The Young Lion

Chapter 680: Trilogy?

Seeing that the expressions of these two people changed from joy to depression, Yiwen was afraid that the other would misunderstand, and asked: "You only said that you want to make a football-themed movie, but what exactly is it? I think if you have to Let Aldridge be the protagonist, which may make the essence of the film deviate and become a biographical character with football elements."

Danny thinks it makes sense according to the text. Originally he could think of this, but now he is in the United States, and it is inevitable to consider the market effect. If Aldridge can play in person, as long as the movie is related to football, The box office is absolutely guaranteed.

He is now a screenwriter and directing American CSI series in the United States. Under such a working environment, he has developed this kind of thinking.

The American drama is based on the market, and the market responds well. Then continue to edit and continue to shoot. The market response is cold. Regardless of whether the story ends, directly cut it!

I hadn't thought of sitting down with Aldridge to have a deep conversation. Suddenly the illusion became reality, but he was somewhat unprepared.

"Ah, to be honest, I wanted to make a football-themed film, but in fact I didn't even have a script. There were many ideas, but no actual things. Aldridge, I'm so sorry, I, I..."

Danny couldn't talk anymore, saying that success was left to someone who was prepared. He suddenly was able to interview Aldridge today without any preparation, which made him very blameful.

Aldridge laughed: "It's okay, I'm not good at anything else, but if you want to make a football-themed movie, I think I can come up with an idea."

Jerry interjected at this time: "But Danny said that it is difficult to make a full-range football movie, and it is necessary to show the audience the true feelings. Then the shooting venue, the actors, and even the game screens may be involved. A family of clubs went to talk, and there was a lot of resistance."

This is what Danny thinks is difficult.

Do you want to play football? There must be real teams in the game. If there is no audience to pay for the small reputation, whether the famous club agrees, plus the fan culture, the true sense of the game, even if the game video is borrowed, there are still copyright issues in the video screen.

Aldridge was stunned, and did not expect such trouble to make a football movie.

Instead, Ewen chuckled: "You don't need to struggle with this, just go to FIFA, and FIFA will help clear the relationship. In this kind of thing, FIFA will be happy to help."

Jerry was unclear, so he looked at Danny.

According to Danny, FIFA should also be conservative.

Although Danny is an Englishman and loves football, he hasn't yet thought about the connection.

Aldrich's eyes lit up and said: "Yes, you look for FIFA directly, they will definitely help, and they will be very enthusiastic."

Jerry asked blankly: "Why?"

"Because they don't need to spend a penny to allow football to be promoted internationally. The higher the popularity of football in the world, the higher the popularity and the more money they make."

"Is FIFA not a non-profit organization?"

"Huh? That was a lie when FIFA was founded a hundred years ago."

After Aldridge finished speaking, he said in his heart: Yankee, he didn't understand football.

What kind of organization is FIFA?

As of today, no one can tell.

Anyway, FIFA is very profitable. In addition to the support of the sponsors, they just sell the World Cup TV copyright, and the profits earned in the process of organizing the World Cup are astronomical.

Many countries are competing to host the World Cup, but for the host country, this is an image project of working for the people and the money. FIFA is like a money lap. If you hold a World Cup, you will make a fortune. Ten years later, the available funds of FIFA will be More than two billion, and the money thrown into the countries hosting the World Cup will only increase the fiscal deficit. Probably only Germany "officially" hosted an affordable World Cup, but privately for the benefit of canvassing, in fact It is also an astronomical figure. Before and after, South Korea and Japan, South Africa, Brazil, the World Cup project investment and output financial reports are not dare to publish.

There are many ways for FIFA to make money. Just the logo in the CG screen of various football games. Isn't the FIFA logo very common?

Therefore, the more popular football is, the more people like it, and the more money FIFA will make.

FIFA will definitely welcome football in Hollywood.

After Danny and Jerry learned FIFA's position, they looked a lot better, and things were not as difficult as they thought.

Ewen smiled with his chin and said, "Danny, you haven't told me what kind of football movie you want to make, is it player-oriented, or something else? I think the movie needs to be shocking, and it must be realistic to a certain extent. , What do you think of the Millwall Club?"

As soon as her voice fell, she felt that there was an extra hand on her thigh, coming from the man beside him.

Aldrich snickered in his heart and couldn't help but stretched his hands on Yiwen's mellow and elastic thighs. He was a person beside the pillow, and he didn't need him to wink. He immediately understood how to lead the topic.

Without making movies related to Millwall, Aldridge would not be in the cafe this big night.

