"Okay, after talking so much, my mouth is dry!"

"You can come to our shelter now, and we will be a family from now on!"

Tong Dachuang from Tianfeng Refuge made a unilateral decision without consulting Li Mo!

After saying that, he stepped forward to pull Li Mo down and try snowmobiling!

Li Mo's eyes flashed coldly, and he turned Tong Dachuang's wrist over.

"Ahhh! Let go, let go! It hurts!"

Tong Dachuang felt like he was about to break a bone, and he broke out in a cold sweat from the pain.

"How dare you, a cat or a dog, act so arrogantly in front of me?"

"You, you, you tramp, you actually hit people, you are so tired of living!"

The companion immediately took out his pistol and pointed it at Li Mo's forehead.

Li Mo conjured a pistol out of thin air and fired first before anyone could react!

In an instant, all the people wearing Tianfeng Shelter uniforms, except Tong Dachuang, were headshot!

Tong Dachuang was completely frightened, and then he realized that he had offended someone he shouldn't have!

"I'm sorry, I was wrong!"

"Please, sir, don't remember the faults of villains and let me go!"

Tong Dachuang's resignation was extremely smooth, without any of the arrogance he had before.

"Continue to tell me about Tianfeng Shelter!"

However, Tong Dachuang is only at the bottom of the shelter and only knows some basic information!

"...I have told you everything I know. Can you leave now?"

Tong Dachuang's calves were trembling and he said tremblingly.

Li Mo nodded silently and waved to him.

When Tong Dachuang saw this, he was immediately overjoyed. He felt like he was surviving a disaster and ran away quickly!

"You have to run faster. Maybe you can find helpers to kill this bastard!"

Tong Dachuang thought viciously in his heart!


A gunshot rang out, and a bullet whirled through his chest!

Tong Dachuang turned around in disbelief and stared at Li Mo: "You don't follow martial ethics!"

Li Mo blew the muzzle of the pistol and said nonchalantly:

"I'm really sorry, the gun went off."

This behavior, this posture, this tone, he really looks like a villain!

Fang Xu and others, who were tied up, were secretly speechless.

If they weren't already very familiar with Li Mo, they would definitely feel like they had just stepped out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den!

After cleaning up a few stray fish in Tianfeng's refuge, Li Mo couldn't help but look at Fang Xu.

"We meet again, my neighbor. How are you doing lately?"

This greeting is really heartbreaking!

Are you doing well, what do you think? Are you blind?

Fang Xu only dared to curse these words in his heart and would never dare to say them out loud.

"Li Mo, you saved us again, I really don't know how to thank you!"

It seemed like I had been holding it in for a long time before I said this!

Li Mo looked up and down at Fang Xu and the residents of Building 21.

Compared with last time, the number of personnel has been reduced a lot again.

I haven’t seen the supplies taken away from Tianhe Community. I’m afraid they have been lost!

Fang Xu became even thinner and was almost the thinnest person in the crowd.

His face and clothes were all dirty, and he didn't look like the high-spirited social elite he was back then!

Li Mo sighed and said, "Tell me about your recent experiences!"

Leading the captured group to a building, Li Mo couldn't help but be curious about Fang Xu's recent experience.

Fang Xu licked his chapped lips, his eyes a little downcast.

"Since leaving Tianhe Community, we have been walking in the opposite direction to Dongpu Base."

"We moved westward for three days, covering a distance of about ten kilometers. We felt that we had gone far enough, and we were ready to settle down and cultivate cold-resistant crops!"

"But we soon discovered that the nearby food had been completely plundered, and we had to leave again and go to other places!"

"In this way, due to the constant shortage of food, we lived a wandering life..."

Hearing this, Li Mo thought of the nomads in ancient times. They also migrated frequently because of insufficient pasture nearby.

Li Mo couldn't help but wonder, could it be that social development is a circle, always in a cycle?

Fang Xu continued: "Until not long ago, we discovered that in addition to Dongpu Base, there were other large forces. We avoided one but not the other! Today we were discovered by people from Tianfeng Shelter and captured us "

"Actually, sometimes I think, instead of wandering outside, I might as well join them!"

"It's a pity that the shape of each organization has been fixed. If we go there, we can only be at the bottom. There is no freedom at all, and our lives may not be saved!"

Speaking of this, Fang Xu's face showed a hint of despair.

There is no place for them in the whole world!

Li Mo was silent for a long time and then said:

"So, the cultivation of crops failed, right?"

Li Mo's tone was tentative and seemed a bit complicated.

He didn't know whether he wanted Fang Xu and the others to fail or succeed!

After all, this is a road full of difficulties and obstacles, and even Li Mo himself has never thought of trying it!

Crops that can grow and bear fruit at dozens of degrees below zero seem like a fantasy!

Li Mo's words brought a touch of life to Fang Xu's declining face:

"Although it's not successful yet, at least it's not a failure!"

As he spoke, Fang Xu actually put his hand into his crotch, and several other male residents followed suit.

Li Mo looked puzzled. Although he knew that they could not be idiots and would not have the leisure to do that, he was still curious about what they were taking out.

“The soil would be frozen outdoors and the seeds would not germinate, so we placed the mud blocks close to our bodies!”

Li Mo saw that there was a little bit of green on the mud block in Fang Xu's hand.

The seeds did sprout!

"This can't last long, and it won't bear fruit!"

Fang Xu looked at the germ in his hand, the light in his eyes getting stronger and stronger.

"At least there's hope, isn't there?"

The neighbors behind him looked very embarrassed, but their spirits were still high!

Li Mo was silent again. To be honest, he was a little shocked now!

Is this human potential?

No matter how great the suffering is, it can't erase the hope in people's hearts!

"I wish you success!"

Li Mo said.


Fang Xu spoke sincerely and thanked Li Mo.

"What are your plans next?"

"Keep walking, get out of the confines of Tian Feng's shelter, and find a way to settle down!"

Li Mo thought for a while but did not express his thoughts.

Fang Xu is a very independent person. He has already made a decision, so it is best not to interfere.

"I'll give you some more help."

Li Mo took out more materials and crop seeds from the dimensional space and gave them to Fang Xu.

Afterwards, the two said goodbye,

Go away in a different direction!

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