The War of Resistance

Chapter 431 Bloody Plum Blossom Town (3)

"What do you mean by first asking the old man where his vegetable cellar is?" Old Mao Wang, who was hiding behind the pigsty, asked Shang Zhen, looking at the Japanese soldiers who were only two hundred meters away.

"Guess." Shang Zhen smiled.

"I guess you think there is a Japanese girl in front of you, and then you have to throw her in the vegetable cellar for your own use!" Old Mao Wang replied angrily.

Old Mao Wang's answer was irrelevant, which made Shang Zhen smile again, and then he didn't answer, but said seriously: "Pass down, put these little devils within 30 meters and beat them."

As for Shang Zhen's order, everyone who heard him was shocked.

This time the Japanese devils came here really not many people, there were only about 20 in total, but Shang Zhen actually put the opponent within 30 meters to fight, this is not ordinary courage.

Of course, the number of the enemy and us is about the same, but the problem is to put the opponent within 30 meters to fight, this is really the first time.

Hearing what Shang Zhen said, Old Mao Wang was thoughtful, and then he said in a low voice: "I know what your plan is, kid, you want to kill these devils and throw all these guns into the vegetable cellar Go, keep it for the head's wife."

Shang Zhen turned his head to look at Old Mao Wang and smiled, obviously that's what he meant.

"Everyone hides well, don't show your head, just me and the little dustpan staring outside." Shang Zhen ordered again.

There are a total of four huts here, but there is always a hiding place.

Shang Zhen and Old Mao Wang hid in the adobe pigsty. He poked a hole in the adobe wall of the pigsty with a bayonet, but looked out from the hole.

But this time the little dustpan climbed onto the firewood stack.

Although it is said that the firewood stack cannot be used as a bunker, and a bullet can pass from one end to the other, but under the current conditions, it is impossible to dig a trench now, right?

And the little dustpan piled firewood in front of him, presumably the Japanese army would not be able to find them.

As for other people hiding anywhere, behind the courtyard wall or on the roof, they didn't poke their heads out anyway, so the Japanese army probably couldn't find them either.

And Erhanzi put his machine gun in the kohlrabi field!

Kohlrabi is also called Gadabai in the northeast and cabbage in the south.

The kohlrabi planted here is pretty good, that head is bigger than Erhanzi's head, and there is a fence in front of the kohlrabi field, presumably the Japanese army can't find him.

If the soldiers brought by Shang Zhen were not experienced veterans, Shang Zhen would never use such a method, but since they have all undergone special training, Shang Zhen has absolute trust in his partners.

Who cares that the Japanese imperialists have aircraft, artillery, tanks, and armored vehicles, at least in this small-scale ambush, they have an absolute advantage in firepower.

Originally, their current location was quite far from Meihua Town, but it seemed that the Japanese army wanted to encircle Meihua Town. When they saw how many families were here, they would only feel relieved after searching.

And these more than 20 Japanese soldiers came here to do this, but the Japanese soldiers never thought that the common people here have been driven away by Shang Zhen and the others, and replaced by more than 20 evil stars who demanded their lives!

The Japanese army is coming.

They vigilantly scanned the four courtyards in front of them with their rifles in their hands, but the guns in their hands were not raised, and the safety of the rifles was not even opened.

This is not careless.

Without a combat situation, who would load the bullet and keep shooting at any time, otherwise it might go off.

It's just that they didn't know that just behind the ridge, on top of the firewood stack, behind the courtyard wall, and inside the pigsty, there were Chinese soldiers who had already loaded their bullets, and they almost stood up and pulled the trigger.

In the end, when Shang Zhen shouted "Fight", there were twenty or so Chinese soldiers holding guns behind the mess in the rural courtyard.

"He he he he" "he he he he" the sound of short bursts of gunfire gathered together in an instant, and in the sound of gunfire, the more than 20 Japanese soldiers were all knocked down to the ground.

Of course, there was also the sound of machine gun fire in the sound of shooting from the flower mechanism.