Danny, who was born in Luton, was the king of England when he was growing up. Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal were the kings of England. However, up to now, it is naturally Millwall who sits on the throne.

He pondered for a moment and said: "Millwall is indeed a very rich material. It used to be England's infamous rogue team. In just a few years, it completed the rule from England to the whole of Europe. Millwall’s achievements over the years, compared with the previous history, this has enough shock."

Yiwen continued: "Yes, since you want to shoot, take the best team, take the most watched team, and Millwall itself has a historical context of declining and then rising, which can be used from the dark age. The beginning of the story, isn't it?"

Aldrich replied: "Danny, you see, the current Millwall fans, the overall quality is not bad, the team has a top court, top lineup, brilliant record, but you have to compare the previous words, I can tell You and I have experienced it. Almost fifteen years ago, Millwall fans mostly fought in the stands just to provoke incidents. The players on the court were savage. It was commonplace to lose, and drinking and prostitutes outside of playing football Gambling, this is true, and our former stadium is in a dilapidated state. The scene is very bleak. It can be said that Millwall’s history is full of various negative and negative factors. It can just be the beginning of your filming. Then the climax of the film laid the foundation. From the trough to the peak, from failure to success, the connotation of the film can be a positive and universal promotion of positive universal values."

Danny listened to Aldridge's words, and his interest became high. In fact, he only roughly understood Millwall's past namelessness. East London is also rumored to be the cradle of football hooligans. Millwall's off-field battle with West Ham United is The main melody, these are impressions, a relatively obscure concept. After listening to Aldridge's words, this concept is embodied and visualized, and the scene of the dark history of the past emerges in my mind.

"Indeed, Millwall is indeed a very good subject."

Danny said it’s not perfunctory, because Millwall’s own history can be directly transplanted as a movie plot. As for how to make a shocking effect, it has the effect of a Hollywood blockbuster. It depends on the level of the director, especially the understanding of football. .

"Before 1996, Millwall built the team for 110 years, and there was no champion. When he won the first league title in 1997, it was the beginning of a new era, the end of the previous old era, just this era of no crown. , Maybe a 120-minute movie is not enough."

As Yiwen's words fell, Aldridge said: "From 1997, to today, Millwall has won three Champions Leagues. This is a glorious era. The stories of these four years may not be told in 120 minutes. Finished."

"Then it can be made into a trilogy, don't you always like to watch the "Godfather" trilogy at home? The Lord of the Rings premiering next month, don't you also want to make a trilogy? Darts, past events, Marseille, Return, Europe, conscience, loneliness, betrayal, life, blue, white and red, heaven and earth, modern history of Greece...many, many classic trilogy videos, if a trilogy series of football films is made, I think it will become a classic of."

"Well, it can be like this, past, present, future, trilogy."


Aldridge and Ewen sang one by one, confusing Danny.

Jerry understands it now. The reason why Aldridge is so enthusiastic from the moment of contact is that he has an absolute position and selfishness.

He had to remind Danny to avoid Danny being fooled.

"Cough, Aldrich, your suggestion is very good, but we are not going to make a documentary. The film needs the owner and the plot to promote the plot. Originally you are a good choice. From your perspective, to you 'S struggle to witness Millwall's journey, but you said you were not interested."

Aldridge shrugged: "As long as the movie has a general context, the owner is easy to find, you can make up a player, you can use the fan's perspective, Danny is an Englishman, he must understand that England's football culture, fans must not A neglected group, you want to make the plot full and tension, players, fans, and even a club staff who have managed the stadium turf for 20 years can become supporting roles, and, I am not interested in making movies, but if you really want to In the role of Millwall, the head coach, you can find an actor to play me."

Jerry and Danny looked at each other with a wry smile, and Danny said: "Aldrich, because you are so popular, I really can’t think of who can play you without being scolded by the audience. You need to be clear. Your role, first It cannot be a non-British actor."

Aldridge froze.

If you think about it, it makes sense.

According to his popularity in the British national idol, if his role is played by foreigners, the British local audience will not buy it first.

This time narrowed the selection to the three-point acre of land in the UK, plus age, and the next batch of old drama bones.

Aldridge thought about it and said, "How about Daniel Craig?"

He is talking about the future successor of 007, who was just named the most promising actor in Europe last year.

Danny smiled bitterly and said, "He is 33 years old and looks like he is over 30 years old. How could he play 18-year-old you?"

Aldridge was a bit troubled this time. The older faces were not tender enough, and the younger ones were not well-known for their acting skills.

Yiwen looked away and laughed silently.

Aldridge suddenly thought of a person and said, "I think someone is very suitable."

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