerous is it to slip by the river?"


Zheng Xinyue smiled and agreed. It was great to have a brother. He was protected all the time. Zheng Laosan carried a bucket of water in one hand and seemed to be playing. Zheng Xinyue followed her brother lightly and skillfully.

"Xinyue, come and tell your master, are you the one who asked me to rest?"

As soon as Zheng Xinyue came back, she heard Chen Shuli's words and glanced at her lightly. Chen Shuli hurriedly winked at her, afraid that she would tell the truth.

In order to show off in front of Zheng Maoshan, Chen Shuli also ran over and grabbed Zheng Chengbao's bucket and poured it into the big iron pot.

Zheng Maoshan asked Zheng Xinyue with a serious expression:

"Xinyue, your aunt said she was dizzy and you asked her to rest. Is that true?"

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