The War of Resistance

Chapter 269 Far away quenches near thirst!

A Japanese soldier is squatting behind a large rock smoking a cigarette.

He covered the flame of the cigarette butt with his hand and greedily tasted the pungent smoke that entered his lungs.

Originally he was not supposed to smoke, but today he decided to make an exception.

The reason for the exception was that the team leader who was supposed to be in charge of him was shot to death by Chinese soldiers, and that team leader was his elder brother.

Although some of his companions scolded him just now, he still decided to smoke one to get rid of the grief caused by his loved ones.

But at this moment, he suddenly heard an explosion not far from him.

The explosion came so fast that he didn't have time to react. At the same time, he heard the screams of his companions and the "dang" and "dang" sounds of the explosive fragments of the grenade hitting the rocks!

After a very short period of blankness in his brain, he shouted "enemy attack", and then he shrank even lower, and at this moment, he didn't know where to throw the unburned cigarette butt .

At this time, he was full of remorse. After all, his smoking caused the attack of the Chinese army.

But when he realized this, he immediately realized that something was wrong!

The attack of the Chinese army is the sound of an explosion, not a gunshot!

What does this mean? This shows that Chinese soldiers have touched this hill!

Realizing this, he reached out to touch the gun, but at this moment, he heard another explosion!

Conscience of heaven and earth, although the explosion of the grenade was only an instant, but he can be sure that he did not hear the sound of the grenade when it landed!

And at this moment, he heard the screams of his companions and the explosion of grenades down the mountain!

At the same time, he heard a "clank" sound from the stone beside him. It was the stone being hit by fragments of the grenade.

At this point, he no longer cared about killing the enemy, he instinctively put his head in his hands behind the rock, just like a bird in the desert with its butt up and its head buried!

And at this moment, his fingers touched his forehead, and hot liquid flowed down. It was his blood!

Am I dead? He subconsciously reached out and touched it, and then he felt pain.

Oh, I'm only hurt, I'm not dead!

But at this time the third explosion happened, and this time because the explosion point of the grenade was too close to him, he couldn't hear anything clearly!

He seemed to see fragments of a grenade flying around like festive fireworks, but unfortunately, the fragments had already penetrated his body.

Then, he felt himself flying lightly, and he could look down on the whole hill.

But at this time, the darkness of the world could no longer block his eyes, and then he saw more of his companions fell on the top and bottom of the hill, and there were three other Chinese soldiers.

Am I dead? Is it my soul that flies up? Am I going to meet God Rizhao?

It's just that as soon as he thought about it, he felt a force dragging him down into the endless abyss. The world was destined to have nothing to do with him, and neither did Rizhao God, because Rizhao God couldn't control China!

Will anyone know the process of a person's death in the dark night? No one knows, because the ancestors of the Chinese people said, "If you don't know life, how can you know death?"

At this time, Shang Zhen was not the ghost of the Japanese soldier who was killed in the bombing. How could he figure out how his gang's grenade bombed the Japanese army in the dark?

After throwing the three grenades, he was already carefully retreating down the mountain.

And at this moment, he heard a "bang" sound from a distance.

At that sound, Shang Zhen subconsciously paused, he knew that it was the Japanese army firing flares again.

He paused for a moment because he subconsciously wanted to lie down, but then he thought, when did the Japanese flares hit this place? This is not the main battlefield.

It's just that Shang Zhen paused for a moment and then slowed down. Suddenly he felt his head light up, and when he instinctively looked up to the sky, he saw a "shooting star" exploding above his head. , Then it is like daylight between the heaven and the earth!

Although I didn't fire a shot from my end, how could the Japanese army not fire flares here after the grenade exploded again and again?

When Shang Zhen realized that he had made a mistake, he instinctively wanted to lie down, but before he fell down, he saw a black shadow flying past his scalp!

That's a grenade!

Shang Zhen instantly felt like his hairs were standing on end, and this time he didn't care that he was going downhill, so in a hurry, he rushed down and fell to the ground!

Really, at this moment, Shang Zhen, who has always been exhaustive, really panicked, how could he lie down like this? This is on the hillside!

But at this time, he really did it like a helpless child, his hands were pressed on a stone, and he forgot the pain, but his eyes were fixed on the falling grenade.

He heard a "dang", and the grenade hit a rock and bounced again.

No way? Could it be that this grenade exploded in mid-air like when he bombed the Japanese devils himself just now?

In his desperate eyes, he saw that the grenade disappeared after an arc after being fired. It fell down again, and it was naturally blocked by the rock it hit.

But at this moment, Shang Zhen heard a "boom", the grenade exploded!

Conscience of heaven and earth, Shang Zhen felt that he heard the sound of "dang" and "dang" when the fragments of the grenade hit the rock in the sound of the explosion. Fragments of the grenade!

Seeing that he was fine, Shang Zhen, who was already a little panicked, immediately became sensitive, and he rolled his hands to the side as soon as he pressed the ground.

And the moment he rolled away, he heard gunshots and the "dang" sound of bullets hitting the rock he had just pressed!

The old crisis has just passed, and the new crisis is coming!

Shang Zhen instinctively rolled his body behind a stone beside him.

It was only at this time that Shang Zhen realized that he had made a mistake, that he should not have come up from this hillside.

The hillside on this side is facing the mountain with the sentry of the 25th division.

It is naturally impossible for the Japanese army to know that their group came out from outside the mountain pass obliquely behind them, and their group was not exposed at all during the day.

Of course, it was the Japanese scout at the beginning who discovered them, but then those Japanese soldiers were silenced by the sentinel of the 25th Division and his group!

Since the Japanese army didn't know the existence of these people, how could they guard their backs?

And when I finished throwing the grenade, the Japanese soldiers who were still alive couldn't figure out where the enemy came from, so they instinctively thought that they came down from the opposite mountain!

But at this time the Japanese army fired another flare, so he was discovered!

A single thought in his mind was like lightning, and even though Shang Zhen understood it in a split second, his running for his life would naturally not stop.

At this time, Shang Zhen knew that his little life was probably going to be thrown here.

But even so, he managed to roll aside with all his strength.

However, his roll already has the meaning of being a dead horse and a living horse doctor.

And at this moment, Shang Zhen heard gunshots.

It's just that the moment he heard the gunshot, Shang Zhen was overjoyed. It happened that he had already rolled over at this moment, so he instinctively touched the cannon box on his waist.

Because he understood it, but the gunshot sounded from the opposite side!

Who said that far water can't quench near thirst, this is really a life-saving gunshot, the people above the checkpoint of the 25th Division are really good brothers!

Throwing a grenade on my own side attracted the flares of the Japanese army, but it also attracted the people on the opposite friendly checkpoint.

Now the little devil's flares are shining brightly like the sun in the sky. Although the mountain is about 400 meters away from here, they can always see the figures of the Japanese soldiers on the mountain!

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