"Earlier, father-in-law thought that he would succeed overnight when he took down Daha City earlier?" Li Wenhao said with a smile. Gu Yazi's identity must be kept secret, and he must be said to be a senior craftsman so as not to be missed.

"This is different. Last time you took advantage of the trick to set up an ambush outside the city, and you didn't really attack the city at all. It will be difficult to repeat the old trick this time.

The defender of Langya King City, Ha Tuo, is known for his steady and capable defense. Once the war starts, the slave owners in the city will not sit still. This is a tough battle! "Eunuch Hong retorted very unconvinced.

"Didn't you plan to infiltrate the king's city to find clues to the treasure, and asked me to send troops to respond. Since my father-in-law is so unconfident, why don't I bother you to lead the team and go to the city as an internal response?" Li Wenhao's light words made the old eunuch blush immediately , humming angrily.

"Eunuch Hong, I'll go and have a look at the back." Li Wenhao slowed down the horse, and the second carriage came over, and there were Tiangang and Li Xiangxiang sitting in it. The two of them were crowded together, and those who didn't know it thought they were a pair of young lovers.

Tiangang was lying on Li Xiangxiang, sleeping soundly, holding a thin rope in his hand, and the other end of the rope was tied to Li Xiangxiang's hand.

Li Xiangxiang, who was used as a pillow, had a little turtle painted on her face, her eyes were dull, and she had a small expression of lovelessness.

Li Wenhao smiled, did not speak, and looked at the third carriage. Inside the carriage was a fat old man wrapped in a leather jacket, sleeping soundly.

After observing for a while, there was no problem, so he was relieved. It was the first time that he cared so much about a person and treated him as a national treasure.

Master Gu Yazi's level is very high, higher than he imagined, higher than several floors.

The ten black iron cannons built are as exquisite as works of art, and they are also equipped with metal running frames, the kind that can be pushed to walk and pulled to run.

During the day, a cannon was secretly fired outside the city, and it was able to penetrate the boulder two kilometers away. The specific way to hit the city wall has yet to be tested.

The two thousand craftsmen who made the siege equipment set off with the infantry in the morning, and this time should have arrived.

Wolf Seventeen and Ma Yidao led the left and right cavalry battalions, gathered 20,000 slave recruits, felled wood, and stationed in an unnamed valley fifty miles away from the city of Langya King.

Now everything is ready, just wait for the engineering equipment to be built, and within an hour, they can kill under Langya King City.

"I hope everything goes well, and if we capture Langya King City, we'll make a prince!" Li Wenhao took a deep breath and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

The system opens the Ten Thousand Worlds Conquest page. There are two conditions. The first level of the legion has been reached, and the remaining ones occupy a county. As long as they successfully take down the Langya King City, it seems that it is not far away!

Leading the legion to fight in the magnificent Myriad Realms, thinking about this, Li Wenhao's heart became hot.

Of course, the matter of giving away the head must not be done, we are still very weak now, we must do what we can!

In the early morning of the next day, after a night of marching, the team rushed to the unnamed valley and successfully joined the brigade.

"Report, just got the news that yesterday during the day, 20,000 Huaibei troops encountered the enemy fifty miles outside Heigu City. The soldiers mutinied. Except for a small number of cavalry who escaped, the rest of the infantry were all killed or captured. The whereabouts of Xuan Mochen, the eldest son of Huaibei Marquis, is unknown! "

"What did Xuan Mochen do in Heigu City? Why did the soldiers mutiny?"

Li Wenhao had just walked into the big tent, and before he even had time to take a sip of hot water, he was confused by the news brought by the sentinel.

"Be more specific, I want to know the whole process."

"Follow the order!" The sentinel responded and came slowly.

It turned out that this fellow Xuan Mochen actually imitated the method of the Fire Crow Army, attacked the slave owner's manor, and used slaves to quickly storm the army.

It's a pity that he learned four different things, but he didn't learn the most important thing.

