Shang Zhen rushed to the window with his flower organ in hand.

Although the rain outside the house was less, it was still falling, but with the shelter of the house, at least the rain would not splash into the eyes, and at this moment, Shi Shangzhen saw that Old Mao Wang poked his head out from the opposite room .

Shang Zhen stretched his hand out of the window, pointed to Old Mao Wang to the left and nodded.

There is no doubt that the gunfire sounded from the left.

Shang Zhen pointed to his naked upper body again, and Old Mao Wang did the same.

"Whoever puts on his clothes, come and be vigilant!" Shang Zhen ordered.

That is to say, two minutes later, Mr. Wang ran over with his hat on top of the rain. After he discussed with Shang Zhen for a while, their team was divided into five groups and walked into the rain that had not stopped.

I have walked a lot of muddy roads in the wind and rain, and now I have to search in the rain and fight the Japanese army that may appear at any time. Is it hard? Of course it is hard work, but this is war, and life and death are the first priority.

Shang Zhen and his teams walked very slowly, because they searched house by house.

According to the previous gunshots and explosions, it can be judged that even if there are Japanese troops, the number will never be large, so anti-cold guns are the most important.

Twenty minutes later, Shang Zhen and his group hid behind a low wall and pointed their guns at the entrance of the alley ahead.

The rain has lightened and the sight has become clearer. At the entrance of the alley more than 50 meters away, there is a single two-story building.

And there were two corpses lying at the door of that small building, but both belonged to the Japanese army.

Shang Zhen turned his attention to the small building again. From here, he could see four windows. The windows were made of glass, but the glass had been broken, and there were still glass shards on it.

The situation in front of him is enough to explain some problems, and Shang Zhen began to imagine the situation he had never seen.

There were Chinese soldiers guarding the small building, shattering the glass with gun butts, and counterattacking the besieging Japanese army. I just don’t know how many Chinese soldiers are still in the building, and how many Japanese soldiers are surrounding the building?

Thinking of this, Shang Zhen waved his hand, and Hu Zi, who served as his messenger, leaned over.

"Come through the middle of the house and tell our groups to be especially careful with this bungalow on the second floor!" Shang Zhen ordered, Huzi responded and went to deliver the message.

There are a total of four houses away from the small building in front.

Shang Zhen thought about it on the spot. As he said before, the Japanese army should be in the house next to the small building. After all, they can shoot each other with the Chinese army.

And it was raining so heavily that it was impossible for the Japanese army to be on the roof.

Now that the rain is getting smaller, he now faces a choice, whether to attack the Japanese army in the rain, or wait for the rain to stop.

Shang Zhen's eyes stopped on the street again, the street here is made of stones, uneven.

However, because of the unevenness of the rocks, there was not much water on the road.

After thinking for a while, Shang Zhen decided to use the rain to directly attack the Japanese army.

He whispered a few words to the people behind him, and then they were divided into two groups, with a small dustpan behind him, and Ma Erhuzi with Wang Zhuang and Chu Tian in the other group.

The two groups were sticking to the houses on one side of the street, the one holding the gun was holding the gun, and the one holding the grenade was walking slowly towards the small building.

During the walk, Shang Zhen and the others were very careful not to put their feet in the puddle to prevent the Japanese army from being alarmed by the excessive sound of water.

And when they passed by the window, they simply walked with a low body, never letting their heads go over the low window sill.

It seems that this village is still very prosperous. After all, this is the Songhu area. Most of the windows of the houses facing the street are made of glass, and only a few of them are made of paper.

In the midst of tension, in the rushing rain, Shang Zhen and the others passed three houses, and the windows of the three houses were all intact.

Shang Zhen doesn't know if there are still people in these houses, or if they have already fled for refuge.

After moving slowly, Shang Zhen and they successfully passed three houses without any accident, and only the last one remained.

But at this time, Shang Zhen and the others naturally became more careful.

If there were Japanese soldiers, they must be in the fourth building, which is the house next to the small building in front.

In addition to the factors of the Japanese army, Shang Zhen also whispered a few words to the little dustpan. He was telling the little dustpan to pay attention to the building opposite.

There is no doubt that there must be Chinese soldiers in the opposite building, so don't let your own people accidentally injure you.

Shang Zhen finally got close to the fourth house, and he stopped at the Fangshan of the fourth house, and just when he was about to round the corner, he heard the voice of the Japanese army.

The voice of the Japanese soldiers was not loud, so Shang Zhen cautiously poked his head out of the room to look. Sure enough, there was no one in between the house and the small building. The Japanese soldiers must be inside the room.

Shang Zhen also saw that the door of this room was ajar, and the glass of the window was gone.

There is no doubt that the Japanese army shot at the small building in front of it at this position.

But then the problem came again, the house had four windows facing the small building, and there were only him and the little dustpan in their group.

At the same time, the house on the other side of the alley also had a few windows, and there were only Chu Tianwang Zhuangma Erhuzi on that side.

There were originally 6 people in their group, and one of them was sent away by Shang Zhen to deliver a message. Now they want to attack the Japanese army in the house, but the number is too small.

At this time, they needed the support of their partners, and naturally they could not inform others at this time, so Shang Zhen could only wait.

So at this moment, time seemed to stand still again, Shang Zhen stretched his neck and looked at the side of the house, and so did the horse and tiger.

They waited like this for five minutes, the rain was getting lighter, and at this moment Shang Zhen saw someone poking his head at the other end of the house, it was Old Mao Wang.

Shang Zhen pointed at the window of this house obliquely with his hand, and made four gestures again.

After Wang Laomao made a sign of receipt, Shang Zhen made the gesture of throwing bombs into the window again, Wang Laomao expressed acceptance again, so Shang Zhen waved his hand, and he took a small dustpan and started from the window. He walked around the corner of the wall, holding a grenade in his hand, leaning against the wall, and walked forward with a low body.

All battles undoubtedly require skill and physical strength.

At this time, Shang Zhen's little dustpan and Wang Laomao's money string were walking towards each other. They were both squatting on the ground, moving forward little by little. Even when they passed the first window, Shang Zhen directly Crawled over from the ground!

In order to prevent Shang Zhen from having an accident, the small dustpan has already hung the string of the grenade on the little finger. If a Japanese probe finds Shang Zhen, the small dustpan will throw the grenade into the window immediately!

Fortunately, maybe the Japanese army was just guarding against the sudden bullets from the small building opposite, and they should have been hiding by the side of the window, so they didn't notice that terrible evil star slipped by under their noses at this time.

Finally, Shang Zhen and Wang Laomao were all in place, and there was a person by a window.

But just when Shang Zhen was about to order an attack on the Japanese soldiers in the house, he first turned his head and glanced at the small building. At this moment, he was surprised to find that a human head protruded from a window of the small building.

There was no doubt that it was the face of a Chinese soldier.

And just when the Chinese soldier found out that there was a man of his own by the window of the Japanese army facing him, everyone heard a "pop" gunshot!

Instead, the Japanese soldier in the bungalow fired first, and the Japanese soldier who shot was in the window that Shang Zhen was looking at!

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