Erhanzi turned the muzzle of the gun, and his bullet smashed the kohlrabi in front of him, and the crumbs of the vegetable even splashed on his face.

It was a surprise ambush.

The Japanese soldier who reacted the fastest only lay down and pulled the bolt, but he was shot twice in the back of the head. It was shot by the little dustpan. The little dustpan was condescending. on the pile.

"Fill the gun!" Shang Zhen shouted.

As soon as he stood up, he stepped on the adobe wall of the pigsty and jumped up, with fresh pig manure on his feet.

As soon as Shang Zhen charged, the others naturally followed.

And this is the advantage of automatic weapons, there is no need to reload, that is, just turn the muzzle of the gun slightly and pull the trigger, and the Japanese soldiers who were shot and still struggling on the ground would die immediately.

In less than a minute, the ambush was over, and at this moment, Old Mao Wang shouted: "Throw the devil's gun and bullet box into the vegetable cellar!"

Everyone rushed to pick up the rifles of the Japanese army on the ground, and at this moment, the little dustpan shouted: "That little devil is coming again, there are many people!"

As soon as the battle started on their end, the Japanese army heard it on the other end. How could they not send someone over.

At this time, Shang Zhen saw that Chu Tian was holding a grenade in his left hand and a box containing grenades in his right hand.

"Chutian, keep that little cannon, maybe we can use it!" Shang Zhen shouted.

Chu Tian hurriedly responded.

A minute later, Shang Zhen and the others ran directly to the southwest. This time, there were indeed quite a few Japanese soldiers coming. If they ran too slowly, their lives would be thrown here!

When Shang Zhen and the others ran, the Japanese army naturally wanted to pursue them.

At this time, on the city wall of Meihua Town, Lu Cao was using a telescope to observe the movement in the west. Of course, it was because he heard gunshots.

The Japanese army's attack on their side had temporarily stopped, so he heard the gunshots from the west on the wall of Plum Blossom Town quite clearly.

It's just that when he looked through the binoculars, he could only vaguely see someone running, but he couldn't figure out what was going on.

Is it possible that Shang Zhen’s boys have come back? Lu Cao thought to himself, and at this moment a soldier ran over and reported: “Regimental Commander, the division has called and ordered us to retreat at twelve o’clock in the middle of the night today! !"

"What?" Lu Cao was stunned, he opened his mouth wide in astonishment, he really wanted to shout to his signal soldiers, because he couldn't figure it out, but no matter how he couldn't figure it out, he was also the head of the regiment, could he and his own soldiers shout? ?

But after a while, Lu Cao finally burst out: "Why the hell are you retreating? Our regiment is the only one in the entire army to fight such a battle with the devils!

We have retreated, what about our brothers who have already died in battle? "

Amid Lu Cao's roar, all the soldiers, dead or alive, kept silent.

After a while, Lu Cao calmed down. He already understood why the entire army was about to retreat.

You know, it's not just the 53rd Army of the Northeast Army that is in Hebei now, but there are other troops as well.

It can be said that the defense is a front, isn't it that the other troops have already retreated?

"Get ready to retreat." Lu Cao finally ordered.

"Regimental Commander, then—what about these brothers who have died in battle?" At this time, one of his soldiers asked.

As for the soldier's question, Lu Cao's face became ugly again. How did he answer? He can't answer!

At this time, an officer under Lu Cao gave the fast-talking soldier a hard look, and the soldier didn't dare to say anything.

At this time, Lu Cao walked down from the wall.

Under the wall are really stacks of dead soldiers' bodies.

Just imagine, how high is a three-meter-high wall? Soldiers who were hit by bullets in the battle kept falling from the fence.

At the same time, seeing that the Japanese army was about to attack during the battle, the soldiers who were still alive could only fish (lào) the corpses of their companions directly from the city wall.

At that time, the soldiers below stepped on the corpses when they were in a hurry to transport ammunition or replenish troops.

However, at this time Lu Cao was going down the ramp, carefully avoiding those corpses.

Then, when he reached the ground, he turned and knelt down in full view of the soldiers.

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