The policy of the Fire Raven Army is to distribute all the houses, land, cattle, and part of the money and food owned by the slave owners to the slaves.

The recruitment of soldiers is also voluntary, some of them are recruited from the young and strong, and most of the slaves are still left to work in agriculture to ensure that the cultivated land will not be barren.

Moreover, the slave recruits were treated very well. Each of them was given a Qi and Blood Pill first, which was used to restore the body squeezed by the slave master.

Even in the most tense times, temporarily recruited soldiers are treated in the same way.

Xuan Mochen is different, he takes all the money by himself, as long as he is a male slave, he can take up a knife and all go to the battlefield.

Because of this way of recruiting troops, the speed of the storm was extremely fast, and it skyrocketed like a snowball. By the time it was fifty miles outside of Heigu City, there were 70,000 to 80,000 slave soldiers.

As a result, Heigu City sent a cavalry of 5,000 men, and before they could reach the front, the slave soldiers mutinied. The poor 20,000 elite Huaibei army had no way to go to the sky, and was forced to be overwhelmed by the tide-like slave army.

Except for a cavalry general named Hualong who fled with 3,000 cavalry, the other infantry, including Xuan Mochen, did not escape.

Whether Xuan Mochen is dead or alive, or captured, there is no news for the time being.

"My big uncle is really hopeless!" After listening to the report, Li Wenhao sat on a chair and rubbed his head, not knowing what to say.

The forest is really big, and there are all kinds of birds!

For my father-in-law, Marquis Huaibei, I mourn for three seconds!

With such a precious son, it's not easy not to be mad at him!

"Without the containment of the 20,000 Huaibei Army, Huangtugang may not be able to hold it!" Tian Gang wrinkled his face, worried for his senior brother.

"Insufficient success is more than failure. In this way, Yucha may capture Huangtugang at any time and lead his troops back to the royal city. The time left for us to attack the city is very tight, and it may only be today or tomorrow!" Li Wenhao punched on the ground. On the table, the face became more and more ugly.

"Building siege equipment will take time. I originally planned to repair it for a day today and launch an attack tomorrow morning. Now it seems that I have to advance to this afternoon."

"You, you guys want to attack the King City?" Li Xiangxiang finally understood at this time that Li Wenhao was so mysterious that he wanted to attack the Langya King City, his mouth was open in shock, and his little head was in a mess.

"Eunuch Hong, for the current plan, in order to complete His Majesty's mission, I can only ask you to take a risk and bring some people into the city in disguise as internal support."

Li Wenhao took a deep breath, raised his head and stared at Eunuch Hong earnestly, now it depends on how loyal the old eunuch is to Emperor Youwu and whether he is willing to take risks.

Once the siege fails, as the fate of the internal response, it is conceivable that even the fifth-order powerhouse cannot guarantee that he can retreat unscathed.

"It's fine if we don't attack the city, let's think of another way?" Eunuch Hong hesitated for a long time, the older he was, the more afraid of death he was, and finally he shook his head.

"Eunuch Hong, do you think that if you miss this time, you will still have a chance to find the treasure that His Majesty wants from Langya King City?"

Li Wenhao's expression was serious and his tone was calm: "I don't care, if I can't win this time, I will find another chance later, but you are different, how long do you plan to stay in Langya, a month, or a year?

The situation in Kyoto is changing, are you really so relieved to stay outside? "

"This..." Eunuch Hong grinned, feeling a toothache, Li Wenhao's words got to the bottom of it.

He also had enemies in the palace, and the eunuchs played dirty tricks one by one. If he went back late, he would never go back again.

"Okay, the Sa family will be loyal to His Majesty this time, I'll go!" Eunuch Hong finally nodded.

"Eunuch Hong's loyalty, I would admire it!" Li Wenhao clasped his fists and saluted, heaved a sigh of relief, the old eunuch is a fifth-level master, with him as an internal support, his chances of winning will increase by at least 30%!

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